Chapter 20: I am

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Alex smiled as she waited for him to wake up, she was pacing every minute or so she would hear him make a noise but he hardly moved. She huffed as she sat down cross legged, holding her chin in her hand.

Asher rolled over and Alex smiled as she saw his eyes flutter. His left leg was tied to bed, he shot up in panic and she smiled. "Hi, you know it was rude earlier."

He scoffed. "Rude? You what are yo-." He let out a scoff. "You kidnapped me!" He screamed back at her. "You are not my wife! I am not your husband!"

"You are my husband!" Alex yelled back. "I am your wife!" He tried to yank his foot from the chain which only left him whimpering. He brought a pillow over his face, he was devastated. His entire world was crumbling, he was going to go home and see his family. He was going to do everything he could to get home, she ripped the pillow from his hands and he grabbed her wrist. She slapped him and pulled away.

"You are my husband." She said again.

He shook his head anger and fear fueling him. He hadn't looked around the room, he noticed skulls and knives around the shelves. He sat back against the bed realizing something more then being kidnapped was going on. She smiled seeing the color drained from his face.

"You are so handsome," she said with a smile as she grabbed some handcuffs. He fought against her but she quickly had them on his wrist. She kissed him quickly and he tried to fight against her.

"Stop it please stop it!" He begged. She kissed him again, and again, he snarled and attempted to bite her. She snapped and pressed him against the bed board.

"Attack me again, and I will cut you." Alex snarled. He scowled for a moment realizing that she was vicious, much worse then he had ever expected.

"What are you?" He cried as she kissed his neck.

"I am your wife." She said with a smile. "And you are my husband."

He shook his head, her nails ran down his left arm, not enough to leave marks but it made his skin crawl. She was mental. He almost wished he had died. "No."

"Yes I am." She said. "You are stubborn," She whispered as she looked him over, "really really stubborn."

He frowned as she kissed him again and again until a knock on her door startled them both. "Breakfast!" Harlee called. Asher thought for a moment realizing that there was a problem with the situation. They said breakfast, he had slept throughout the entire day. She smiled and soon there was a collar around his neck, she smirked again and licked his face as she put on the leash. She untied the rope from his leg and pulled him down towards the kitchen. He fought against her but she managed to get him down the stairs with little trouble.

"How is he doing honey."

"Well, handcuffs are needed. But good."

"That is wonderful."

Valery watched him with question, she hadn't met him yet. "Valery honey, this is your knew brother in-law Asher." Asher shook, opening his mouth to protest but Alex placed some vegetables in his open mouth first. He almost spit them out but Alex snarled and he continued to eat. She was concerned about how he ended up here. She and him looked to one another and a small spark seemed to go light between the two of them.

Max knocked on the door and the rest of them got up quickly assuming it was someone else. Valery however made her way towards Asher. "I am going to get you out of here I promise." He couldn't help but smile, and then saw the bump. She was obviously pregnant. 

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