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It's been 6 hours since the doctors began working on Tony. 

Valeria, Tamara, Victor, Aria, the twins and I are waiting patiently in the waiting room.

"I'm so sorry.", Tamara apologized through tears.

"You could've killed my dad!", Karina screamed.

"He had a gun pointed at Giovanni and I panicked. I'm so sorry."

"You're sorry? You were willing to destroy a family for a man you barely know. For a man who wouldn't do the same for you.", Gio said.

"I know you're scared about your dad, but I-"

"You're not Aunt Aria and you never will be.", Karina said before walking out the room.

Gio followed her.


I sat with my knees to my chest as I trembled. I couldn't stop my tears.

"Are you okay?", I heard I my brother say.

"I thought you weren't talking to me."

"That was before you went crazy on Tamara."

"She shot daddy. She could've killed him. What if I never get to talk to him again? What if Aria never gets another chance with him?"

"I know that this is scary, but mom always taught us to have faith. Dad's got this. He's been through worst."

"Not possible."

"Come on.", he said as he reached for my hand.

I followed him down to the basement.

"Why are we down here?"

He picked up a blue container and opened it.

They were a bunch of books in it.

"These are mom's journals from when she was here."

I picked up a journal and saw it was dated by month.

"Have you read them all?"

"Yes. And I want to warn you. Some things in here are hard to get out of your head."

I nodded slowly.

I opened the earliest journal and began reading while Gio read another journal.

Hours passed by and I slowly began to realize how strong and fearless my parents were. I learned of my mother's previous husband and her inner struggle as she began developing feelings for my father. I fought back tears as I learned of the sexual, physical, and mental torture she endured while married to her first husband.

Through all the pain and darkness, she still saw the light at the end of the tunnel. She saw the light in Daddy.

"I've been looking for you two."

I snapped my head up and saw as she realized what I was reading.

"I haven't seen those journals in a long time.", she said as she sat next to Gio and I.

"I'm so sorry, mom."

"For what?"

"I didn't realize you went through so much. You never told me about any of this."

"Because my past doesn't matter. The only thing I care about is the future of this family. Your father and I have a unconventional start, but look what came out of it. I got three beautiful kids. A beautiful family. I would do it all over again."

We hugged her.

"Daddy survived last time he was shot. Do you think he'll make it?"

"I see you got far in those journals. Daddy will be okay. We have to be strong for him."

She kissed my forehead and held me.

I woke up with my head on Bruno's lap.

We were in daddy's room. He had tubes coming out of him and Aria was sleeping next to him.

"How is he?"

"He's stable. He'll be awake soon.", Bruno answered.

I smiled.

"Where's my mom?"

"Her and Gio went to get something to eat. Victor and Giovanni took Tamara on a walk. "

I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

He pulled it away quickly.

"We talked about this, Karina. You're a kid."

"I'm a grown ass woman and you like me."

I grabbed his hand again and he quickly pulled away.

"I..I don't. I'm sorry.", he said before walking out.

I was about to go after him when mom came in.

She was holding a Panera takeout bag.

I accepted it gratefully as she sat down next to me.

"My father's last name that he was given at birth was Ivanov. His best friend's name was Lev Bout, The Leader of the Russian Mafia, and my father was his best man, so he took his last name."

Why is she telling me this? She never talks about grandpa.

"Lev had a daughter named Karina."

"Grandma? Wait, grandpa married his best friend's daughter?"

Mom slowly nodded.

"They were in love, despite the age difference. They fell in love when mom was 20 and dad was 37. They were amazing together. She was the light that peeked through his darkness."

"You know, don't you?"

She nodded with a smile.

"He thinks I'm just a bored kid, playing games, but I'm not. I don't think he feels the same way, so you and dad have nothing to worry about."

"I'm sorry, love."

I was about to respond when I heard daddy grunt.

I saw him turn his head towards us.

"Daddy.", I said as I ran towards him.

I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I was acting like an maniac."

Mom hugged us both.

"I love you so much."


I searched my manor until I finally found Tamara in Aria's memorial room.

"Tamara.", I said quietly.

"Hi.", she said as she stared at Aria's portrait.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm making my peace with her.  She was amazing and she was well loved. I'm not angry at her."

I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"She was the love of my life and it still amazes me that somehow I managed to find love again with a beautiful and amazing woman like you."

She smiled and turned to me.

"I love you.", she said as she kissed me.

"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."

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