The fight

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Dereks pov

Cassie was out with my family, allowing me privacy in our shared room. I stretch out on the large bed, wishing Jacob was with me. Why would he care so much about some stupid girl? I'm his mate.

...Mom probably had something hiding around here.

I sit up,first reaching under the bed. I stretch my arm out, my fingers brushing a soft box. I push myself under more and pull out a shoe box, humming when I find exactly what I had been searching for, a bottle of moonshine.

I pluck it out quickly, sitting back on the bed as I look through my Mothers old photos. All of how I remembered her, youthful and bright. Her dark brown eyes sparkled as she looked at La Pushs beach. She had her long black hair braided over her shoulder, her tan skin bright in the sun.

It seemed as if she could even make La Push shine.

I look at the next photo, my father and mother, I could only guess it was before I was born. The two of them were...I put the pictures back in the box, taking a large swig of the moonshine. I'll give those to father.

I take another swig as I call Jacob, almost positive he wouldn't answer, again. I may have tried to call him during the drive here.

Judge me, I don't care anymore I want my mate.


"Why is some stupid girl so important? Did you fuck her?"

"Woah, I may have lo- had a crush on Bella-"

"You were going to say love. You fucking loved her? That plain over hyped whiney blood sucker chaser? You're ignoring your duties, as my mate, to to to- frolick with some some bitch than make sure I'm coping with the loss of my mother?" I couldnt stop my voice from raising, standing and pacing my old room.

" I think you're overracting, Derek. Dont call Bella names, Im sure you two could be gre-"

"Oh yeah, protect the tiny human from the big bad veela." I spit, venom dripping from my voice. I take a deeper swig of the moonshine I was cluching in my hand.

"You're blowing this out of proportion. I loved her before shes just my best friend now. Are you drinking? You're talking funny."

"Does it matter? My mate is putting some human who would never put him first! You are prioritizing someone who wont do that for you! If her vampire ever needed her help, she'd be by his side even if you begged her not too! Jacob, if you are not here by tomorrow, I'll-I'll-"

"Calm down and realize your being an asshole?"

"Oh fuck you! Im not the asshole here! Fucking fine, keep your measly human, I just hope shes worth whats coming your fucking way! Because you are LEAVING ME HIGH AND DRY TO MOURN MY MOTHER FOR SOME BASIC BITCH!!" I throw my phone, watching it break against the wall as I huff.

I pass harder, taking 3 large gulps of the strong liquor. Before I can drink anymore, the door opens, Cassie giggling as she closes it behind her. "Wow your dad is so...funny..." Cassie pauses as she takes in my angry stance.

Her wide eyes flash between me, my broken phone, and the liquor clenched in my hand. "Are you okay?" Her voice is soft as I take in her curves. "No." I put my bottle down and quickly walk to her.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Her voice is shaky, I must've been letting my allure go haywire. "No." I growl as I crowd her against the door. I run my hand through Cassies hair before pulling her in to a kiss.

Her soft lips were just as I remembered, and I press her soft, supple body against mine. Shs spreads her legs, wrapping them around my waist as she moans into our kiss, the wall and myself holding her up.

I slightly pull away, close enough that our lips still faintly brushed against each others. "Wanna make love?" I open my eyes to meet hers. "Yes."

I put an arm around her waist, the other arm stretching down so i can take a cheek in hand. I pull her from the wall and carry her to the bed, throwing her down and pulling off my shirt quickly.

I won't feel bad.

Dream of me (Jacob black imprint)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu