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All he asked was what color is my dress. He didn't asked me what it look like, or how much it costs him, or where did I buy the dress, or did I buy shoes along with the dress. He got too much money that he didn't care about that little things anymore, and that really annoys me.

Yes, I have my own money, so it's obvious I'm not materialistic, I bought the dress at a reasonable place with a reasonable price tag. I'm not gonna go wild just because he gave me a credit card. He told me to get myself a dress, and that's all I'm getting. Anyways, midnight blue, that's the color of my dress.

I specifically look for a type of dress that stretched, because I know there's a being growing in me and I didn't want to buy a dress just to use it once. Plus it's comfortable, lots of breathing room, especially if I'm gonna meet a lot of stuck-up people.

I'm meeting King at the venue, I don't know where, because I'm pretty sure he's not gonna be waiting for me by the front door like a decent human being, and I don't even know what kind of gala this is! I don't know anybody, I don't know how am I supposed to get in the venue, I'm pretty sure they have a damn guest list seeing from the line at the front door and, yep, there's a lady with an iPad by the door and some security holding a velvet rope like we're in some kind of a fancy upcoming club.

When it is my turn to enter, the lady with an iPad gives me a smile and said, "welcome to the Annual KI Gala, Ms. Clark, we've been expecting you," then give a nod to the security who opened the velvet rope for me, I mumbled out a thanks then enter the venue.

So I'm expected, huh? And an Annual KI Gala? Why do I need to be here? If this is a formal invite, I would know about it from the office, but I didn't. Makes me suspicious, is King gonna do some humiliating act to me? Maybe air out my company dirty laundry? He obviously knows a lot about it now, he's been updated on every ups and down being in my board and all, and he hasn't been his vicious self lately, like he's been slacking on his motivation to just as simply as annoying me. But again he could just be busy with preparation of his gala, I know personally how an event like this need to be meticulously planned.

"Aderyn, it's so good to see you here!" Mona squeezes both of my hands

"Glad to be here," was a classic response, not sure if I actually mean it though

"Is King coming with you?" Peter, King's dad, asks

"Uh, unfortunately, no," I shake my head, "he told me to meet him here."

"Oh, that's unusual, we thought you two would be arriving together," Mona looks confused, but then recovering quickly with a smile, "anyhow, enjoy the party, will you?"

"Of course," I give them a nod, "I'll see you both around, I guess?" I said before we all part ways

"Oh, there you are, Ms. Clark, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Some young guy in a bow tie stopped in front of me, halting my walk

"Who are you?" I asked, taking a step back

"Sorry, should've introduced myself," he cleared his throat, "I'm Oliver, Mr. Kane's personal assistant, and he told me to bring you to him."

"Does everyone here knows who I am?" Stupid question

"Duh, of course, you're the face of Delta." He rolled his eyes, "shall we?" He started walking, not caring if I followed or not. Now that's a move King would do, he teaches his assistant on being an ass very well

"Where is he?" I asked not even trying to keep up with his intentional quick steps

"Backstage." He put aside a curtain and gesture me to enter, and there I met with a pissed off King

"What the fuck took you so long?!" That wasn't directed at me

"Sorry, Sir, she was—"

"I specifically told you, to bring her to me as soon as she arrived!" He cut him off, "by that, I mean get her from the fucking front door!" Okay, boss King is scary, a different type of his usual scary, "she arrived almost half an hour ago, where the fuck did you go?" really, I've been here that long? Feels like only recently

I feel like I should interject, "why am I here, King?"

"Out!" Still staring at Oliver, he pointed at the curtain

"So?" I asked again

"Public announcement, setting things straight, earmarking territory." He said it shortly

"What does earmarking territory even mean?" Hope it doesn't mean what I think it means

"When will I get the DNA result?" It is so him dodging a question

"We haven't even done the testing yet," I crossed my arms annoyedly

"When can we do it?" Huh, so eager, "and don't tell me we need to wait for another week."

"Let me guess, you've done this before," I said sarcastically

"Plenty," not a hint of joke. Shiiit

"What a manwhore," I mumbled mockingly, "chill out, I've set up an appointment, and yes, it is next week."

"No, we will do it tomorrow," he said with finality

"You will still getting the result next week." I told him calmly

"If I see the result that the baby isn't mine, I'm suing your ass at court,"

"That seems overreacting," I said with a nervous laugh, last time we went to court, I'm almost got bankrupted, "why would you sue me?"

"Conning is a crime," he said with a seriousness that gives you chills

"Did you sue all the woman who tried to 'con' you?"

"Yes, and that's more than what they deserve," he said it flatly, "they need to know to never mess with me."

"Uuu, I'm very scared." I said sarcastically, but in truth, I am actually scared.

Not because of what the result would be, I know the result would say what we're expected, but I'm scared because of what he's capable of doing, and I'm still not sure how far that actually is.

The Memoir of Aderyn ClarkWhere stories live. Discover now