Who Are Being Held

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When I didn't respond to what Chai had accused me of, the public went nuts and there's even more hate mail coming through my corporate email, they thought I'm being silent because what she said was true, that I was denying her son of his birthright by declining her request to do a DNA testing. Then here I am doing an exclusive interview with the biggest news media platform, giving them everything they need to show the public that I am not what Chai had accused me of, I even gave them the original tape of our conversation—which already verified by the court—to accompany the DNA test King did 3 years prior. So yeah, I practically silence her completely with this ultimate weapon.

"Aderyn Clark!" I was just about to turn around when there's something wet hitting me at the back of my head, "that's for denying a birthright!" Followed by another 3 egg throwing hitting me at my back, ruining my hair, clothes, and my limited edition Jimmy Choo heels.

I didn't catch the culprit because they attack me from behind–such a coward move–and I'm to stunned to actually do a quick turn to see them, even if I turn around now, I wouldn't know which one they are, I'm in a middle of a sidewalk, people walking by me everywhere. Ugh, I need a change of everything, I smell like egg, and that's definitely not a good smell to meet with people from Nuvola for the first time.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" I could see the salesperson trying to not look at my egg covered hair and judge

"I need clothes, shoes, and a shower." I grind my teeth

"Bad day?" She cringe while leading me to the woman's section

"As you can see," I pointed at myself

"I can help you with clothes and shoes, but not shower," she told me slowly

"I'll just use the sink." I don't have time to go home, shower, and be back here on time. My meeting is in 30 minutes and I don't want to be late, even though I am the boss of them, but no, that's just unprofessional

"Yeah, this is an emergency, that'll be fine," she gives me a nod

"You, pick me something, I'm gonna wash my hair,"

"Any request in particular?" She looks surprised

"Professional," was my only request before basically running to the toilet

Long story short, I arrived to my meeting on time.

Nuvola is located inside a very chic building that for some reason feels very King. Like Delta, this was his baby. He made this company by himself, not affiliated to KI in any way except himself.

"Welcome to Nuvola, Ms. Clark," some guy in a suit welcome me at the reception desk

Scratch that, I know exactly who he is, "Mr. Navarro," he's the president of Nuvola, never met him personally before, but I heard about him, "pleasure to finally meet you," I extended my arm

"Pleasure is all mine," he said before shaking my hand, "this is Eli Manning, our VP," he gestured towards the man next to him

"Pleasure," I extended my arm towards him and he shake it

Eli's looks at me rather distrustful. I mean it's understandable, Nuvola and Delta aren't exactly always have a good relationship, and now, we're having some sort of a non-merger merger by default.

"Let me show you around," said Navarro

"I just need the basis of the company, then after that I could leave you to it," I told him sternly

"Of course," Navarro nodded and start to ramble about the company

A few minutes and 2 floors later, I said, "Mr. Manning why don't you take over? Tell me about the company, in detail,"

I really don't see why King chose this man to be a VP of anything, he's very meek and crumbled under pressure. Sure he's good at giving a stink eye, but he's like a scaredy-cat, once confronted, he retreat, he got no bite. Even a simple task like me asking him to explain about the company, he got some parts wrong, and I'm just a new chief and I know better than him. Wish King was still alive, so I could mock him on how he made a bad decision. But again, if he's still alive, this would be the least of my concern.

I asked them a bunch of surprise questions, quizzing them things that a head of company should know, Navarro pass with flying colors, while Manning, as you could already guessed, have a few answers wrong Navarro had to stepped in before he made it worse.

"When did you get promoted, Eli?" I asked curiously

"Around last year,"

"Hmm, that's interesting," I nodded slowly, "I just found out I need to care for this company less then 4 months ago, yet I know more than you and pretty sure you got somethings wrong when you told me about Nuvola," then I look at Navarro, "how about you?"

"Ever since the beginning," he said it surely. I like Navarro

"So, 6 years," he nodded, "you could keep your job," I told him nonchalantly, then look towards Eli, "but you, I'm demoting you,"

"What?!" Eli looks pissed, he's definitely think he didn't deserve a demotion

"If I want to keep this company alive, no scaredy-cat like you should ever have a seat on the top ranks," I told him seriously, "either learn to take your job seriously, or you'll be out of job before you know it,"

"She's even meaner than Mr. Kane," he mumbled very low, but I got a good ear

"Get used to it." I snapped

"So, what's my title be?" He asked slowly

"A common office staff," I told him flatly

"You got to be kidding me!" He laugh loudly

"I am not, Mr. Manning, I am dead serious." But I'm not laughing with him, obviously. I'm a ruthless boss, you don't perform, you get cut.

"I'm a Vice President!" He shouted, I think the whole floor could hear him

"You rather have no job at all?" That wasn't a threat, but he could interpret it any way he wants

"That's 1/4 of what I'm making now." Like that's going to change my mind?

"Again, you rather have no job at all?" I just stare at him

"Is that a threat?" He stare at me deeply

"You tell me," he wanna play staring contest? I'll play

"Eli, I don't think it's wise to challenge Ms. Clark," Navarro said clapping his shoulders

"I rather be fired," is that so?

"Not taking the bait, Eli, because if I do fire you, you'll be suing me for wrongful termination," I give him a half smile, "and I know your 5-year-contact with Nuvola doesn't end until next year," I added, "there's always the choice to quit, but I assure you, it's gonna be hard to look for a job in this town,"

"Eli, listen to voice of reason, don't do anything rash." Navarro warns him quickly

"You're a heartless bitch!" He spat angrily

"Thank you," but I thank him with a smile

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