Bad Memories

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When being talked to by anyone other than the people who know your real name you'll still be referred to as 'Jasmine'.

Your POV

"Just in time.." I whispered proud of myself arriving in front of Peter's door.
"Oh! Hey Jasmine!" Ned called from the elevator and walked over to me.
"Hey Ned!" I smiled then knocked on the door as he got closer.
"Dang what happened to you over night? That's one extreme glow up!" He asked looking at how big I grew with a sigh then finally noticed the leg. "Whoa-! Where'd you get that? I want one, it looks badass!" He shouted then the door opened. This is exactly what Delilah said earlier-
"I told you." Delilah said so quietly that only I could hear. I got a grin on my face then turned to be face to face with Peter who.. Wouldn't stop staring either. When he finally realized it he kinda just looked to Ned then stepped back and opened the door wide for us.
I looked at Ned confused but he just kinda gave me a grin and pushed me inside the apartment.
I heard momma May gasp super loud from the kitchen. "Jasmine! Is that really you?!" She shouted hurting my ears. I whined but didn't make it too obvious I think.

3rd POV

May just took out a tray of slightly burnt cookies from the oven and set them on top of an oven mit then looked over to the people she and Peter were expecting tonight. What she wasn't expecting was Y/n who grew almost 4 inches over night in height, no to mention her hips, waistline, and bust...
May gasped in surprise and threw off her oven mits. "Jasmine! Is that really you?!" She yelled in shock making Y/n whence in pain from the sudden loudness of May's voice. Peter noticed her pain and felt bad that she had to deal with these new powers.
"Yeah, it's me alright," she laughed like normal and stood there awkwardly with her fingers interlocked behind her back.
"I don't believe it," May quickly walked over and grabbed Y/n's face. "Puberty hit you with a bus, didn't it?" She said out loud which made everyone in the room feel embarrassed.
'Okay first of all, momma! I already hit puberty and it sucked- Second! IT'S BECAUSE IM FREAKIN MAGIC!' Y/n screamed in her head embarrassed.
"Is it getting hot in here?" Ned asked and looked around.
'SHOOT! GET IT UNDER CONTROL!' Y/n thought trying to calm herself down. Every time she got embarrassed her fire would react and turn up the heat.
"It's just because the oven has been on all day" May said and went to turn it off because she forgot to earlier.
'Oh god, I hope my clothes don't burn!'
"Activating cooling system" Delilah said then Y/n felt her leg blow the arctic up her skirt. She shivered at the sudden chill and looked around nervously.
Peter had been staring at her the whole time unknowingly so Ned elbowed him in the stomach and whispered, "Dude, get ahold of yourself".
'What? Was that to me? -No that was to Peter. Wait, what's wrong with them?' Y/n wondered then looked over at them. Peter gave her an awkward smile then made an excuse up to go talk to Ned somewhere else.
"Hey uh- Ned can you come help me with this thing?" He asked awkwardly. Ned was confused for a second but quickly understood.
"Oh- Yeah! I'll go help you get that thing!" Ned replied then they both walked out to the hall.
Peter turned to Ned angrily and whispered, "Dude! Did you forget the part where she has super hearing?!" He whisper shouted, "She can hear everything!" He whispered even softer.

Meanwhile back in the apartment.

"Deactivating cooling system"
"Momma, why do they keep whispering stuff? I'm right here! You saw that to didn't you?" Y/n asked frantically and stomped over to May in the kitchen.
May handed her one of the cookies that weren't so badly burnt and said, "They're teenage boys, no one understands it. I think you just made them nervous because you've gotten even prettier," she laugh eating a cookie too.
"I didn't get pretty at all! I'm still just this kid trapped in a body that no teenage girl should have!" Y/n shouted in embarrassment and rubbed her head in confusion.
"Well, I think you look pretty and I'm positive those boys do too. You're gonna have a tough time holding off all those boys at school now," May smiled then finally noticed her leg and dropped her cookie.
"What the fu-?!" She was about to yell the F word until the boys walked back in with wide eyes.
'Oh no-'

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