Cinnamon rolls

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Jacobs pov

I watched Derek storm upstairs after he slammed the front door shut. We hear the door open and close upstairs as we look at each other.

"Should I go check on him?" I look at Sam and he shakes his head. "Give him a few minutes to cool down first. You can bring him some cinnamon rolls Emily made." Sam speaks easily, staring wearily at the door.

"Derek loves sweets." Emily hums as she goes into the fridge, pulling out two oversized cinnamon rolls. Sam grabs a plate, holding it out so she can put the mouthwatering dessert on it.

"How old is he?" I peer up at Sam and he pauses. "Hes 2 years older then me right, Em?" He glances at his fiancé. She nods as she places the rolls in the oven. "Hes 27." Sam finishes and I nod.

Dereks pov

I rip off my shirt and finally let my wings free, stretching them out beforr letting them rest against my back. I glance back at my golden feathers, shaking them so my wings can truly breath. I can feel some loose feathers tangled with another and I contemplate grooming myself.

My veela purrs at the thought of Jacob seeing my wings in their full glory. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed, stretching and curving my wing across ny torso. I run my fingers through my soft feathers idly, the loose feathers easily falling out.

I do this a few more times before doing the same to the other, lost in thought. So lost I didnt hear the footsteps coming to my room. Cassie is correct, Jacob is young.

But does that mean hes too young for me? I mean, I wouldn't do anything until hes 18, unless he already is? I sigh and stop grooming my wings, stretching them out once again.

Only for my bedroom door to open, the smell of cinnamon rolls and my mate(in that order. Fight me) fells my senses. I jump up and meet eyes with Jacobs, his eyes wide. He stares at me wings in astonishment and I can't help but preen under his impressed gaze. " have wings." He mumbles as he continues to stare at my wings.

I nod slowly. "I am not...human."

"No shit!"

Dream of me (Jacob black imprint)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon