Different but the same PT 1

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Woman: You don't tell me what to do. I talk, you listen and do as I say. If I say bark, you bark. Did you think that anybody would come to get a wretch like you? Nobody wants you, your own mother didn't even want you?

Child: That's not true. She did!

Woman: Then where is she Dermot? Where is she?

Dermot: I'll run away

Woman: By all means, run. You'll be doing me a favour. You are fourteen years old in an orphanage, I doubt that you will be useful in future if you leave this place. Besides where are you gonna go? Huh?

The boy starts to sob as the woman leaves the room, locking it from the outside. The other children had watched the scene that had just played out. They were all orphans waiting for someone to pick them up. He was an orphan and he was already 14. Nobody gets kids who are above 12 to be their kids anymore and he was 2 years older than the adoption limit. How could she do it? His mother. She left him on the doorstep in a carton. Huh, typical style for young mother's these days he thought. Why did she have to give him up? Had he done something wrong?  He went straight to his bed and picked up a piece of paper with something written on it. "Take care of my child. I know I wasn't a better mother to him, but I pray that you will do a better job.  I'll forever love you Dermot". Who gives their children names no one uses anymore and without a surname at that. He was the only one in the Orphanage without a surname. Even the dog in the house had one. Peter Creel.

Voice: Don't think about what she said Dermot. She's just mad that her retarded son can never be as smart as you

Dermot: Thanks Peach.

Peach: You're welcome

Dermot: You know what I don't get?

Peach: What?

Dermot: Why did she have to leave me? The only reason she gave me up is surely because she did not want me

Peach: Do not be like that. Of course she loved you. Sometimes, adults do stupid things that they regret later like opening a store where they don't have donuts or taking in snakes as pets.

Dermot: Not every shop have donuts, Peach

Peach: I know which is cruel. I think it's the global warming that affects the adults brain

Woman: I swear to God that I will feed your liver to Peter myself if I hear one more word from you kids. Start sleeping!!!

Peach: Oh dear God, I wish that a hurricane would come and take Mrs Quill away and drop her in the desert, Amen.

Dermot: Amen. Haha. Goodnight Peach

Peach: Goodnight Dermot

There were so many things running through his mind. What was that awful sound, oh, it was just peach. He was a heavy sleeper. But he could not sleep. I mean, how could he? When clearly he was a reject. No, there was no way the little boy was going to live like this. It was time to take matters into his own hands. He had planned his escape perfectly. He wanted to take Peach with him but he had been adopted and was leaving the next morning. Now he knew he was surely alone. He was going to miss his best friend but he had no other choice. He just couldn't stay here. He looked out the window and saw the moon. Beautiful in all her glory. Looking down, it seemed too dangerous to scale the walls but that was the only way. Picking up a pen and paper, with the moon giving off light, he wrote a goodbye letter to Peach and placed it in an envelope which he kept in Peachs bag. Tears came running down his cheek. It seemed like all he ever did in this place was cry. But no more, for he was taking his fate into his own hands. Taking a glance round the room for one last time and then opening the glass pane carefully. The Orphanage was built like an old English fortress. It was easier to get down but harder to get back up, not that he would need to anyway. He reached the ground and climbed over the fence. Free at last! No more potato stew, no more prison rules, and definitely no more Mrs Quill. He smiled at this thought and ran towards the woods saying goodbye to the Irish Orphanage.

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