We Will

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Despite everything, I managed to snag a deal with the land owner. He got a huge piece of land that's perfect for an exclusive housing complex, it's located not far from the city center, but far enough to still achieve the serenity feels. All he ask for in return, other than a huge sum of money, of course, that's being paid gradually each month for the next 5 years, was his own area, secluded from the frenzied fancy people who will live at the houses, which is not such a ludicrous ask, it is a huge piece of land after all.

After the lawyers drawn up the paperwork for the land and everything else that will be ours for the taking after the signing, and that same paperwork being signed by both parties, it's time for me to go back to the city and deal with the chaos. Ugh, why can't my life be just going on smoothly? If only I never met King, things would be so different, maybe right now I'd be married with kids.

I'm in my 30s for God's sake, my biological clock is ticking, and I don't even have a man. I'm not gonna be one of those single parent that have babies by sperm donors. I want my kid to know they have a father and weren't half of a nameless sperm donor. I like stability, and right now, I'm not even sure I'm stable enough to have a working relationship with a man let alone have a baby. Maybe I'm better of without, I'll just adopt a grown up child to continue my legacy, doesn't need to be legally mine, I could just take them under my wings and groom them to lead. It could be whoever.

Looking at the time, I see it's still office hour, so instead of going straight to the apartment, I went to the office. My temp assistant has been give me a constant updates on the office situation. At first it's seems like a kiss ass attempt, but now it feels like a good thing, like I haven't been out of the office, like I was there in person. But I can't be too slack on him just because he did a good job on keeping me well informed, he could be the mole. My assistant got access to my files, my schedule, everything. He got inside information, client list, details of the company dealing, current and future deals. NDA form was nothing if you're good at being under the radar.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Clark," Carson, the temp, stood up from his chair when he sees me approached, "I didn't know you would be in the office after your trip,"

"Well, I am." I glanced at him for a second before continuing my walk to my office

"Do you need me getting anything for you?" Carson offers from the doorway, "sandwiches? Coffee? Water?"

"Uhh, get me that chicken thingy from that corner restaurant," I never know what it's called, Dexter always buys it for me, I really hope the restaurant knows which one

"Francie or Glendale?" I looked up to my temp, he got that determined look going on, he didn't look frazzled

"Francie," at least I know what the restaurant called

"Okay, I'll be back in 15 minutes," he nodded

"Dexter usually did it in 30 minutes," I told him informatively, Carson did nothing but nodded. Hmm, interesting, if I didn't know any better, I might think he's a robot design to be a proficient assistant


It was less than 15 minutes and another thing that surprise me was this chicken thingy is cheaper than how much they usually charged me. Which makes me realize how much I have letting lots of things slide with Dexter as my assistant. He bought something on the restaurant and put it on my tab, and not just that, he took he's sweet time buying the food I ask while I'm here sitting hungrily waiting for that food to come! Oh I'm so glad I fired his ass!

I almost forgot the time when there's a knock on my door, "do you need me to stay longer, mam?"

"What time is it?" My phone is dead, awesome

"It's almost 8," he said after looking at his watch

"And you're still here?" I gave him a half laugh

"Uh, I was always told to not leave before you leave, mam," I didn't make that rules! I might be a little mean sometimes, but I'm not cruel, I set up office hours!

"Carson, office hour ended at 6," I give him a smile, "you can leave by then, just let me know before you do. If I need you to stay longer, I will let you know, you don't have to always wait for me to leave before you can too."

"Oh, I didn't know that," now I know for certain he's not a robot, because he just laugh, a nervous one that is

"Who told you you can't leave before I leave?" I asked him curiously

"Well, it was like that in the previous company I work at, office hours ended when the boss leave," he shrugged

"Oh god, did you work at a labor company?" I winced

"I mean, I don't really mind staying later at the office," another shrugged

"You trying to kiss my ass, Carson?" I shot him a look, it was supposed to be a joke

"No, mam, not at all!" But it seems like Carson take it seriously

"I'm joking," I swing my hand dismissively, "go home, you're dismissed for the day,"

"But you're still here, what if you needed me to do something?" He asked sounding unsure

"I'm not totally helpless, I can do stuff on my own," I defended myself, but it's the truth, I can, I've been doing it for a long time

"You can go home, Carson." Oh, now he shows up!

"Yes, sir." Like a little mouse, Carson scurried out my office faster than the flash

"No wonder he's as efficient as a robot," I told King after Carson close my door, "you're such a dictator." I added with a spat

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