Skull Kid

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        Later, you reached a large clearing with a tall tree in the center. "Skull Kid should be around here somewhere." Link said. He started to call out to him. A boy came out from behind the tree.

        "Link? Is that you?' he called. Link started to walk up to him.

        "Indeed it is old friend." Skull Kid suddenly tackled Link.

        "Don't come out here!"


        "There are lots of monsters out to attack everyone!" Link pulled away and put his hand on his sword. "No! You can't touch them! They're just shadows. You'll only make them angry!"

        "Then how can we help?" you asked. Skull Kid looked at you.

        "Do I know you?" he questioned. You shook your head.

        "I don't think so-"

        "Oh! Now I remember you! From seven years ago! When I had Majora's Mask, you were one of the victims! I'm so sorry about that." he apologized.

        "I really don't know what you're talking about."

        "You have to! You have that mark over your heart of the mask." Link stepped in between the two of you.

        "Skull Kid, that's why we're here. We need to know what it means. She doesn't have any memory of the mask or who she used to be." Link explained.

        "I know what it means. And she's the only one who can help with our monster problem."

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