Book Two is Coming To An End

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Hello all my lovely readers!

Book two is officially coming to a close, the last two chapters are finished and up on my Patreon, book threes chapters are already in production. If you want to read the last two chapters before anyone else come and join my patreon

a $5 or $10 dollar tier is all it takes, (make sure you choose a writing corner tier) and this comes with some extra prizes

If you join my patreon before next Friday you will get some special rewards. For either writing tier you will get book threes first two chapters, your name/username addd to the dedications of those chapters, you get a character of your choosing added to the novel (thats right you get to create a character) and you can help me name Valery's baby. More perks to come if it is applicable.

But i did want to say thank you to those who have been so supportive of my writing journey here on Wattpad! My one and only patron since the beginning of my patreon journey  , my boyfriend who is always there for me, and all of you readers, and commenters. Those comments always give me reason to write the next chapters so please keep them coming.

Predictions on how book two will end ::

Will you or would you consider joining my Patreon?

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What would you like to see in book three?

What do you think the title of book three will be? 

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