The Good Guys

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Tamara POV:


I've been screaming since I got here, but nobody came.

I looked around and saw that I was in a basement. It didn't look like any other basement. It was a whole other level of creepy.

There was a digital clock on the wall. The clock also had today's date on it. I've been here a week.

There were rusty chains attached to the wall and ropes hanging in the corner.

There was cleaning supplies against one wall, which explains the bleach smell in here. 

There was a faint blinking light above me.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Please help me.", I pleaded. 

The man who kidnapped me stepped in front of me.

"Do you know why you're here?"

I shook my head.

He walked closer to me. He was so close that I could feel the heat from his body.

He pulled out an knife and pressed it against my cheek.

"Your sister killed my fiance. She was pregnant. We were gonna be a family, but your sister took that away from me."

Sister? I have a sister?

"My sister? Is she here? Can I meet her?"

He let out a laugh.

"She's dead. A very good friend of mine killed her. You have no idea how amazing it felt to watch the life leave her body."

I gasped.

"Who are you?"

"Giovanni Andiacchi."

"Why am I here, Giovanni?"

"Because I vowed to kill every single relative of the woman who killed the love of my life."

He pressed the knife to my throat.

"I'm sorry about what she did, but I didn't even know her. I never even met her."

"Now it wouldn't be fair if I let you live and kill everyone else in your family."

"You don't have to do that. You can just leave them alone."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"They're all dead. You're the last one."

He flicked his wrist and cut my neck.

"Please. I'll do anything."

"I don't ne-"

We were interrupted by the door opening.

A woman stepped out and leaned on the railing.

Giovanni turned around.

"What are you doing here, Valeria?"

"Oh, don't let me stop you."

It wasn't until she began wobbling down the stairs that I saw her big round belly.

Giovanni sighed and dropped the knife.

"So, this is where you draw the line? You know about all the people your husband and I have killed, but this bitch gets special treatment?"

Valeria came to me and unchained me.

"I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to be with Tony. The O'Donnelly family knew what they were getting into when they chose this lifestyle. Tamara knows nothing of it."

I looked at them in confusion.

"I'll explain it after you get settled in your room."

"My room? Why can't I go home?"

"We can't let you leave. You know too much. You've seen our faces and you know our names.", Valeria said.

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"We can't take that chance. My family's ass is on the line and I won't risk them. Besides, you're in good hands. We're sorta like the good guys.", Valeria said.

I turned to Giovanni.

He was beyond pissed. He was red with rage.

Valeria grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.

She opened a door and we walked in.

The room was huge. It was bigger than my whole apartment.

I walked to the closet and saw that it was fully stocked with clothes. It was a mixture of men and women's clothing.

"I used to stay in here when I moved in and my husband used to stay in here every time we had a fight."

I smirked.

Valeria was really nice.

"Can I ask you something?"


"What was my sister like?"

Valeria's eyes widened.

"I don't think I'm the right person you should ask."

"Why? You two didn't get along?"

Valeria hesitated.

"Alissa and I kinda got off on the wrong foot."

"What happened?"

Valeria's eyes turned darker.

"We met about 16 years ago after she slept with the love of my life, Tony. She was in love with him. Even after I married him.", Valeria said in a shaky voice.

"Are you okay?"

"Every time I think about her,  I go to this dark place in my mind. This dark place that I created when I killed her."

I gasped and stepped backwards.

"You didn't know... I thought Giovanni told you everything."

"He didn't tell me it was you."

Valeria stepped forward.

"I'm sorry, but I don't regret it. She killed my best friend for no reason at all."

"I'm sorry. That must've been hard to go through."

Valeria looked puzzled.

"I just told you that I killed your sister and you're apologizing to me."

"I had a best friend once. She died in a car accident. When she died, I felt like a part of me died with her."

Valeria placed her hand on my shoulder.

I gave her a small smile.

"I know that I'm supposed to be angry or upset about her being gone, but I don't. I didn't know her and I can't feel bad for someone who kills without a cause."

Valeria chuckled.

"Then you staying here will be very interesting."

Valeria patted my shoulder and walked away.

I watched her walk away, wondering what she meant.

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