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Your POV

I've had a long week. Everyday after school I helped pack up the tower to get ready for moving day which just happens to be on the night of homecoming. Dad said I could meet him at the 'Compound', as he calls it, after I've finished 'partying'. Im trying my hardest not to be mean to him everyday recently. Spider-Man is still gone and I don't think I can get him back. I would do anything to.. It's so lonely every night without him out there with me and helping me with all this. I'm glad my dream didn't come true but.. in the end it's about the same. I'll never see him again.

On top of all of that I had to deal with school. Remember that one girl everyone thought was gonna bully me? I found out a while ago and said it before but her name is Annabelle, and when she was around me she always tried to act buddy buddy but I realized real quickly that she's been using me. Today is Friday, the day before homecoming and I'm about to tell her something that I might regret because of the possible consequences. As in, I might be sent home for punching someone. I'll keep everything under wraps just until school is out because I still want to be allowed to go to homecoming. All week she's been stealing my homework and class work and guess who got in trouble for it yesterday for the second time this semester? Me. If she askes today I'll say something. I'm not playing her game anymore.. Ned was right. She's just pushing me around because she thinks I'm weak and easy. Well, I'm done now.

Right now I'm in forth period sitting next to Peter because we had a group project for this class. We haven't been bothered by Annabelle all day thankfully. I really don't want to be mean and stuff but I think my inner Stark wants to come out and beat the living hell out of her.

"So what'd she say?" I grinned cheek to cheek at Peter. I convinced him to ask his long time crush, Liz, to homecoming this week. And he did it. BUT HE HASNT TOLD ME THE ANSWER YET!
"She said yes.." he smiled but he doesn't look super happy about it. I think I'm more excited than him actually. Although inside.. I just really, really... want to be with him all the time and get attached and go on actual dates and actually date. I haven't ever had a real boyfriend.. Just those week long ones in middle school. I haven't 'dated' in almost a year now and it's pretty tough on me I guess.. I'm always so alone and empty even when I'm having the time of my life with these guys. There's so much I'm sad about but I have my new family and these friends. I just need to hold my head higher and escape to the clouds more often.
"Really? I told you!" I laughed looking down at our project on the computer.
"Yeah.." he chuckled looking at the computer. Does he not want to go with her?.. did I really hurt him at the carnival when I said those stupid words or does he not care?...
My head is screaming different things. Everything is about Peter these days to me, I can't get him off my mind, I don't understand it. Can someone please help me get these thoughts out? ..I won't get attached.. I just can't but I already am. B-But I won't try anything with him no matter how much it hurts! I won't put him through my messy life, I've already told him too many things. I need to focus on just being plain and friendly. Period.

"Hey Jasmine! Do you mind letting us barrow your layout for the-" Annabelle. I'm happy she broke off this sad silence but I guess it's time..
"Y-Yes." I stuttered but still sounded serious.
"Yes..?" She narrowed her eyes at me in shock and disgust. That look of hers, I just can't help but grin from seeing it.
"Yeah, sorry. Me and Peter have stuff to work on so..." I looked away then back at her and shrugged.
"Yeah, whatever" she scuffed walking away back to her seat.
As soon as she turned away I widened my eyes as far as I could and stared at Peter like, 'holy hell, I just- yo, I said that'.
He made an 'O' with his mouth which soon turned into a smile and continuous giggles from the both of us. We high fived each other under the table a bunch of times while trying to keep our giggles quiet.
"Jasmine, I can't believe it took you a whole week to tell her off" he whispered staring at the back of Annabelle's head.
"I just have more patiences than most people- but oh my gosh Pete" I giggled like a little girl and hid my head behind the laptop screen. He laughed at me as I did so. "But you know, there might be hell to pay at homecoming tomorrow, I can just feel it" I sighed sitting back up.
"We've got your back" he gave me a smile and a thumbs up.
"Thanks" I smiled fist bumping his thumbs up.

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