Chapter 17

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Nicole’s POV:

“Nicole what are you going on about? Fabio, no it can’t it!” Mesut let out, still from beside me in the car. The tone of his voice told me all I needed to know at this point; that he didn’t want to believe what I had just told him. And quite frankly neither did I. I love Cristiano, not Fabio, so why the hell did I do something like this? The tears still falling down my cheeks like never before as I took in each and every word from Mesut. I was a mess, an emotional wreck to be honest with you.

Seriously…what have I done? First I sleep with my ex, a man Cristiano cannot stand. And now I’ve just blurted it all out to Mesut, a very close friend of Cristiano’s. I just need to learn to get some self control in myself, instead of not thinking before doing something. Something which I’m known well for doing. Oh for fuck sake Nicole, you’re such an idiot!

“You know what; I shouldn’t have said anything to you. I’m sorry, just forget all of I have just told you please.” I almost seemingly begged him. Taking a deep breath in and then out I soon opened the door to the car, placing one foot onto the ground. “Thanks for the lift anyway Mes, I really appreciate it. I guess I’ll see you whenever.” I shot him quick smile as the tears still fell down my cheeks, but not as much as they were previous. Probably due to all of the thoughts of last night again flooding through my mind.

With that I fully got out of the car, shutting the door behind me before walking towards the front door. Not making and eye contact with Mesut as I walked, not even turning back to look at him. I just looked forward, as that really is what I need to do right now. I need to think forward as well and try to forget about everything with Fabio, no matter how awful I feel on Cristiano for it all.

I felt myself getting even more worked up about this entire situation the closer I got towards the house. Just the memories of last night’s activities were still the only thing going through my head. And it just didn’t help me what so ever that here I was, stood outside of the house in which everything happened in. The house I cheated on Cristiano in, the most perfect man I have ever set eyes on, for some devious man whom has nothing better to do than try and destroy my relationship, Fabio. Well I’m telling you now, his plan has finally succeeded. I mean if Cristiano ever found out then I am more than one hundred percent sure that there will be no more Cristiano and I…a thought which breaks me into each and every time I think of it.

I was just about to shut the door to the house once I stepped inside, but I soon stopped by Mesut calling out to me. “Nicole wait…” I turned and saw him practically jogging towards me. And all I could do was let out a sigh of annoyance, this man just doesn’t quit does he? Soon enough he was stood on the other side of the door, eyes connecting with mine and I just looked away. As all the guilt again came seeping over me. “How did all of this happen?” He quizzed. “I need to know.”

“Mesut I can’t tell you. At first I thought it was a brilliant idea to tell you everything that had happened but then I realised that I was wrong. Cristiano is your friend, so how am I supposed to know that you won’t just go running back to him and telling him everything.” I sighed, crossing my arms across my chest as I spoke.

A shocked look soon appeared across Mesut’s face, the only look which I could truly make out if I’m honest. “You really think that I’m just going to go back to him and tell him?” I just simply shrugged my shoulders at him, nothing else. “Well if you think that then you’re wrong. Do you really think that I would do anything to potentially break you and Cristiano up? No I wouldn’t, I know just how crazy you both are for one another. But…if you don’t tell me everything then it all may accidentally slip out.” Mesut winked, with a smirk.

See, this is what I mean with Mesut. He is just unbelievable at times. What have I got myself in for, I mean seriously…

“Hey, that’s blackmail. That isn’t fair.” I raised my voice, pointing my finger at him. A very displeased look almost sculpting my fact at this point.

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