The Torturous

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We ended up going at almost midnight. The fucking cereal monster finished my cereal, all because he's hungry but refused to order anything in. Also, I learned that food after sex was like the best thing ever. Other reason for needing to go out at this hour because for some reason, my milk already gone bad, so I needed another one. Also ice cream, I'm craving for a tub of Ben&Jerry's cookie crumble ice cream.

"You're paying for all that," I told him pointing at the trolley

"Why?" He has the decency to look confused!

"Because you finished my damn cereal you, dick!" I snapped annoyedly

"Fine, I'll pay for the cereal," he give in, "but I'm not buying your milk, ice cream, and all your other whatnot shits!"

"You're the one who wants to do groceries shopping, so you pay for it!"


"You can't do half/half on groceries you, dumbass!" I can't do this anymore, I'm too tired for this, "I don't want groceries, so do whatever you want, I'm paying for my ice cream and milk."

He ended up paying for everything. Even my milk and ice cream. Maybe he is capable of doing what Carson had told me. But it's weird, I'm not used to him being nice. In my eyes, he's always the bad guy, so when he's doing a nice thing, instead of feeling "awh he's so nice," I feel suspicious, thinking of what the hell he planned to do next. And really, I'm not even gonna try going there, thinking he actually doing shits to me because he has feelings for me and don't know what to do with it, ha! Fuck that shit, you don't treat someone the way he did, feelings or no feelings, you just fucking don't.

Back in my apartment, he just left all the groceries for me to take care of, he put it in my kitchen and left. Without word or anything, he was also quiet on the walk back here. Maybe he regretted doing nice things to me, or maybe he's scheming for his next attack. Who knows? His head is like a tangled up ball of yarn, you don't know where it starts or ends.

When I finished with the groceries, it's almost 2, and once again I didn't feel tired. So I plugged in my phone, opened up my laptop, and finished up the work I brought home. I was so into it, the next thing I know was the alarm on my phone starts to ring. How is it already 530? I feel like I just started doing my work! I was planning to catch some zzz for maybe an hour before work, now, I can't, I have to get ready. Fuck, this is bad, now I've been up for 48 hours. Do I have insomnia? Why am I suddenly have trouble sleeping? What does insomnia caused by again? Stress? Fuck! Having King back in my life is fucking chaos.


"Good morning, boss!" Lexa is here, why is Lexa here in my office? She's supposed to be on leave..

"Hey, why are you back?" I gave her a small hug

"I'm still on leave," she shrugged, "but I heard some terrible news." She sighed

"What terrible news?" I faked innocence

"You're loyal assistant, wasn't exactly loyal!" She said in hushed tone like it was a big secret, "he's funneling money out of the company with charities as a front!"

"The lawyers already handled it," I swing my hand casually, "so is this baby Ricky?" I looked down to the stroller next to here

"Reina, actually," Lexa corrected, "she's a girl."

"But you said..." I'm confused, "is the doctor–"

"Yep, I don't know how," Lexa shakes her head, "usually it's a girl for a boy, but maybe because she's a big baby the doctor mistaken the sex."

"Makes sense," I give her a nod

"I also heard another news," now she looks sad

"And that is..." I baited while walking to behind my desk

"You hate Kane, you swore you'll never have anything to do with him when I pushed the idea after... you know... that, yet now..." she bites her lips, "you give him a big chunk of our share, sorry, your share."

"It was profitable," I shrugged

"In what way? You signed without discussing it with the board or the lawyers, or me" she stared at me sharply, "did he pressured you into signing?"

"Kane Industries is—"

"Honey, you didn't giving it to the company, you're giving in to the person,"

"King is the company,"

"No, King is a snake," Lexa being mean without context? That's new.. "an old employee of Kane's doing a tell all, and he said some surprising things—"

"Ethan Selleck is a disgruntled old employee." We both snapped our heads towards the door at the same time. I really need to catch some sleep, because I'm starting to see something that aren't real and thinking about stupid thoughts, and more importantly, I'm losing focus

"Mr. Kane, what are you doing here?" That was Lexa, I was still to dumbfounded to actually talk. Sure, King has been frequenting my office, but he always in semi formal attire, never like this, full business, complete with tie and dress shoes

"I have meeting with the board," he replied casually without taking his eyes off me

"My board?" I pointed to myself

"I'm in your building, am I not?" He cocked his head to the side

"I'm not being informed about any meeting," I scrambled to open the schedule on my phone, "am I being left out of this meeting?" I asked once I saw my schedule was clear for the next hour

"Maybe they want to talk about stripping you of your position," he said so casually then left my office

I am. So. Fucking. Stupid! What the fuck did I just done?! Oh my god!

"Aderyn, talk to me, what's going on..." Lexa was already standing next to me, she's rubbing my shoulders, and all I could do just blink, blink, and blink.

"They gonna strip me of my title," I said barely a whisper

"No, they can't, they don't–" she must've realized what worry me so, "oh.. I see,"

"They can!" I'm gonna faint, "the board combined have 36 now, King got 25, and I only got 29," I looked up at Lexa, "fucking 29, Lex!"

"The board is in your side," Lexa said half convinced

"No they don't, not after I pushed the Kane thing, they didn't like my decision," I shake my head, "they gonna pushed me aside, they think I'm not able to direct anymore," I started to cry

All my hard work, everything that I had done. I may still have my share, but that's all I'm gonna be, a shareholder. King really did plan take everything away from me, even my own company, the one I built from the ground up. He's a monster. The devil!

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