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        You finally stopped and sat down. You looked around the area. It was dark and gloomy. There was no wind blowing and the fields that you saw were grey, as if they were about to fall in ashes. It looked dead. Not even the water in the nearby river was moving. It seemed like time had stopped. (like in pokemon dungeons, duh.)

        "Where are we?" You asked, turning to Shadow. (Standing in front of you)

        "Home." he replied, obviously faking his smile. It was a sad smile. "I know it doesn't look like home, but it is."

        "What happened to it?" you stood up. "It looks like it was burned and paralyzed. There's nothing left. I feel like if I touch anything it'll fall apart and become dust!"

        "Vaati, that's what happened."

        "Vaati?" you gave each other a confused look.

        "Did you hit your head or something?" he questioned.

        "I don't think so, why?"

        "You know who Vaati is. You used to work for him." How did you not remember something like that?

        "I don't remember doing anything like that."

        "What's the first thing you remember?" You thought back to when you were on the beach with Link.

        "That day Link found me on a beach." you answered. Shadow puzzled over this.

        "That doesn't make any sense." he sighed. "I've known you since seven years ago. We were together every day untill Vaati sent you on... That... Mission..." his face was now an expression of realization.

        "What mission?"

        "Hold on, I'm thinking..." (YOU GOT SHUT DOWN!) there was a long pause. "Vaati sent you out to give orders to Bellum near Mercay Island, he gave you your own ship and crew just in case you came across Link. He's always meddling in our business."

        "But Link is such a nice guy. You two are like brothers aren't you?"

        "Brothers!? Don't make me laugh. We're not brothers, we're enemies."

        "You don't have to be enemies though!"

        "Sure we do."

        "Who said you have to? Vaati? Forget him! Look at all the trouble he's caused! We could live in peace and happiness if he used his power for good. But nooo. He's using them for his own selfish plans. He threatens to kill people and use them as slaves, right!? Do you really think that will make him happy? What happens when he gets everything he wants? Then he's left with nothing! He's just using us! Right now, we're his slaves! And what do WE get out of this, huh? NOTHING!" You yelled at him. He listened to you, and stayed quiet. As you ranted, you kept gaining more and more of your memories.

        "... Are you done?" Shadow asked, clearly a bit irritated.

        "I guess I am." you turned around and crossed your arms. "And suddenly I'm starting to think it was a bad idea coming here with you. Bring me back to Link. Now." you demanded. "I refuse to spend another moment here."

        "Unfortunately, I can't let you go."

        "What do you mean? You're trapping me here?" you wipped around to look at him. Anger and betrayal was all you felt.

        "I'm sorry-"

        "No! I don't wanna hear it! I don't need you! I'll find my way back to Link on my own!" you shouted at him, then started to stomp away before he grabbed your arm and picked you up. "Put me down! Let me go!" you yelled out. He started to walk away.

Link's P.O.V

        I can't believe I let that demon take her away! I should have protected her! This is my fault!

        "Link?" Skull Kid put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off and turned around to look at him and Fiore.

        "Hey! What's going on?" Linebeck ran down the stairs and stared at us expectantly. "I just saw some shadow-thing come out from under here and fly away!"

        "That was the enemy taking off with (Y/N)." I said angrily.

        "(Y/N)? What do they want her for?" Fiore shrugged in response. "Link?"

        "I dont know. But it's not to have a tea party, I do know that."

        "Pfft. Tea party." Linebeck chuckled.

        "THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER!" I shouldered my way through Skull Kid and Fiore, reached Linebeck, grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and shoved him against the wall. "(Y/N) is in danger! We need to save her-don't you get it!?"

        "Link calm down!" Skull Kid and Fiore tried to get me off of Linebeck. I finally let go and sighed.

        "Jeez, I think you've developed issues over the years." Linebeck dusted himself off.

        "It's not that, Linebeck." I sat on the edge of my bed.

        "Yeah Linebeck. Don't you see? Link is in loooove!" Fiore said teasingly. I looked up at her in anger.

        "Shut up and help me."

        "With what? You're not doing anything."

        "Help me think of where he would take her." Nobody said anythng, all of us were deep in thought.

        "Hm... Well, it would be somewhere not too far away. I saw the shadow go in the direction of Death Mountain. Or was it that Zora place?" Linebeck suggested.

        "Good. I'l check both places. Linebeck, you don't go anywhere unless it's absolutely nessessary. Fiore, Skull Kid, are you with me?"


        "Count me in."

Long enough chapter for you? I'm working on that...

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