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        When you finally made it to a smallish village, there were children everywhere. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at you.

        "Oh! He's back!" One shouted. They all ran to Link. He just laughed. He looked over at you.

        "(Y/N), these are the Kokiri." you smiled.

        "Mister, who is she?" a small girl asked. (Mister, because they don't know who he really is, remember? No? Then deal with it)

        "This is (Y/N). She's on a journey with me." Link explained.

        "What kind of journey? What are you doing?"

        "Uh..." He looked over at you. He must have been thinking about the mask. "Ooooonnnne thaaat iiiss... Better left untold." he decided. The small children all looked at you. You waved at them.

        "Hello!" they all greeted.

        "We're only passing through." Link said casually. "We're on our way to get Skull Kid. So, we have to go."

        "Skull Kid?"

        "What do you need a jerk like that for?"

        "Trust me, he's not worth traveling with!" The Kokiri yelled out. He sounded like an untrustworthy guy to you.

        "What did he do this time?" Link sighed.

        "He hit Mido! And he crushed all of our flowers!" a girl said.

        "That doesn't sound like Skull Kid at all! He usually just plays tricks on people. Come on, (Y/N), let's find out what he's up to." The Kokiri people moved to make a path. Link grabbed your hand and pulled you into the woods once more.

        You tugged on his sleeve, making him stop. "What is it?"

        "Did you hear something?" he paused to listen. (PAUSE! I need a name for a new character. DO TELL IN THE COMMENTS, OR BETTER YET, MESSAGE ME! PLEASE-A! Unpause)

        Suddenly a net came out from under your feet and pulled you up, capturing you and Link. You looked up at Link, you were on top of him! "Oh, I'm sorry!" You said, sitting up.

        "It's alright, I think I have a dagger or something in my bag." he pulled out a small knife.

        He leaned over you and starred cutting the ropes. "Wh-what are you doing!?" you asked, his chest nearly touching your nose.

        "Sorry, I have to lean over you, it's the only place I'm able to cut without toppling on you." he explained.

        "No no, take your time."

        "These ropes are really thick, I'm hardly doing a thing!"

        "Hello there!" Someone called from below you. You and Link both looked down to see who it was.

BTW, the name has to be a girl's name. TRUST ME!

Link & Shadow Link X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now