~ It's Your Lucky Day ~

Start from the beginning

"I was hoping you could tell me, there's no information in my head about him, just his species."

"So is he an actual Leprechaun?" Robbie asked, moving over to sit on the sofa closest to them.

"He is," L raised her brow, half smiling at the look on Robbie's face. "They're nothing like the ones on TV though. They prefer red over green and they're not small, but they do have an unusual affinity for luck."

"And what about the pot of gold?" Robbie's eyes seemed to light up and L laughed at the old Dragon adage associated with hoarding gold.

"Not as far as I know." L smirked.

A snuffle came from behind her and the three of them turned to watch Nyla fidget in her sleep.

"What are we gonna do about Nyla?" Robbie asked, his voice had softened to almost a whisper.

"I think you know, we can't wait for her to recover and she can't travel with her injury." L glanced between Bryce and Robbie, both seemed to know what she was saying.

"I get it, I do... let me tell her though. Do you think Fiona will mind her staying here for a while?" Robbie looked downtrodden as he turned away from Nyla.

"No, I think she'll be glad of the company." L reassured him.

It didn't appear to do much for his mood but he seemed ready to discuss their plans. "What now then?"

"We chat with Sully and see where he's going to take us."

"And find out how dangerous it's going to be." Bryce added with a glance to the ceiling, they could hear footsteps moving around.

L hadn't suspected Bryce of being a worrier but just recently, it seemed like that's all he had been doing. She wondered if proximity to her and the troubles she attracted was making him less carefree. She pushed the thoughts down for now, to dwell on for another time, and listened as Sully and Fiona made their way downstairs to the lounge. Sully walked in looking exactly the same as he had at the front door, Fiona however looked a little red faced. She made an excuse to go to the kitchen, not before giving Sully a quick glance to which he winked at her.

L rolled her eyes at the exchange, and waited for Sully to look back at them before she spoke.

"So where are you taking us?" She asked abruptly, ready to get underway.

Sully raised his hands in front of him, "Woah there lass, give me a minute to acquaint myself." He smirked and leaned over to hold a hand out. "Sully, nice to meet ye, didn't know she'd have company."

He shook Bryce's hand first, he seemed to linger for a moment and eyed Bryce's ears poking through his disheveled hair. Soon moving on to shake Robbie's hand, and he definitely lingered this time. It looked like he was sizing Robbie up, though L got the distinct feeling it wasn't all he wanted to do. She smiled to herself, then cleared her throat, getting Sully's attention once again.

"I've been delayed long enough and I'd really like to go save my parents as soon as possible. They told me to find you and I have, so can we please move this along?"

Sully raised a thick eyebrow at her, "Ye don't know what you're getting into, it's gonna be dangerous. Sure you wanna rush in now?"

L frowned, "I've waited my whole life to find my parents. I've lived, I've died and I've come back, I've been through so many ordeals I can't even count them anymore. I come face to face with danger... pretty much every day. I want to find and save my parents more than anything in the world right now. I don't know what you'll be leading us towards but I know we can handle it, I can handle it. Now, are you going to take us or not?"

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