Chpt 29: Moving into the Future

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One more chapter to go yall! Then book three! Hopefully you have enjoyed this! Please leave your comments on how it was for you readers, what you liked, what you want to see more of in book 3 etc! Love you all - Dawn 

"Come on Asher a few more bags to pack alright." Alex said. The twins and Carter were headed off to start a new homestead with their families. It was something the family was trying to do, grow the family, and one way to do that was to grow in size. "All I need is like this much more packed." Alex said to Asher again kissing his forehead as she showed him the corner of the room with the shelf full of random objects. He shuttered as he grabbed skulls off the top.

As he held one in his hand his lip quivered, he closed his eyes and the face of the women he had killed danced in his vision. He dropped the skull, it clattered to the floor cracking. Alex turned around quickly.

"What happened?" Alex asked as Asher dropped to the floor attempting to pick up the pieces.

"I am so sorry.. I.. I dropped it. I didn't mean to."

"Asher whats wrong?" She asked as she sat beside him. He was shaking, his hands couldn't sit still. Alex took his hands in hers. "Asher stop shaking."

"I...I didn't mean to drop it."

"Shh shh. Calm down love." Alex said kissing his lip, forehead, and hands.

"It happens, okay, that happened. You dropped it, it isn't a problem." He nodded, his lips continued to tremble as he picked up the rest of skull. He was petrified of this place and the people. Tears rolled down his eyes as he packed the last of the stuff into the boxes. He didn't know where they were going, where they could go that he could escape from. Valery was due anytime now, he couldn't make her run. He couldn't force that upon her.

Alex noticed the tears but didn't ask about them at this point. Star however did. "Why are you crying?"

"What?" Asher asked.

"You look like you were crying." Star said as she climbed onto his shoulders. He held her wrists to keep her close to him, she peaked around to inspect his eyes. "You cried." She said again, she trailed her finger down his left cheek. He shivered at the touch.

"I just.. we are leaving so quickly." He said back to her, it was a lie, and she felt she could tell but he was an adult and as she was instructed by her new mom and dad. Trust the adults in the family. He let her down and followed Alex to the van. Valery and the Alex sat in the back, Carter drove, Asher sat in the passenger seat, Harlee, Kayla, and Star drove a truck filled with boxes. At this point it had been four weeks since Carter and Asher had their 'talk.' Alex and Carter both believed he was converted to their ways now.

Stopping at a gas station Asher wanted to take their chances, however Alex didn't leave the car like he had hoped. Alex smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek. He accepted the kiss and looked to Valery. She smiled and nodded to him, she had an idea in her mind and he wanted to know what it was. He wanted to hear what she had to say.

It felt like hours, which it had been, by the time they made it to their new home. It was deep in the forest, you had to take multiple odd turns to find the clearing with three furnished homes and two homes that could be made into homes for future members of their family. There was also a barn.

Asher and Valery were instructed to keep one another company in the car. Valery can't lift anything and Alex felt Asher wasn't up to it. "Keys." Valery whispered. Asher looked to her with question, she pointed towards the wheel. The keys dangled in front of him.

"Should we?"

"Now or never." Valery replied back with a smile.

He nodded, Carter and Alex began to walk back to the car to grab another box and suitcase and then they headed back to their respective houses. Alex was excited to begin a new life with Asher. "Now Asher now!" Valery said lifting her voice a bit. He nodded and quickly jumped seats and started up the van. Star watched from her seat and went to tell uncle Carter when Asher began to pull out from the homestead. Hearing the sound of a running car both Alex and Carter began to run out towards them. Asher hit the gas and they drove even quicker down the mountain. "Did you watch what paths we took on the way up?" Valery asked breathing quickly as they took each turn causing her stomach to turn. The baby kicked and moved as they drove.

Valery had felt pains all day but didn't think anything of it, however her anxiety was at its highest and the elevation wasn't doing anything for her either. She was almost at full term as well. That was when Valery felt something happen.

Her water had broke.

"Hospital, we need a hospital!" Valery shouted.

"What! Why!"


"Oh shit..." Asher looked out his review mirror to see Carter still running after them. "Uh... we..we passed one on the way here i dont know how far away it is though."

"Just get there Asher!" She screamed. He nodded driving as quickly as he could to get down the mountain and to a hospital.

They had done it, they had made it free. If Carter ever found them he felt he would be dead. Valery continued to scream trying her best not to have the baby in the back seat of a van. "Asher please..please hurry!"

Asher nodded and began to increase their speed, he could no longer see Carter in the mirror. "What are we going to tell the hospital staff? The police?"

"The truth, the entire truth."

"Alright. We can do that."

"What about us?"


"I need.. I need something to talk about." She said as she took in some deep breaths trying to stop from focusing only on the baby.

"We..we can live with my family, and we can...we can try and start a relationship." Asher replied thinking about what they had gone through. No one would understand, no one could relate. "We can help each other get through this, and that baby..that baby needs a real father."

"How close are we to the.. to the hospital?" She asked screaming.

"So close."

"Please hurry!" Valery screamed as Asher took another turn. He wanted to leave the past behind him. He knew he would have the scars from his kidnapping for the rest of his life. Alex's name was etched into his back, he had knife wounds, bruises and the memory of killing that women would never leave him.

He wouldn't let them win, he wouldn't let them take away his freedom. They would bring Valery's baby up the right way, he would never let them take away the future for him, Valery, and her child.

They pulled into the parking lot, he ran to find a nurse and the last thing he saw was Valery being carted away on a gurney as doctors and nurses shouted at one another.

He prayed Carter wouldn't find them, he needed them to not find them.

"What happened to you?" A nurse asked seeing a few bruises and the X in his arm.

"Are you ready to listen to a story?"

"I would like to, and that women you came with your wife?"

"No, another victim."


"We should call the police. My name is Asher Wellinger, I have been missing for at least two months. I was kidnapped, raped, beaten, forced to kill someone and eat human meat." The nurse nearly toppled over in shock as he began to speak to her, he turned around pulling up his shirt revealing Alex's name written on his back. "Her name is Valery, she too was abused, raped, kidnapped, forced to kill and eat human meat. That baby is her rapists child, I can't tell you what state I am even in right now, but what I can tell you is we need help. I need to see my family, and I am going to help raise that baby."

Within five minutes the police were in the hospital questioning Asher, he was allowed to be in the room with Valery for a while, and soon a healthy baby was born. The police wanted to keep the story quiet, they took everything from the van into custody to learn what they could and what they found was horrific. Some of the suit cases were still filled with Alex and Carters human bone collection. Anika's diary was in Valery's bag and they learned that this was a generational thing. They still had no information about where to look, or even how far they had driven, but they new the van was registered as missing, and the people who had once owned it were also missing.

The police search for the family was only beginning, and Carter wasn't going to rest until he found his wife, child, and his sisters husband. 

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