"Is everything alright?" She asked him.

"Yeah... it is." He said pretending he was watching his car, waiting for his eyes to go back to normal. "How do you feel?" James asked then. She looked at a distant point and said nothing. "It's ok if you don't want to answer. I am sorry."

"No..." She said looking in his eyes, remembering Tony asking her to trust people, and the person in front of her was James. Her James. He was the one she had to trust the most.

"I feel alright. I feel weird..." She corrected then. It was the first time she was admitting it to someone other than her doctor how she truly felt. "It's weird to be back on the streets again. It's weird to talk to people... I am sorry if I sound awkward at times. I don't know how to explain it... I think I am just afraid to go back to that darkness, where I couldn't see bright in anything. Other than that, my head is fine. I am living one day at a time, like I was taught how to do. I owe a lot to the people who treated me these three months. And you, how are you?"

"Living one day at a time as well, just like you." He told her.

"I've heard the tour was a success." She said changing the subject.

"It was insane." He explained. "But it was awesome as well, maybe not so awesome to me..." There he looked at her and he saw her eyes sunk in sadness. "I'm sorry Rafi... I shouldn't..."

"I think I need to go home now." She told him and James got up.

"Let's go then." Though he wanted to stay with her longer, he thought it was better not to push it, she even said it herself that everything was just too weird for her and he wanted her to feel comfortable around him.

It didn't take long until he parked in front of her house. The moment he stopped, they stared at each other silently. Again, not knowing what to say.

"Well, thank you again." Rafaela finally spoke.

"It was nice to see you again." James told her.

"You too." With that she opened the door and got out of the car.

James clutched his hands onto the steering wheel and then in a rampant he opened his door and got out too. "Rafi?" He called her name, making her come to halt and look back. "I'm going to a car's show tomorrow, maybe you'd like to come? I mean... with me..." He stuttered a bit in the end.

"A car's show?" She said surprised.

"I like cars, it's my new hobby. It's downtown and it's old classics. I think you're gonna like it, if you don't have anything to do."

"What time?" She asked.

"After lunch." He said.

She shook her head and his heart sunk in sadness. "I can't. I have a meeting with my doctor at that time and I can't miss my meetings." Rafaela told him.

He wanted her company. He wanted to be with her, and her meeting was important, so he remade his invitation. "What time are you free?" He asked.

"Around four."

"Then I can come to pick you up around that time. I don't mind..." He shoved his hands nervously in the pockets of his jeans waiting for her answer. His heart racing expectantly.

"Ok." She finally agreed. "Goodnight." She smiled and he smiled back.

"Night." He answered still with a smile on his face and that had been the happiest he had felt in last three months.

She came back to bed smiling, happy she had talked to him and that she was going to see him again. James, on the other hand was fighting the urge to text her a sweet message before going to sleep. He fought it with all strength he had but he knew now for real he had to go slow, take baby steps, be patient, something he knew he was not but caught himself all willing to be. Knowing he didn't want to be alone in that bed of his, he closed his eyes praying one day she'd be by his side again. That night he was all ready to fight for it.

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