Birthday Presents..

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Your POV

I made it half way home till I had to start swinging. Spidey asked me what I was doing when I flew past him and I told in I forgot to pack for my trip...
I made it back to my apartment and climbed through the window. I packed two weeks of clothes and a new swim suit I had to buy a while ago cuz I grew out of my other one. I also packed my weighted blanket and tiny pillow because everyone needs one of those on adventures. Oh! Also I grabbed my headphones, charger, portable charger, and my bathroom stuff like tooth brush, deodorant, perfume, hair brush, and a few other things. I also didn't forget about Juliet. She can't come with me on the trip but I have a feeling one of the Avengers won't mind taking care of her. She's a little ball of energy anyway so I bet Thor will have the time of his life with her.
I have everything packed now. I have extra food for Juliet and her bowls, bed and little blanket. I have to stick her in this bag to swing though..
"Need any help?" Dad walked through the front door.
"DAD! I, u-um... i thought you were on a business trip again?" He scared me. My tingle- it went off, i don't know why I ignored it.
"I'm leaving tomorrow morning before you get on that plane." He smiled walking over to me. I took down my mask and smiled then hugged him. "Happy told me what happened. Me and your dad were waiting to see you in this one day but.. you know" he let me go and looked at my suit.
"It's amazing, and he even made me a new leg. Also, I accidentally melted the other one again" I laughed. Spidey tingle- SENSE! God damn it, I give up. It's a tingle. "Hold on" I said and walked back over to my open window with my mask up.
"Were you following me?" I shouted out the window.
"I thought you might want help!" He exclaimed handing upside down right in front of me.
"Perhaps. Come in" I laughed to myself, "This is- wait I forgot you already met.." I mumbled almost introducing my uncle to Spider-Man.
"Yep." Uncle popped the 'p'. Spidey climbed through the window and walked over to us.
"Nice to see you again, Mr. Moon" he said.
Dad- uncle wasn't impressed, "Do you still hate superheroes?" I asked picking up Juliet and stuffing her in the bag with a little blanket inside.
"What's wrong with that?" He crossed his arms.
"Oh I don't know... Maybe just that your niece is a superhero-" I rolled my eyes and handed Spider-Man my suitcase.
"You dont count, you're still to young to-"
"Oh yeah! I'm on the news because I went to the blip displacement fundraiser-" I shouted walking to the window with Juliet in one bag and her stuff in another.
"Too young-!"
"I'm famous!" I yelled swinging out the window being careful with Juliet who immediately stuck her little head out the bag.
"I didn't know you had a dog!" Spidey yelled over to me as Delilah activated my EP.
"I got her two days ago as a birthday present! I turned 16 today!" I shouted back to him as we flew over the city.
"I didn't know your birthday was today!" He yelled.
"It is! And I didn't even get a cake but Mr. Delmar gave me two free popsicles!" I laughed swinging closer next to him.
He laughed, "don't worry, I think it's already covered" he told me
"What?" It's covered??
He slapped his mouth then swung farther away in front of me. "Hey wait! What do you mean by that?!" I screamed following him. We reached the compound in no time but when we got there all the lights on the inside were turned off.
"Why is everyone hiding?" I asked looking at a couple people. My Spidey tingle alerted me something was there and my eyes are so strong now that I can see all of them hiding behind stuff.
"SURPRISE!!" they yelled at the same time as all the lights came on. They all popped some confetti canons which made a huge mess on the floor but everyone was here. Even somehow uncle got here before we did!
Thank god Delilah activated EP earlier.
"W-Wow" I muttered clearing my mask from my face. "You guys knew it was my birthday?" I smiled looking around at all of them. Happy was holding a big cake and everyone else had presents in their hands even Spidey grabbed one from behind the front desk.
"Pepper and Happy reminded us" Wanda smiled.
"And all the Avengers are here now too..." I looked around seeing new faces. Black panther, Clint, Scott- everyone is here. And a little girl-? "Who's that?" I wondered.
"Your step sister.." Spider-Man whispered leaning over to me.
"M-My what?" My mouth got dry as I stared at her.. she does look a lot like dad.
"Mhm" pepper hummed looking down at her.
"Oh.." I breathed walking over to her with Juliet still sticking out of the bag. "I'm Y/n" I smiled taking a knee on the ground holding out my hand for her to shake.
"I'm Morgan" she said shyly as she shook my hand while staring at Juliet. I think she likes dogs.
"I have a puppy but since we're sisters she's yours too" I put down the bag, "Her name is Juliet" I smiled taking Juliet out of the bag and handed her to Morgan. Morgan's big eyes lit up. Now that I see her I really can see dad's features. The dark hair, her eyes- and I can see some of me in her too... she's a gorgeous little girl.
"She's so cute!" Morgan exclaimed jumping up and down.
"Yep, she's ours now too" I laughed a bit then stood back up.
"That's your big sister" Pepper told Morgan pointing to me with a big smile.
"I like her!" She yelled hugging me with Juliet being choked in her arms.
"I like you too" I smiled picking the both of them.
"LETS EAT!" Thor yelled. Ha! I was ready for that! Dad gave me some kind of ear pieces that block out the noise!
"Why are you wearing these?" Morgan started poking at the one in my left ear.
"Because I have super hearing which means everyone sounds really loud to me-" I eyed Thor, "I have to wear these so my ears won't get hurt" I told her and set her back down then took Juliet back but she immediately jumped out of my arms and went to play with everyone.
"Presents second, food first" Pepper smiled walking to the hang out spot in the living room where tons of decorations were.
"We should take a picture!" I laughed putting up my mask. They made this a superhero themed birthday so everyone was in uniform.
"Alright everyone squeeze in!" Happy yelled holding up the camera. The tall people were in the back and I stood in the middle front with Spidey, Morgan, Pepper, and Juliet who was being held by Morgan.
"Happy come join with us" I told him waving him over.
"W-What really?" He stuttered surprised.
"Uh- Duh" I laughed making a stupid face under my mask.
"Just like your father.." Pepper sighed with a little laugh at the end. Happy set the phone to timer then joined in on the side.
"Thank you, guys" I smiled under my mask while swinging my arms around Spidey and putting my other hand on Morgan's little shoulder.

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