Chapter 1

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Nicole’s POV:

I always feel so lost when I lay in bed without him.

After six months of being with the love of my life, Cristiano; I had just automatically grown accustomed to him lying beside me in bed. He would always have his head resting on his hand or it would be propped up by one of the many pillows in which he sleeps on at night. The only downside to sharing a bed with him would be his incredibly long legs taking up the majority of the space on the mattress; I would be so uncomfortable at night when we slept that I would have to continuously nudge him to the side in order for me to get some space back. And believe me it was hard trying to push him aside on the mattress, I mean his muscles are unbelievable and he is one of the strongest men I know.

So right now as I lay here alone; waiting for him to come home I felt lost; like there was something missing. Of course there was something missing, it was him lying there cuddling up to me late at night. It had gotten to the point now where if he wasn’t here in bed with me at I had trouble sleeping, I would consistently toss and turn while I tried to get comfortable; and a lot of the time I was not successful at doing so. Right now I just wanted him here beside me.

It was about half past ten at night now and of course as you can imagine; there was no sign of light outside of the house, the only light visible were the two lamps which sat either side of the bed on the bedside tables; and those lights didn’t really do much as they were so dim. But luckily I had the television on also which didn’t make things all that bad really.

Call me a possessive girlfriend all you want; I was worried about Cristiano. I hadn’t received one phone call or even just a text from him since he had been out. The last I knew of his whereabouts was at about six o’clock, where he, Mesut, Sergio and Fabio were having a ‘lad’s night’ at Sergio’s; which gave me even more of a reason to worry. It’s not that I can’t trust him, because I can, it’s just Sergio who I can’t trust, especially him being newly single. What if they have gone out? What if they were at a club? There would be hundreds of easy girls there; girls who would of course find Cristiano attractive, I mean who doesn’t? And who knows if they would try anything on with him or not; and being with Sergio who knows what would happen…

 Ok Nicole stop it, your thinking silly I told myself as I lightly smacked my head to get anymore of the unnecessary thoughts I was having out of my head. There was no way that he would do anything; well I hope he wouldn’t anyway…

It was getting late, really late in fact and he still wasn’t home which made me question what he was doing, where he was and who he was with. I propped myself up so I was leaning on the pillow behind me; I turned to my right so I could see what the time was by the small little clock on the bedside table on my side. 11:05 the time read. Ok, now I was freaking out. It’s acceptable to freak out at a time like this isn’t it? You’re boyfriend who is a womanizer is still out at this time when he has training in the morning… Surely something isn’t right here.

Before I even had the chance to reach for my phone which was on the far side of the beside table; I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as I had turned the sound down on the television literally seconds ago; that would probably be why I didn’t hear the front door open and slam shut as the television was too loud then. In a matter of seconds I saw the door handle of our bedroom move as if someone was trying to get in, and soon enough in he entered, with a sign of guilt on his face and some beautiful red roses in his hand.

“Nicole I’m sorry I’m home late, I didn’t realise the time.” He started, walking over to the bed and sitting beside me. “I got you these.” He finished, handing me the fresh red roses.

My face automatically brightened up as soon as he had given me them; they were beautiful; they had automatically made me forget about how worried I was. “Aw Cris I love them. Thank you.” I squeaked, I didn’t realise how high pitched my voice had just gone until I got a weird but amused look off of Cristiano. I placed the roses in the vase which had some other flowers in which he had given me, and I smiled like an idiot for a while as I looked at them, admiring them.

 In no time at all, Cristiano was standing up and removing his clothing as he got ready for bed. Me being me just admired his amazingly muscular tanned body; not letting my eyes leave him while he was doing all of this. Once he had taken his shirt off I just sat there is shock, lust filled my eyes; I really was acting like I had never seen a muscular body before; and believe me I had… plenty of times, and of course that body would be Cristiano’s.

Once he had finished undressing himself so he was now in just white Calvin Klein boxers, (which may I say outline his bulge amazingly), he made his way back over to me as I lay in the bed, waiting for him. As soon as we were both in bed I got the television controllers from beside me and turned the television off, and then I leant over to the lamp on my side of the bed and turned that off also. I waited for Cristiano to get comfy and in no time he was soon lying next to me with one of his arms around me and he leant over to the lamp beside him and switched it off, laying his head down on the many pillows on the bed with his arm still around me. I decided that I would just ask him where he was and why he was home so late tomorrow morning, there was no way that I was going to ruin this incredible moment. No way.

“Good night Nicole.” He whispered into my ear as he kissed my forehead quickly.

“Good night Cris.” I smiled as I buried my head into his perfect muscular body. This is how I like my nights to be, Cristiano hugging me as I sleep. Who wouldn’t want that?

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