33. Promises ( end)

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Kongpob, Arthit and his friends stood on the rooftop, facing east, waiting for the sun to rise above the horizon.

Arthit stood shuffling his feet, nervous and anxious. It wasn't even marraige but he was getting wedding jitters for sure.

He glanced at his friends, Prem and Bright were flanking his side , while Knot and Toota stood beside Kongpob " Guys, I think this is a bad idea. People already think, we, engineers are crazy gang. We are proving them right. "

" Arthit, didn't you say, you want it at the rooftop ? " Knot asked.

" Yeah.. I did. But, I didn't want it this late. Passerby and other students going to class can see us, waiting here like crazy. "

"It's not even sunrise yet, they will be either rolling on their beds or trying to brush their teeths while taking a shower because they are already ten minutes late." Knot reasoned.

"Calm down, alright. It is all good till you don't decide to jump Kongpob's bones here. " Toota added grumpily. Bright snickered, throwing Toota a knowing look while Prem and Knot looked almost sympathetic as well as guilty.

" What's up with you today ? " Arthit asked Toota.

" It's sunrise " Knot immediately declared, successfully distracting Arthit's attention.

" Let's start " Prem took his position as their official cameraman.

" Hold your hands " Toota instructed. Kongpob took Arthit's hands in his .

" I as an initiator and M.C of this event officially declare that I don't know what to say because my friend here" He pointed at Arthit " suddenly decided to kick me awake and shove me under the shower to initiate their vows. "

" What the fu-"

" Arthit, no swearing " Kongpob admonished.

Arthit closed his mouth, glaring at Toota. " Why is he grumpy today ? What bit your as-"

" Arthit! " Knot, Prem and Kongpob yelled at once. " No swearing "

" Fine. " Arthit raised his hands in surrender. " I'm not swearing, you don't need to scare the shi-"

" Arthit ! " Kongpob said exasperated.

" No swearing. Got it " Arthit gave a thumbs up to Kongpob and Knot. He turned to Toota " I'll deal with you later" he glared at his friend who just rolled his eyes.

" Welcome back to our event, after a little behavioural problem on part of our groom , we are good to go.
Gentlemen and gentlemen ,we are here to witness the vows of our lovely Couple 'Kongpob and Arthit.' Without wasting my time on introducing them to the crowd who has witnessed their journey to fighting and arguing through the notes to playing strip quiz without locking the door." Prem snickered instantly remembering the incident.

Arthit glared at Toota, making a swiping motion with his thumb. Kongpob held Arthit's hand in his tightly to stop him disrupting their small ceremony. Prem, Bright and Knot were quietly snickering, their shaking shoulders giving them away.

" I'll kill you if video is not clear " Arthit threatened Prem who was snickering behind the camera, trying to keep his hand holding the camera as still as possible.

" After overcoming one more behavioural problem , here we are with our lovely couple, a handsome man Kongpob and his angry bird Arthit. "

" Do you think you are hosting Takeshi's castle ? " Arthit snarked. " Don't make me kick your behind. "

Toota continued unfazed

" From strangers to roommates to friends to lovers, they have covered a long journey in short period of time. To honour their relationship , they want to promise each other the things and milestones they want to achieve with each other.
Arthit and Kongpob will recite their own vows now. "

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