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        A girl was laying down, staring up at you. "Hi, can you help us get down from here?" you asked.

        "Sure." she stayed put.

        "Like, right now?"

        "Oh, now? Yeah ok." still no movement. (lol)

        "Let me rephrase that. Get us down, right now." you demanded.

        "Sure." she got up and went into the bushes. Pretty soon, you and Link fell back on the ground. He landed right next to you, luckily.

        "That kinda hurt." Link said. He rubbed the back of his head. The girl walked back to you.

        "Sorry about that." she apologized.

        "That was your trap?" Link asked.

        "Yeah. I'm (BIG REVEAL) Fiore." (Thank you to phinchen217 and congrats! \(*O*)/ ) She helped you up. "What're you two doing out here?"

        "We came looking for a friend."

        "Splendid! I'll join you!"

        "Ok, hold up. So you trap us, and then you want to join us?" you asked.


        "I like that attitude. It's fine with me as long as I can trust you." Link agreed.

Looks like you could have some competition. Good luck with that!

Link & Shadow Link X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now