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I would love, love, love to fuck all night long. He got the stamina, I got the pent up horniness, it's perfect, and even more perfect, he's going bare! I didn't know it be that great or I'd already be on the pills long time ago so he could fucked me bare, and I won't be pregnant.

I could feel each stroke skin to skin and it added more to the sensation. I am already so sensitive, so orgasm comes easily, but even before pregnancy, King already was giving me multiple orgasms easily. I love my hormones right now. When I fell asleep that night, I was basically so drained out of my energy, but it was totally worth it.

"King," I called out the morning after, "you're clean right?"

"It's kinda too late to ask about that now, don't you think?" He smirked then, as always, dry munching on my cereal

His answer is vaguely familiar, I think that's my exact word when he ask me if I'm a virgin. If he use that wording with the same sense as I used it then, then I'm good.

"You stole my line." I told him flatly

"You never actually answer me," he said interested

"Just like you always dodging the question," I said opening the fridge to take the milk for my cereal

"I don't pay for sex if that's what you're so worry about," he lift himself to the kitchen counter, "they just come to me like moth to a flame,"

"Fun," I said sarcastically, "should've not let you go bare, who knows what hole you've been in in the past weeks,"

"Alito, if you wanna know, just ask, no need to be shy..."

"I don't know what you mean." I played dumb, because yes, I am asking what he's thinking I'm asking about

"I don't play golf, Alito," he could be lying, no way a guy like him could adjust his desire to fuck with my mood, he's definitely not a saint from the way he's fucking me, he has done it lots of time with different people. In this topic to be exact, I know for a fact learning at being good is not just by focusing on one, variety is the key.


I don't know what happen with King and his parents, all I know was Mona and Peter once again visited me, this time in my office, and they're still trying to convince me to marry their son like he's such a undesirable man, which definitely not true. He's the ultimate package deal to all the ladies, unfortunately, I'm not all the ladies, I'm Aderyn. So their words fall on a deaf ear.

But once again, I was ambushed. The next day after his parents visit to my office, I thought I could go home early and have a relaxing rest of the day, but then King showed up an hour later and basically forcing me to go with him to get a marriage license. He literally dragged me to his car, and as usual, we fought.

"I don't want to marry you!" I shouted at him. I know I shouldn't do anything physical because he's driving and I rather be alive

"I don't want to marry you either," he said calmly

"Then why the fuck are we going to the courthouse?" I got 15 minutes to get out of this mess before reaching our destination

"Because my parents say so."

"You're 30 years old," I stared at him, "why are you still letting your parents tell you what to do?"

"Because unlike yours, they're still alive." That's a sharp jab to the heart

"Then I'd rather die than have to be married to you!" I said without thinking

"I told you, it's only on paper and fuck the vow." He said it nonchalantly

"Marriage is sacred," I said it more calmly, "I don't want my first to be with you!"

"Well, if you died, you'll never be married to anybody," he laugh sarcastically

"Oh I see," I feel like a bipolar, one moment I'm mad, and the next I'm laughing, "you do want to be married to me,"

"I'd rather be in a car crash than be married to you,"

"Careful, you sounded like you're pushing it," I smirked, even though he probably didn't see it, "don't make me dare you,"

"I won't crash the car." He said firmly

"Put the money where your mouth is," I challenge

"I won't do that, because I'll be killing my babies," he gives me a side glance, then he said the word that makes me regretted ever saying my previous sentence, "oh, fuck!"

Yeah, as you probably already guessed. We're in a fucking car crash. Not just like a simple rear ended kind, I mean, the actual flipping over and spinning out of control kind of crash. The kind of crash where you're ended up upside down, airbags deployed, and glass all over the place.

"Kingston?" I look towards him, he's fumbling with his seatbelt, and I did the same

I could feel blood running out everywhere, there's even blood on the floor, or roof, of the car

"Don't move," He said before falling, successfully removing his seatbelt. Not to be dramatic, but I didn't have such luck, I'm stuck.

I'm getting dizzy, my eyes is blurry, but I could see King limping out of the car. He's going to leave me here, upside down inside the car. I closed my eyes. Then I feel the door next to me being pulled open

"Don't move, Alito," he's coming back for me, how nice

I still had my eyes closed, but I could feel him reaching over and then me sliding to the ground and being pulled out of the car. How is he still able doing all that? We're in the same car wreck, right? Was he not injured? Because I'm pretty sure he was, just almost as much as me.

"Don't pass out," he said again

"I'm not, I'm just dizzy," I weakly replied. I heard him laughing, painfully I presume

I could feel being carried away and being lowered to the ground. Is he cushioning my head with his thigh?

"Open your eyes," I did as I told, confirming my suspicion. I saw some people around us on their phone

I want to look at the wreck, but King was holding my head in place. Forcing me to look at his bloodied face, his handsome, out of the world sexy beautiful bloodied face, with twinkling blue green eyes with naturally perfect curved eyelashes. Oh I'm definitely delirious if I ever have that kind of thoughts.

"You don't know how many times I imagine you looking like that," I told him weakly

"I could probably guess it's a lot," he said it calmly, too calm, "listen," I blinked at him a few times, is help coming? Is that what he wanted me to listen for? "I'm sorry, okay?"

"You're apologizing." Maybe I'm hallucinating

"I am apologizing," he nodded

"But it was green light," I reached out for his hand out of reflex

"Not for that," King said, smiling, not a painful smile or his jerk ass death sentence smile, his rare genuine smile

"I'm.. I feel.. so dizzy.. Kane..."

"No, no, no, stay awake," he squeezes my hand, "Alito, stay awake!"

I tried my best to stay awake, trying to digest the fact that he was apologizing to me, but not for the crash, what is he– damn it! Fuck my head is killing me! I heard him calling my name for the second time ever, and then it's all black.

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