Chapter Thirteen :: Teach a Lesson

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Wanted to thank my Patron TrustSerenity again for being my Patron she helped inspire this chapter and gave plenty of ideas in this chapter, if you want to help me write chapters, and get accsess to chapters before hand you should come check out the Patreon! $5 dollars a month and you can get access to chapters before anyone else, you get at least one free request and you get to help me out with anything I ask yall. So if you want to check it out please do!

Thanks again!


Harlee walked down the stairs with Kayla trailing behind him. She was inspecting every inch or the house, her eyes intently exploring the house she had found herself in. Kayla bumped into the back of Harlee, he was not moving just staring straight ahead at his father.

"Father, Kayla is my girlfriend now and you are just going to have to deal with that."

Jace looked up at his son honestly surprised that he would talk to him like that, the idea that his son was becoming an adult was still making him panic. He was so small, and wasn't very good on his feet. He was what you would call the runt of the litter. Anika smiled at Kayla and Jace finally gave in. He walked up to Harlee who put himself more evenly in between his father and Kayla. However Jace pushed him to the side with one hand and held his other hand out for Kayla. She took his hand in hers after eyeing him for a moment. He smiled and shook her hand. "Welcome to the family."

Harlee nearly fell back in shock, was his father serious? "Your eyes are beautiful." Anika noted as Kayla got closer, Kayla thanked her and she was set at the table and Anika began setting. Kayla got up from her seat and helped Anika, the two women began to talk and hit it off instantly. Jace was dumb founded, confused beyond all measure and his anger had been replaced with jealousy. Not of Kayla, but how easily she was settling in. Out of everyone in the family how was it that Harlee got the most well behaved? Kayla soon sat back in the seat Harlee had set her and he sat down as well. Jace had walked up stairs and soon Alex was seated beside Kayla, she was between the twins. Kayla smiled at her and squeezed her hand. Soon Valery and Carter were down the stairs, Valery had obvious love bites riddled against her skin and messy hair, while Carter had a few bite marks and was breathing heavily. Harlee chuckled as Carters eyes landed on Kayla.

"Who is this?"

"Your brothers new girl, he went out and picked her himself."

"We killed a guy together, her name is Kayla."

Carter growled, this girl just comes in and takes the spotlight from his perfect girl. Valery wasn't perfect in the family's sense but to him she was. Valery got self conscious trying to hide her body from this girl, she had hopes of running when the twins got their spouses but now it seemed that chance was fleeting. Kayla however took notice of the embarrassment and attempted to turn it around. "I wish you luck on getting pregnant, Harlee told me, and I hope we can be friends." She wasn't saying it to either one of them specifically. Valery shot her a small smile, however Carter just grunted in reply as food was passed around.

"Say nothing about the meat." Carter whispered in her ear, Valery nodded.

"Oh schools back in session tomorrow." Anika said. "You know since we let you all have a break when the family took off."

The twins let out a small groan. "Do we have to? We are nearly twenty."

"You don't get out of school till you are twenty."

"Home school then right?" Kayla asked. "Because outside of this place its at 18."

"Yes." Jace just replied. "You don't have to attend classes."

"Alright, what will I do instead?"

Jace looked to Anika, his wife just smiled and gave him a nod letting him know she would take care of it. "Well you can hang out with Valery and Carter."

Cannibalized - book twoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ