Day and Night Together

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Your POV

"Jasmine!.. Jasmine!"

Who's that? Who's calling my name? Maybe I'm imagining it.. No one came to get-
I began to wonder but was stopped half way by a bear hug from someone. This person squeezed me from behind making me freeze in fear.
"Jasmine! I was so worried when i saw you and Peter on TV-"
May.. that's May's voice!
I turned around to see her watering eyes stare back at mine.
Why would she cry for me? People dont cry for other people until they're dead so why is May so sad? I dont think my dads would cry for me like this probably because they know i have powers now!
"Why are you crying?" I asked blankly with half open eyes.
"What do you mean 'why am I crying?' I thought you were all gonna die!" She screamed grabbing me and pulling me in for another hug.
"Oh.. I'm sorry, May. But look I came back," I smiled with a yawn.
"I'm glad you both are safe" She smiled pulling Peter into the hug as well.

3rd POV

"Come on, lets go home. I dont want you sleeping alone tonight Jasmine, so you're gonna have another sleepover" may said pushing the two of tur sleepy teens to the car with all their stuff from the trip.
"Sure.." Y/n agreed blindly shoving her suit case in the trunk but kept her blanket with her in the backseat.
"Oh you poor guys are so tired.. im so sorry you had to go through all that" May said after closing the trunk with everyones stuff in it then hopped in the front seat and looked back to see Peter and Y/n were sharing her blanket and leaning against each other for comfort while sleeping in the back seat. "I cant believe their not dating yet" May mumbled to herself shaking her head then drove them home.
It took them a long time to climb the stairs into their apartment building then walk into the elevator which took forever to go up so they fell asleep on each other again then slowly walked out to May and Peter's apartment and finally get in.
"Where do you-" May was going to ask about sleeping arrangements but they had already fallen asleep next to each other again. "You two are heavy sleepers!.." she whispered then pulled the two of them to the middle of the couch. Y/n dropped her heavy blanket at the door so as soon as the two of them got settled on the couch May carefully laid the blanket over them with a smile. "One day you'll realize how to love but for now... Just keep being clumsy teens" she whispered kissing the both of them on the forehead before going to her room for the night.
As the time rolled by the two of them got more and more comfortable with each others warmth. Y/n loved the way he smelled, it's always like something she'd want to stick around for the rest of her life. And Peter couldnt get enough of her rosey scent and beautiful smiles.
Peter became unbalanced and fell on his side which led to Jasmine falling right on top of him but they were comfortable with each others bodys and weight.
The next morning, the two sleepy teenagers woke up to the bright afternoon sun being shined on their faces all thanks to May. She let them sleep in till 1 pm thinking that was long enough.
"Get up, you're wasting your Sunday away!" She yelled startling them.
"No, May..." Peter groaned covering his eyes with the crook of his arm.
"Stop...." Y/n whispered covering herself up with more of the heavy blanket.
"You two got cozy.." May giggled looking at how the shifted from last night. Y/n's face was now flat against the middle of Peters back and she was laying on top of him.
Her eyes popped wide open when she realized what May meant.
"I-I-I'm sorry!" She stuttered falling off the couch then hit her head on the floor. "Ow!.." she mumbled and put her hand on where she hit. Peter immediately got up from where he laid and helped her up.
"Are you okay?" He asked worried looking at the back of her head then put his hand on that spot.
"Y-Yeah, im alright.." Y/n blushed bright and accidentally started heating the room but she had it under control this time.
"Are you sure? Ill get some ice!" Peter said groggily and rubbed his eyes before getting an ice pack from the freezer and wrapping it in a little towel. "Here," he said placing it where she bumped her head.
"Thanks..." she muttered letting her eyes droop again from being so tired. Y/n sat back on the couch holding the ice on her head and tried her hardest not to fall back asleep.
"Guys, it's already 1 pm! Dont you two have something to do today?" May asked putting her hands on her hips.
"No... i was supposed to be in DC so i have today and tomorrow to do nothing because im excused from school..." she mumbled closing her eyes all the way.
Peter sat next to her with tired eyes. "Me too.." he muttered letting his eyes close too then took over Y/n's blanket.
"Jeez.. you two are gonna be wide awake tonight.." May sighed leaving them to sleep some more. "You're not even hungry?" She grinned before leaving and hoping that'd wake them up.. but to no avail. She left with a sigh back to her room to read a book.
After only 30 minutes they woke up angry they couldnt sleep any longer.
"I cant sleeeeep!" Y/n groaned trying not move around from her comfy spot next to Peter.
"Me too.." Peter sighed sitting up.
"Dang it... good morning i guess." She sighed sitting up as well. "I dont remember us going with May last night.." She rubbed her eyes trying to remember last nights foggy events. "I thought i went back to my place?" She wondered trying to think.
"We were too tired to think last night, didnt we get in at... Early?" Peter asked with a yawn and messed up his hair some more.
"Just early?" Y/n giggled combing through her messy hair.

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