Searching for You

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Derek's POV

Waking up alone was jarring, Cassie's side of the bed long cold and my Veela  cried out for my mate. Letting out a pathetic whine, I stumble out of bed, pausing when dizziness hits me in the gut.

My wrist burns as I rush to find Cassie, not bothering to shower or dress in my hurry to find my mate. My bare feet slap against the hotel's floor as I frantically search for her, my life would be meaningless if I couldn't.

I wipe my sweaty hands on my pajama pants, my heart feeling like it was going to burst. I needed Cassie. Ignoring the strange looks thrown my way, I rush through the halls. It takes longer then I liked to find and follow her scent,  following it to the breakfast bar and I let out a sigh of relief.

Which lasted seconds, seeing her and Sam speaking in frantic hushed voices, anger written on both their faces, I rush over to defend my mate. "You know what you're doing is wrong!" Sam hisses, stopping when I take my place in front of Cassie. I growl at him as an odd look passed his face. "Stay away from my mate, Sam. If you have anything to say, say it to me." I keep my voice level but the threat was clear.

"Derek, you have no idea who you're protecting." Sam glances over my shoulder, glaring at Cassie behind me. "Hopefully, you learn before it's too late." With that, Sam spun on his heel, walking away.

I watch him leave as Cassie leans on my back, the burning on my wrist soothed. "Are you alright?" I ask, not moving as she kisses my shoulder. "Yeah, I just don't like you're friends." Cassie sighs and my wrist burns white hot for a second, stopping before I can react.

"I don't need them Cassie, I need you." At that, she pulls away, turning me to face her. I meet her eyes, getting lost in them I almost miss what comes from her mouth. "What did you say? Say it again."

"I need you, Cassie. Not them, only you."

A thoughtful look passed her face before she smiles up at me. "Are you hungry?" Her voice is soft and soothing, enchanting.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you a plate?" I start to move away, going towards the breakfast bar. "I already ate, I'm fine. I'm asking if you want anything to eat?"

"Why would I need to eat if I have you?" I ask her as I lead us back to our room. "Because, Derek,  you need food."

"Cassie, you're all I need." I hum as we make our way through the hotel. "Derek, that's sweet, but you need- shit let me see your wrist!" Cassie stops me, pulling my wrist to her face. Jewelry I didn't remember putting on sat loosely around my wrist. I watch Cassie content, as she fusses over my wrist. 

I play with her hair with my free hand,  holding it up and bending down slightly,  pressing it to my nose. Before I can get a good smell, Cassie yanks my wrist, snapping at me to look. I sigh as I peel my eyes from her, looking down at my wrist in her hands. It was rubbed or burned raw, the skin a dark angry red, dried blood around it. I shrug, it didn't hurt with her soft hands around them and I smile down at her. "As long as your here it's alright."

"Derek..." Cassie stares up at me in horror before giving me a weak smile. "I guess your right." She pushed my hand down, leaning up and giving me a soft kiss. "Lets get ready for today." She pulls me to her room.

Fuck she's perfect.

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