Who to Trust

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Yes... No fluff...

You couldn't believe your ears. "What do you mean 'no'?" You asked. Ghirahim walked out. Not answering you. "Well... Fine then." You closed your eyes but couldn't get sleep to comfort you. "Ugh. Who needs it anyways?" You ripped off the covers, stood up, padded through the door and tried to listen to Vaati and Ghirahim talk for a while. You thought it might tire you out. (SPYING XD)

"... Listen... Help her..." You could barely make out a word they were saying. But you knew who's voices were talking.

"... Who... Care to reteach... Majora's Mask... Stupid mark will ruin..." Vaati's voice was saying.

"But... Can't kill her..." Ghirahim argued. You silently and sneakily took a glance around the doorway.

"I don't want to kill her either but you know it's for the best. If you want to blame somebody, blame Link!" Vaati shouted.

"Where's Shadow? He should be here."

"He... Um... Joned Link in protecting her."

"Are you kidding me!? This is an outrage!" You ran away and into your room. You jumped in the bed and jammed your head under the pillows, also hearing footsteps behind you. "(Y/N)? Are you asleep?"

You faked being tired out of fear and turned to look at him. "No, not yet." you replied.

"Well I hope you don't mind if I join you, then." Ghirahim sighed. He clombed into the bed with you. You jolted up and out. "W-what's the matter!?"

"I'm not gonna sleep with you!" you shouted.

"What's your problem?"

"I heard you!" You covered your mouth. He widened his eyes.

"What did you hear?" You kept your mouth shut. "I said, what did you hear?" silence. "Vaati!" Vaati came running.

"What is it?"

"... She apparently heard us." Ghirahim said quietly, pointing at you. You glanced at Vaati, who glared at you. "So what do you think we should do?"

"... Lock her up."

"What!?" You screeched as they both restrained you.

"And just so you know (Y/N), nobody is coming for you. Not anymore anyways."

"Stop! Let me go! Leave me alone!" you kicked and screamed but still, they dragged you down a long hallway and down many flights of stairs.

"It would be better if you didn't see this part." Ghirahim let you down, Vaati still holding your arms. A blindfold was wrapped around your head and covered your eyes. He picked you7 back up and carried you away once more.

Minutes later...

Put in a cell, strung to a wall with chains, locked behind bars and defenceless. You didn't understand why they were doing this. Because of your mark, yes, but why was it a problem?

"are you still alive down here?" Vaati's voice called. His figure approached the bars, but your head drooped so your eyes wouldn't meet.

"Let me out." you cried silently. "Where are they?" you whispered to yourself. "where are Link and Shadow?"

Link's P.O.V

'I can't believe she's gone again! Taken against her will!' I punched a tree in angerpoor tree, did nothing wrong. ;_;)

"Dont worry. I know where she is." Shadow said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Where?" I spun around to face him. His hat was nowhere to be seen due to the harsh wind. I felt the back of my head. Mine wad missing too.

"Tha was Vaati's twister. He must have stolen her away. I know where he lives, I used to live there. Follow me. I'll take you to his temple."

"How do I know I can trust you? How do I know this ins't a trap you helped Vaati create?" I questioned.

"Do you really want to do this now? (Y/N) is in trouble!"

"Tell me first." I growled. We stared each other down for a few moments. Then he pulled something out from behind his back. 'Our hats!' I took mine out of his hand as he put his on. I also replaced mine atop my head.

"Can we go now?"

Link & Shadow Link X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin