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You looked around as the land started to rumble. A man with a dark horse was making his way toward you.

"It's Ganondorf!" Link shouted. He, Shadow and BEN all grabbed their weapons. You, on the other hand, didn't know what to do. You still didn't know how to magic! (lol) BEN hadn't taught you yet! So you hid.

Ganondorf wasted no time in reaching the boys. You watched from the bushes. "Where's the girl!?" Ganondorf's voice boomed.

"Why don't you go kidnap Zelda?" BEN yelled back.

"Oh sure. Give me more work why don't you!?" Link yelled at BEN. An without warning, Ganondorf was out to get them.

"I wish I could do something!" you whispered to yourself. Then you got an idea. Shadow got knocked to the ground as you leaped out of the bush and called.

"Hey Ganondork! Over here!"

He whipped around to stare at you and charged. "(Y/N)! I have you now!"

You ran as fast as you could. But he was catching up. You sprinted into a cave and his behind some boulders. Luckily he didn't see you go there. So he started destroying the walls of the cave out of frustration. The roof was crumbling and you knew if you didnt leave now, you would regret it later.

The boys finally made their way to the entrance of the cave. They shouted your name, telling you to get out. You bolted. But ganondorf caught you...

And the cave collapsed...

Link & Shadow Link X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now