Beginners Note

267 15 7

Date: December 31, 2019

Hey guys, gals, and animatronics!
I'm so glad you decided to check out this book! It's sort of like a random things book, but I'll do what I can to update everyday (not garanteed), and hope you like it! But I feel like eventually I'll update on this 3 to 4 times a day because I have nothing to do. For future chapters, you guys can ask me questions, and I will try my best to answer them honestly, and will do my best to reply to all of them. But that's pretty much it. Next chapter I'll do a little thing about myself so you guys can know a little about me. But, I guess that's it. If I'm mad at someone (or something) I'll write about it in here even if I already updated the story. I have anger management issues if you can't tell yet. I'm also very closed off and lonely. Boom. You already know two things about me. I hope you like this book. Feel free to vote, comment, and add to your personal library to never miss a new chapter! I think I'm done with my monologue, but that's by the bye. See you next chapter!

It's A Lolbit Show

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