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Before the board meeting earlier, I reread the agreement. I know the board was right, I needed to discuss it first, and let the company lawyers read the agreement. Instead I do out of order.

After the meeting, I let the lawyers read it over and they told me the agreement is ironclad, there's no loophole. The lawyers at Kane's was good at predicting everything, they had put all things necessary on each of the clauses. There will be no going back. It's final. What the hell am I getting myself and the company into...

Since Dexter was gone, the HR is giving me a temp assistant, and fuck, instead of making my life easier, this bitch that I can't even remember what her name was, is making my life harder, she didn't know how to do scheduling right, she always late when it's time to let me know the time to do something next on the schedule, I feel like not having an assistant. And now, instead of doing the job that I just gave to her, I caught her flirting! I'm definitely getting a new temp.

"Ahaha, that is so funny!" I said sarcastically from right next to her, and for a second she have the time to show her annoyance, which disappeared right away when she saw it was me, "where's the file I asked you to copy?" No more laugh, just seriousness

"Uhh, which file, again?" I only gave her one. See how incompetent this bitch is?!

"The one that's fucking sitting on your desk," I pointed back to where her desk is, "you know the one where you're supposed to be at unless I tell you otherwise?"

"I'll do it right now," with that she scurry off to her desk

"Could you please just not?" I sighed tiredly

"Why? You jealous, Alito?" He smiles

"I need order in my office, I can't have you distracting my employees from doing their jobs," another sigh

"In my defense, I was only asking her about her job since I've haven't seen her before," he shrugged

"Why?" I crossed my arms

"Just curious," he said casually

"So now you remember all my employees?" I stared at him annoyedly

"Only the faces of the people on this floor," he once again shrugged

"Let's just get to the point," I turned around walking back to my office, "what else you want?"

"Be specific," he said nonchalantly

"No, you be specific!" I pointed at him, "I signed on the dotted line, you got your share, the deal is done, so what else do you want from me?!"

"Are you gonna get a new temp to replace her?" Why is he changing the subject?

"Yes," I answer shortly, "now answer my question, Kane!"

"I know someone who will be qualified for the job," why did he keeps on dodging my question?

"No, I'm not hiring anybody from you," I swing my hand in dismissal

"Your loss." He shrugged then left my office

Sometimes, I wonder what's going on inside that head of his. He's always so confusing, but one thing that's always clear with him was only his desire to bother me, annoy me, anything and everything to make me uncomfortable in my own life. It's like that was his life mission. Maybe he really wanted me to die soon, but didn't want to be responsible directly by doing something instant. He did say he didn't like anything easy that night, did he?


I have to go out of town for the week. Handling suppliers and meetup with the owner of the land that I've been putting my sight on. They're not selling, but I'm sure I could coax them into it, make up some good deal that would sure bring the best outcome for both parties.

"Ms. Clark, before you go," the new temp caught me on my way to the elevator, "I think you should read this, it looks important." He handed me a piece of paper paper, it looks like a printed article from some online news media

"What's this?" I accept the paper, leery of its content

"I think it's better if you read it yourself," he looked away, then downward, avoiding eye contact, that got me even more worried

I look at the paper and 4 words stands out, my company and King's. I definitely can't just stop there, so I read on. By the time I reached the ground floor, I was furious. I was fuming, itching to destroy something so bad, preferably the owner of the other company's, whose last name is vainly plastered on the company name, face.

I need to do some damage control. What's written on that article was fake news. They twisted out the truth! Hell, it's is not even the truth at all, they just making shit up! Shit that made my company seems like one on the verge of collapsing and as always the strong and mighty Kane Industries swooped in to save the day by buying stocks of the company. But that ain't the truth wasn't it? King got my shares for nothing, he didn't buy the stocks, he took them for nothing! Not even for a fucking dime!

How the hell the news media got the wind of this deal anyway? The news weren't going to be public until tonight, yet according to the time stamp of when this news broke, it was already made public this morning, when the finalizing deal literally was just finalized. What the fuck is happening to my company?! Who the hell is the mole? Who betrayed my trust? There's only a few possibility, one of my nine board of trustees, my CFO, and the executive secretary, since they're the only one in the room. Oh, there's actually one more person, the representative from Kane. He's a good suspect, he's not directly effected with the downfall news, hell, he's probably the one that got the most great publicity for being the savior!

Now where the fuck is that devil when he was needed? Always shows up when it's not necessary, but never there when the time called for him. He's so fucking useless!

 He's so fucking useless!

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