Chapter 32

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Nicole's POV:

Checking myself out in the mirror before me with the outfit I had on especially for tonight, I inhaled and then exhaled a deep breath. In all honesty I felt nervous for what tonight might bring, seeing Cristiano’s family again for Junior’s birthday tonight after all that has happened between the two of us. As I know with the situation upon the two of us they would for sure have taken his side in the matter, I mean who would not? He is their own flesh and flood, all I am is some woman which is in a relationship with a member of their family and decided in a stupid mistake to break his heart into tiny little pieces due to cheating on him with Fabio.

And I know for a fact that this will not be forgiven, no matter if I do make amends with all of his family, they will still look at me and see the heartless bitch that caused their Cristiano so much pain. I will not be able to forgive myself for it either, I just wish it did not happen even in the slightest. But I cannot reverse time now, so all I need to do is just stick to my word for never bringing him so much pain again. The one thing I want to focus on tonight is celebrate Junior’s birthday with all the family, and if with luck Cristiano’s mother or any of the rest of his family do agree to hear me out then that will be a bonus. I just do not want even a slight sense of tension around us all, I want things to be normal like they used to be with all of us.

I will not let any of that ruin my night though as my mind is mainly focused on one thing and one thing only; making sure Junior enjoys himself in the best possible way for his birthday. If I am honest with you I cannot see anything ruining his night either, Junior has been such of a happy little boy all day. You should have seen that little face of his light up when he received all his presents by Cristiano and I earlier on this morning, it was like he had just got all which he could have ever dreamt of. Ripping that wrapping paper off all the toys and presents that were wrapped as quickly as anything, cheering in joy on looking and examining each one of them which he got. It was such a beautiful sight to see, a sight that melted both our hearts.

The trouble Cristiano and I went through in getting him each one of those presents really is an achievement for us both being able to do it, going into each toy shop in Madrid to make sure Junior got everything which he deserved. I do think Cristiano and I went a little over the top with it all but we could not help ourselves, finding item after item of things which Junior would have loved. It was hard to walk away, we could not do it, and we had to pick up each of all the things we found. To which led for the front room to be towered up with presents earlier on this morning, taking the best part of an hour and a half roughly to see him unwrap them all. Watching him unwrap them all, it made me realise how grown up he has become.

Still to this day now I can remember seeing him just weeks after he was born and safely back in Madrid – back when I was such in an unfortunate stage of being in a relationship with the devious man I call Fabio – seeing how small and fragile Junior looked wrapped up cosy in the small little blanket of his, how he looked so much like his father. But thinking about it, Junior is still a spit imagine from his father to this day. Each and every time I looked at him I realise the small little features he has of Cristiano, his hair, his eyes, his mouth, his smile, the colour of his skin and the cheeky little personality he possesses this early on his life. If you were all of a sudden to bump into them in not knowing either of them, it would come off as a shock.

“Nicole, are you ready yet?” Calling down the stairs to me I groaned at Cristiano’s words due to his persistence, for the last half an hour this all I have heard come from him. Throughout all the time I have spent upstairs trying to get ready he has constantly been calling up to me in asking how long I will be, when in reality I do not know how long I will be. I know all which he wants is for me to join the rest of them downstairs but it is not my fault, I am trying if he has not realised. “We’re waiting on you now to bring out the cake for Junior just try and get ready soon babe.” And with that I heard footsteps walking away from the laminate flooring downstairs, his shoes loud due to the make of them tapping away down on the floor there.

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