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Kong stared at the dingy walls of the tiny room he was sharing with four other kids. It has been three months since his parent's death, since Dave dumped him here to get rid of him.

" I will come back to get you soon" Dave had said when he left Kong at orphanage. Kong smiled humorlessly at the irony. Soon? How soon? 1 month, two months , two years, twenty years ?How soon is this 'soon' ? As if Kong doesnt know these words are void same as morale of its speaker.

" Your parents were bankrupt"

" At least they didn't suffer..."

" I hope you understand, we are practically vagabonds now. I wish I could take you with me, but I can't support you as of now but I promise, I will return soon to get you back. Meanwhile study here, make your parents proud" Dave's voice echoed in his brain continuously since the moment he heard them.

He smiled once again, a smile that didn't light his eyes up, instead made it look dangerously cold.... like freezing glaciers. Lips stretched in smile, eyes resembling dead, cheeks sunken from self induced starvation, he must have looked like a maniac or a pyscho because other children kept their distance from him, even staff let him sit in a corner of room trapped in his own mind .

It continued till the moment a man came to meet him- Khun Yong Chanagun. Kong was brought in to a room where he was left alone with this man.

" I heard about your parents, I am sorry for your loss.." the man babbled something on and on ,Kong was tuning out this man successfully until said man shook his shoulder in an attempt to gain his attention " Are you listening to me, I would like to adopt you....... if you would be amenable to it. "

Kong didn't answer.

The man waited patiently for several minutes when Kong still stayed silent he threw his last card
" I knew your parents and I know they wouldn't want you to waste away like this. I can give you future they would have wanted and I can even help you take revenge on Dave Thaksirat. Now ball is in your court, decision is yours."

" You were a friend? "

" There are no friends in business world Nong. Only people you owe favour to and people who owe you favours. I owed one to your father... now naturally to you since he is no more " The man said.

" What if I don't want to get adopted? If I want something else than you are offering?"

" What do you want?"

" I want my home to be exactly like it was before. Dave Thaksirat will surely be trying to get his hands on it." Their home was in centre of city... It was golden land, Dave had earlier tried to convince his parents to move in to another and use that piece to build a hotel. Its their ancestral home..... walls of that house has witnessed generations and generations of Suthiluck's growing up. His parents loved this home too much to break it down and earn profit.

Khun Chanagun didn't take even a second to think. " Done" he instantly replied.

Being adopted by Chanagun would have been a much better option but Kong is too charred to trust anyone now. Another question is why does Chanagun wants to help him take Dave down? But he is too far gone to care about these voices of suspicion raising their head in his brain, he mercilessly chopped them down and decided to act on his reckless plan.

An opportunity to get out of here has come in the form of Khun Chanagun. Kong decided to play his luck

" I want to ask for a favour. I'll owe you one" Kong stated voice devoid of any emotion.

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