Chapter 23

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Nicole’s POV:

I just sat there on the bed with nothing but a blank expression spread right across my face while crossing my arms tight against my chest, only just about managing to portray a look of disgust towards Fabio’s direction as the two of us came into contact with one another due to the fact of the anger rapidly building up inside of me from seeing the one man that I never wanted to see again. How he has the balls to turn up here to see me after everything that he has achieved in doing – ruining mine and Cristiano’s once happy and once perfect relationship – really is beyond me.

If he would have just left me alone completely to live my life without him and not attempted in the slightest to work that charm of his which he knows works on me each and ever time, due to the fact of always having been blinded and empowered by it, then I doubt that I would be finding myself here in this emotional state of mind. Instead the likelihood would probably be that I would be back at home with Cristiano, trying as hard as I can to nurse him back to full health again from the horrific accident that he encountered. The accident which was caused by one man and one man only, Fabio, due to him pushing Cristiano to the limit as per usual.

It really does seem to me as if every burden of bad news that anybody has the displeasure of receiving, when knowing Fabio, mostly always ends up being heavily linked back to him in some form of way. He is nothing but a home wrecker; he ruins people’s lives for the good and fun of it when they are living their happy lives, all for what? All for his own spiteful and selfish of ways which is not much of a change really. To think that I once thought that he could his ways and turn himself around into a much better man compared to what he used to be – a man in which ruins people’s lives for his own sickening pleasure – but now that he is the main cause of this almighty mess that I am finding myself in between Cristiano and I, I already am beginning to beg to differ on this once specific subject. He just will never change.

To me it really does seem as if every burden of bad news that anybody has the displeasure of receiving, when knowing Fabio, mostly always ends up being heavily linked back to him in some sort of way. He is nothing but a home wrecker; he ruins people’s lives for the good and fun of it when they are living their happy lives, and all for what? All for his own spiteful and selfish of ways which is not much of a change really. To think that I once thought that he could change his ways and turn himself around into a much better man compared to what he used to be – a man which ruins people’s lives for his own sickening pleasure – but now that he is the man cause of yet again another

Eventually, I was brought away from my thoughts to no long allow myself to have some time in thinking at all. As at that moment I was sucked back into reality by hearing the same yet familiar voice that I dreaded the most. “Mesut, would you mind giving me and Nicole a moment alone please?” Came the irritating voice of Fabio, disrupting the bearable silence that was once happy sat upon the three of us.

But on hearing him speak, I did not allow for the look of disgust that I was continuing to portray off in his direction to falter by any means at all. If anything it only increased as I felt my blood start to boil inside of me with the angrier that I started to become due to his unwanted presence around me. And it was vastly getting to the point where I was finding myself having to hold myself back physically from getting up from my seat on the bed to throw him out of Mesut’s house by having a strong hold onto his air. But deciding that it was not the best thing to do I did not allow for him to get the satisfaction of letting my angry side anymore and as I heard him speak again I merely held tight onto the bed sheets in a tight grip to control myself further. “It’s just that I urgently need to speak to her about something, it’s a little private.”

That was it, as soon as I heard him speak and practically demand in speaking to me I could no longer hold myself back from saying all that I have wanted to say for far to long now. And before I had time to stop and think to myself for a moment, I found myself immediately starting snap loudly straight at him in nothing more than pure anger. “No, whatever you have to say Fabio you can say it all right here in front of Mesut. He knows about absolutely everything that’s happened, how you single-mindedly ruined mine and Cristiano’s relationship!” As I spoke I found myself now being driven closer towards him, my victim, while wagging my index finger straight in front of his face as a warning to show him just how much he had fucked up and exact what he had caused with his manipulating actions. “And if you’re even daring to deny any of this then please, just save your breath. We both know that it was all you and your stupid mind games that have caused this. Knowing that I was in a very vulnerable place with all of the latest drama that had been going on and with Cristiano not being in the house for a while due to you, you took it all in your stride as a prime opportunity to get just what was wanted. And guess what? You succeeded with it.”

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