Life Before Death

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I dropped to my knees. I cradled her tiny body.

Another gunshot went off. I looked up to see Dylan on the ground and my brother standing over him.

"The doctors are on their way down."

I looked down at Tamara, who was shaking in my arms.

"Giovanni...", She croaked.

"Shh... Don't speak. It's okay."

"I don't.. I don't want to die."

"No, baby. That won't happen."

I kissed her forehead.

"Promise me."

"I promise. I promise, Tamara."

Victor looked at me before he dragged Dylan's body out the room.

I cradled her until the doctors came bursting in. They had brought all of their equipment with them.

They began working on Tamara.

"We'll come find you after we help her."

"No, I'm staying. I'm not leavi-."

"Mr. Andiacchi with all due respect, I need Tamara to focus on me and only me as I help her and she can't with you in the room.", Dr. Bing said.

I slowly nodded.

I stepped outside the room and was greeted by my men.

"What happened?", Tony asked.

"Tamara has been shot. She's fine for now. Hopefully, she makes a speedy recovery.", I said while trying to process the information myself.

"So, what does this mean? Is she back for good?", Juliana asked.

"That girl is never leaving this house again."

"Giovanni.", Victor said softly.

"What?! What could you possibly say to me that will make this any better?"

"You can't hold her prisoner because you're scared to lose her."

"You heard her in there. I promised her that she wasn't gonna die. I promised her that I will be there. I won't break that."

I walked away, but I still heard heavy footsteps.

"Tamara isn't Aria.", Victor spoke.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see Tony and Victor standing there.

"And Juliana isn't Valeria."

I saw both men tense up before walking away from them.


"And Juliana isn't Valeria."

I felt myself tense up as he walked away. I saw Tony clench his fist.

"He's just upset.", I reassured Tony.

"I'm gonna check on Val."

He walked away from me.

"You wanna tell me what that was about?"

I turned to see Juliana standing there.


"Why did Giovanni say that?"

I looked at her and took a deep breath. I tried to grab her hand, but she yanked it away.

"You love her..", she said softly.

Her voice cracked as tears rolled down her face.


"I'm in love with you and you love her."

"I'm so sorry."

"I joined the fucking Mafia for you."

She began punching my chest. This went on until she collapsed in my arms in a fit of sobs.

"I really tried not to love her. I really did. I wanted you. I still want you. Shh. Baby, don't cry."

Giovanni POV:

It had been 3 hours since the incident that I was called to come to see Tamara. I practically ran. I was stopped by the doctor.

"Is she awake?"

"Yes sir, but there is something you should know."

I looked pass him and saw Tamara move in her bed.

I walked pass him and went to Tamara.

"Tamara. Baby, are you okay?"

Tamara looked at me with confused eyes.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

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