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Derrick's pov

I sigh as I hang up, my self and my veela torn. I know Jacob is my mate, I know. But I gave Cathy so much love, she was their for me for so long.

I cant be angry at her for holding this against me, I was supposed to be hers. I stare at the wall as I think, going over my phone call with Cathy.

She threatened to out me to the world, to reveal Vealas. Not only that, but she would curse my mate. Not if we kill her. My veela purrs and I roll my eyes. "I can't hurt her, I love her."

Not as much as we need. You're risking the ocean for a lake.

I growl and the scent of rain and woods and warmth fill my nose. Jacob.

Before I lose myself, I text Cathy the address, knowing she'll be here in a few hours I decide to groom myself. I ignore the itch under my skin to join Jacob as I get ready. I pick out her favorite dark red jeans, a black button up and the watch she gave me for my birthday.

Slicking my hair back, I frown in the mirror. I dont look like myself.

Because she doesn't love you. Its the image.

I frown and ignore the other half of me before spraying myself with Cathy's vanilla perfume. She always hated my pheromones, she said they were too. She doesn't love you, she can't love what she doesnt know.

I growl one last time and look through my bags, i mustve left my sweets. I sigh and leave Sam's guest room to join the others. "Hey doggies." I wave as I see some of the pack in the kitchen.

I force myself not to look at Jacob, my eyes on Sam. "Whats got you all dressed up?" Paul asks and I look at him. "Its all for Cathy, she's coming by so we can talk."

"She never did like your style." Sam hums, almost baitingly. I glare at him for a moment. "We all have to change eventually, Sam. Im just doing it for her." I raise an eyebrow daring him to make a firmer argument on my status.

"Sam didnt change for Emily." This time it's Jacob who speaks and my Veela purs at hus voice. "If only we could all be shifters who imprint on half our soul." I rebuttal with an eyeroll.

"How do you know that?" Jacob sounded shocked but hopeful. "Hes been my friend before I shifted. He noticed the difference but didnt know the reason until he almost been killed by a cold one." Sam informs him as I grab the bag of sugar and a spoon.

"And like I've been saying ever since that day, I couldve totally taken him." I smirk as I eat a spoon full of sugar. "Thats not heal-" Jacob starts and i glare at him, holding the bag closer to myself as if he would swipe if from my hands.

"Mine." I hiss and Sam pats my shoulder. "Hes nuts about his sugar, Jake. I wouldn't press it."

Dream of me (Jacob black imprint)Where stories live. Discover now