Chapter 28

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Nicole's POV:

Staring over at the figure of Fabio sat in the chair beside of the bed which Mesut and I were sat upon I felt the severe feeling of anger come over me, all from seeing the sarcastic as well as manipulative over in my vision. The last thing in which I ever want to be forced to do as of right now is to have to talk to him about whatever he has in mind, he blew his one and only chance with me in the moment he used me. He used me in my own vulnerable stage and all in which he had in mind – causing to come between Cristiano and I – well it all worked, each and every little nasty thing he wanted he got. He really did succeed in ruining our lives then.

But I am not letting it happen again by any means at all, I am not even going to give him the chance to do so. To me he means nothing anymore, nothing but a distant memory involving my past and I want it to stay that way. He is a merely a sculpture and remembrance of what I should never go back to again, a man which will pull out all of the stops to ruin the ever so happy lives of two others. That is exactly what he did with Cristiano and me as you of course know already, he manipulated me into doing things I never would have dreamed of doing if I was not in my state of vulnerability. And none of that would have happened if Cristiano was not in hospital, who is to blame that on? Fabio, it is all down to him for winding up Cristiano.

“Nicole I’m not leaving here until you listen to me, I just want you to hear me out.” Speaking in a rather surprisingly soft tone of voice I continued to look over at Fabio, the anger within me continuously escalating with the longer I had this man in front of me. And already I could feel myself beginning to shake, not shaking in the sense that something was wrong with me but shaking due to the fact of the anger getting its better of me. I wanted this man away and out of my life for good, not to be near me or in the radius of my vision. “Just hear me out in what I have to say and I’ll be gone, I’ll never bother you again if you just listen to me now.” I knew that I did not have a choice in the matter, one way or another he will force me with it.

So letting a sigh slip out from my lips I held my head in my hands, taking deep breaths in and then back out again in an attempt to calm myself. And once feeling even just the slightest of calmer I looked back over in disgust at him again, ever so slowly nodding my head in a sense of agreement. But in the back of my mind I was not sure about what it was I was agreeing to as in a way I knew it was the wrong decision, the wrong decision I have made of many which involve Fabio. “Fine, I’ll listen to you. But if you step out of line just once then you’re out, do you hear me?” To which as a response he nodded his head, smiling at me but one in which I did not return. “And as soon as you’re done I want nothing more to do with you ever again.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything else from you, but I need to ask just one thing from you, Mesut do you think you could wait outside while I speak to Nicole?” The second those words came from Fabio’s mouth I watched as Mesut looked at me from beside on the bed, his eyes to be evidently full of concern and worry. But knowing this is the only way in which I will get rid of Fabio from my life I looked back at Mesut, nodding my head and showing inside of my eyes I will be fine on my own. So getting up off the bed he looked at me, smiling and also nodding before finally leaving the room. Unfortunately leaving it as just Fabio and I, and even then it did not take him long to start speaking to me. “I’m so glad you’re ok Nicole, I was worried.”

As those words came from him I immediately rolled my eyes as a response, not wanting get the sympathy off of Fabio by any means at all. “Thanks, I guess. But I don’t need any of your sympathy Fabio.” Speaking in a dry tone of voice to him I looked over as he was still sat over on the chair, but right in that moment as my attention was drawn to him I watched in only a sense of annoyance as he stood up. Inwardly sighing to myself as he came to sit on the edge of the bed in front of me, forcing for me to turn and look anywhere other than at him due to the annoyance and anger flooding through me. As quite frankly, I was trying my hardest not to retaliate in any sort of way. “Just tell me why you’re here, so we can be done with it all.”

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