Back To The Tower

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"Ohh... do you mind helping me bring stuff back to the tower? I can't carry it all and swing too" she asked me.
"Yeah lets go do it now then" I told her. We went to her apartment and grabbed her suitcase from the field trip, her weirdly heavy blanket, and that teddy bear.


Peter's POV

I carried her little suit case and she carried the blanket over her shoulders then used a web to stick the ends together like a cape.
"Okay ready?" She smiled putting her foot on the windowsill.
"Lets go" i gave her a thumbs up then we both jumped out the window.
Watching her soar through the sky looking so happy after what just happed was great. I dont know how i helped cheer her up... but im glad it worked. I hate seeing her cry so much then pretend everything is fine when she's at school or anywhere else.
"Look! I got a cape!" She laughed posing with her hands on her hips and tried her best to look more like a superhero.
"I wanted one but Mr. Stark said superhero's dont wear them.." I laughed following after her. She was dancing in the sky with that teddy bear she got from the carnival today.
"It's okay, not everyone gets a cool cape!" She said with another cute little giggle. "Besides, I like your suit without one. It just wouldn't fit in that well" she smiled landing on the helicopter pad of the Avengers tower.
"Uh- Thanks?" I landed next to her.
"Okay hold on, look" she took off her blanket cape and walked closer to me. She threw the ends of the blanket on my shoulders then webbed them together.
"How about it?" I grinned putting my hands on my hips coping what she did earlier.
"Ehhhhhhh" she didn't look convinced..
"Fine" I sighed walking to the elevator with her giggling self. I didn't take off the blanket, I still want a cape...
"Thanks for helping me with this" she lowered her mask into her suit and smiled.
"Y-Yeah sure" that smile always made me mix up my thoughts and words.
She grabbed her suitcase and took it to her room then ran and dived onto the couch and I sat next to where she laid.
"So I found out homecoming is coming up for me. I've gotta go get a dress now.. My friend already got one but I'm still gonna make her come with me to get one anyway" she said with a grin then her mask started sliding over he face again.
"Really? I didn't know it was coming up so quickly.. are you gonna bring a date?" I asked leaning back in my seat. "You could always bring that guy you were talking about...?"

Your POV

"No.. I can't.... besides, even if I did want to have fun with a guy for a night it couldn't be with him.." I laughed a bit thinking about Liz and felt a ping a my heart. Ned said Peter has always had a crush on her. I bet she likes him back, maybe I'll talk to her about it..
"W-Why couldn't it?" He asked turning his head down to see me. I put on my mask earlier just so he wouldn't have to see my broken ugly little face when I talked about this stuff...
"Well uh.. I'm friends with his best friend and he told me that he has a super huge crush on this... really pretty popular girl that gave me a really pretty swimsuit at that pool party.." I muttered. "Oh by the way, why were you there?" I need to change the subject fast.
"I-I heard the music on patrol" he stuttered. You lier.
"Oh okay.." i said sarcastically and rolled my eyes unconvinced.
"What, I did!" He laughed, "It looked fun, I wish I could have joined"
"I mean you could have but maybe not in the suit. You probably wouldn't be left alone if you were in it- OH!" I shouted at the end getting an idea. It seemed to scare him on accident. "For some reason I had this thought earlier of, 'what would Spider-Man look like in my suit?'. It sounds weird but then I wondered if it could grow. I mean, it already shrinks when I put it on so I don't know" I shrugged with a laugh. He laughed back nervously..
"That would not look very good..." he muttered turning his head away.
I giggled and got up, "I guess you're right" I walked to the kitchen for a snack. In the fridge was some summer sausage and crackers and cheese all in this little box and it's the best snack anyone can ask for honestly. He got up and followed me in here then we jumped onto the counters and ate while talking about random stuff but it somehow came back to the idea of us switching suits.
"What are you talking about? Mine would be huge on you!" Spidey exclaimed while helping me on our own personal huge hammock while still eating more snacks. He pulled up his mask a little and stole some cheese and crackers.
"But don't they shrink? The question is... will it grow?" I grinned. When he saw my grin his smile faded into a frown.
"No, no, no. We're not trying that idea" he shook his head.
I giggled maniacally nodding my head yes.
"No" he said sternky.
"........" I tilted my head a little and poked out my bottom lip.
"Nm- Okay fine but I'm keeping my own mask on" he gave in dropping his head in defeat.
"That's probably a good idea" I laughed happily running to my room. I shut the door and changed into a random long t shirt and shorts then rushed out and gave him my suit.
"I hate this so much..." he whispered taking it and walked into the bathroom. After a little while I heard the door unlock but didn't open. "It worked." He muttered with a heavy sigh.
"What, really?" I walked to the door surprised. "Are ya gonna come out?" I tried keeping my giggles short.
"No, I don't wanna. Did Mr. Stark put a bra in here?" He asked. My eyes widen. I opened the door to see him poking at the fabric on his chest. It honestly looks so badass on him though.
"Whoa..." I mumbled looking him up and down. "Just-" I pressed the spider on his chest and it made the bumps go away. "Awe seriously? It looks better on you than me!" I shouted stomping way to the couch to pout. He walked out laughing and put his suit next to me.
"You're turn" he chuckled.
"I can't, I'm too mad right now.." I crossed my arms.
"What? That's unfair!" He shouted out and stomped his foot like a little kid.
"...Fine!" I yelled grabbing the suit then ran into the bathroom instead of my bedroom for some unknown reason. I just wasn't using my head, okay?
His suit was pretty big on me in some areas but in others they were too small... like in the breast and hip departments. After I pulled it up I pressed the little spider on the front which made it grow and shrink to fit my body.
"Holy shit" I muttered looking into the mirror and accidentally had a fan girl moment. 'Whoa this is Spider-Man's suit, oh my god I'm wearing a superheroes suit, what am I doing? Oh my god, he's wearing my suit... OH MY GOD IM A SUPER HERO.... OH MY GOD WE'RE BOTH WEARING THONGS!' I immediately busted out with laughter as soon as I remembered that. Ew, but that's still hilarious.

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