Actually Go

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The will reading comes next. I didn't even know what a 30 year old like him have a will for, makes me wonder if he wrote a prenup for me to sign, probably, he's a very calculating person, after all.

"Mrs. Kane, Mr. Kane," the attorney who would read the will said to Mona and Peter, "Ms. Clark," he added lastly

"Why am I being called in too?" I asked him curiously

"I guess King has made you as one of the beneficiary, my dear," said Mona smiling.

The last I saw Mona and Peter was at the wake. They didn't blame me for King's death, just so you know, but I'm still wary at their presence. King died on the way to get a license for a marriage to me, a marriage that I was so bluntly being against of. They could easily bring up a doubt that I'm innocent. I don't want the marriage, the only reason why me and King had to be married was the babies, so, if I remove all that from the equation, I am free. So, it was a good thing his parents see reason and not blinded by the grief.

"Am I?" I look at the attorney in questioning

"I haven't read the will, so I guess we'll see," he shrugged a little, "but maybe, Mrs. Kane was indeed correct. Shall we?"

I'll make this short. He gave his parents each a part of his company share, he gave them his house in the east, he left some money for them to be use as a "honeymoon budget", and some other stuff split equally with his two parent. Then it's my turn, he didn't leave anything for me. So, why am I here? Well this is the stabbing of a knife moment, because he specifically left everything else to his twin offspring, whose names will be added later, and to all future children of his, proofed by a DNA testing, when they reach the age of 21. In the meantime, I will handle all the assets completely, taking over the day to day stuff, but without the power of selling or buying unless said otherwise, I can't transfer position unless said otherwise, I'm basically the errand woman that will keep the company alive until the twin are come to age. Oh, and he let me keep the apartment, not owning it, but keep it, to stay in it, so I could take care of his babies, like I was just some surrogate and not their birth mother or didn't help out with how they even come to this world.

Honest to God, when the attorney read my part of the will, I legit dropped down to the floor and cried. There will be no children of his, at all. There would never be a successor for Kane Industries, I would be a forever spinster, because who would want to be with me? I'm the ex-fiancée of Kingston Kane, he basically marked me, even though he is dead now, people are still afraid because he still have some loyal "guards", and even if someone actually have the guts, man wants some dominance, me being the CEO of, not just one, but two companies, it ridiculed their manhood.

There's also another problem. I am like a naive little virgin girl. The only man I've ever been with was King, I only know how to handle him, and it's safe to say, man aren't all like him. He's evil, but he's not manipulative. He's always scheming, but he never intended any harm. What if I fall for another Luca? I am so vulnerable to such thing, if it happened once, why can't it be happening again? Different method, but same result, and this time it's not just me who would take the free fall, it's also the companies. So I am a dead woman.

"Aderyn, honey," Mona was hugging my shoulders, trying to lift me back up, "I know what you're feeling,"

"No, you don't!" I pulled away from her, "King basically set my fate to stone with that will!"

"What do you mean?" This time it was Peter

"'Until they reach the age of 21'," I repeat what the attorney said, "who do you think the 'they' he's talking about, Peter? Hmm?" I cocked my head to the side, "all his spawn are dead!"

"Don't say that! They're your babies too," said Mona sadly

"I didn't mean the babies," I annoyedly told Mona, "I meant King! King is dead, and they took my fucking uterus! There'll be no more babies!"

"They removed your uterus?" Mona looks horrified

"Uncontrolled bleeding due to extensive damage to the uterine wall," I said with a bitter laugh

"Mr. Tucker, can you leave us for a moment?" That was Peter, and the man in question gladly leave the room.

"I'm sorry, the doctor didn't inform us about that," said Mona regretfully

"Of course he won't tell you," I am just so angry with everything. It's nothing personal, yet at the same time very personal, "that's my private medical record, if he told you about that, he's gonna lose his medical license,"

"Right," Mona nodded, "um, you're still at reproductive age, so you still could have babies," she added very carefully

"Do I?" I winced my eyes

"Yes, I had my uterus removed last year, and the doctor said all hysterectomy leave the tube and ovaries intact,"

"If it's not damaged," I told her skeptically

"You know, Aderyn?" Peter interject, getting the attention of me and Mona, "you are very unique,"

"How so?" I crossed my arms

"Is your heart made of stone?" Peter asked. The tone he used wasn't harsh, but the question itself, was. "Because you endure everything my son throws at you and you never, not once, give up on him,"

"You got all that messed up, Peter," I shake my head, "I didn't leave because King is holding me captive. He took over everything, my life, my company, even my sex life," I told them bluntly, "he said it himself, on a couple occasions, that he owned me, like I'm some kind of his property! I'm not a slave, you know." For some reason, Peter smile, "what are you smiling about?" Peter is definitely King's father, they have the same smile, but less devilish

"The cares about you, Aderyn." Said Peter softly. Care about me, my ass, that selfish man only care for himself

"In case you didn't know, he ran me out of town," I rope them in on the secret, "I didn't even go to my high school graduation, I had my diploma mailed to a new address," I continue, "that didn't paint the picture of someone who cares," I laugh sarcastically, "I'm done talking about this, I'm going home." I took my bag and leave. Once I'm in the elevator, once again I cried myself, bawling out.

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