Bonus #9

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   “Cyb”, a hand gently grasps my shoulder and shakes it. “Cybele.”

   “Rhys, if you’re wings aren’t falling off you better leave me to sleep”, I warm and pull my blanket tighter around myself.

   “Cybele, please get up”, Rhysand’s voice was so solemn that I sat up to see the sorrow and rage in his eye.

   “Rhys, what happened? What’s wrong?”, I ask softly. My heart already speeding up in panic.

   “I’m so sorry, but it’s time”, was all he had to say and my heart broke. A neatly folded letter with sprawling rose gold ink assigned to me lay in his hands.

   The Dawn Court. I am being called back to the Dawn Court. I had to leave now.

   “No”, I whimper as I sat there and pulled the blanket around me. “No no no no, it’s too soon. I still have to. . . I have so much to do. Caden, I need to see Caden come back from the rite. No, I can’t go back now.”

    “. . . There are guards already waiting outside”, Rhys murmurs. Looking around at the tent I have spent the last twenty years of my life creating the life I had always wanted to live.

   Blankets, clothing, and toys of my children litter the floor. My newest addition laying snugly in her crib without a care. Chimes from smoothed glass and metal shards chime in the early spring breeze. Tapestries I had spent years on lay over the elevated wood floor. Along with the furs of the animals all my boys had hunted for us.

   It was my home. This was my home.

   “I . . . I don’t even get to say good bye?”, I realize and my heart grows cold.

   “Only to those here”, he answers and stands from my cot.

   “Bre should be with Nasir, and Lugh will be in the pits”, I say as my mind wonders. “Devlon. . . is he back yet?”

   “I will find them”, he nods and stands. “You best get dressed, don’t take too long packing.”

   I nod absently and pull back my covers. Tears streaming down my cheeks as soon as he leaves the tent. I can’t even bring myself to stand as the worst of my fears set in. That my life was over. I could no longer run from my responsibilities, and I couldn’t breathe. It felt like smoke was reaching into my lungs as the tent around me went up in flames.

   Then a gentle touch on my shoulder brought me back and the warm sent of amber engolfed me. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know who it was. I just whimper and wrap my arms around his chest. Burying my tears into his shirt. Devlon doesn’t stop me, doesn’t scold me, just sinks to kneel beside my bed and let’s my hands reach around his neck and sniffle into his shoulders.

   “I don’t want to go”, I tell him.

   “I know”, he answers and runs a hand over my back.

   “Please don’t let them take me”, I beg as I shake and clutch at the hair at the nap of his neck. His own hands fisting my dress and loosens a shaken breath before he can answer.

   “You know I can’t do that Cyb”, he murmurs. “It will start a war and I don’t think that is what you want is it?”

   “No”, I mutter but lay my chin on his shoulder. “. . .I’m so scared.”

   He pulls away then and looks over me before shaking his head.

   “No”, he says firmly. “You do not have to be afraid. Don’t you ever fear again. You have survived so much, and have given so great to many people. Not even the Illyrian mountains where able to concur you. Not once have you been unkind, not once have you let your fear of suffering stop you from caring. You’ve faced death, abduction, loss, monsters of all sorts in these mountains and not once have you turned you back. Twenty years of your life you have burned brighter then any star crowning these snow capped tops. Don’t you dare let this take all that from you. This will not be your killing blow.”

   “Stubborn to the end?”, I laugh bitterly.

   “Stubborn to the end”, he nods in agreement and places his forehead to my own. The two of us breathing together and the strength of his presence lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders.

   “Save your people Cybele. Protect those less fortunate, and never think yourself be any less then any with a crown or throne. You are greater then your fate, you will not yield”, he orders.

   I laugh softly at the relief his words brought and I nod for him.

   “I don’t know how I am ever going to thank you for all you’ve given to me Devlon”, I sigh and hug him again. Maybe for the last time.

   “Live”, he says. “Just live.”

   “I will try”, I smile and he pulls away.

   “Get dressed, I will see you off”, his voice turned cold but I understood that this was hard for him as well. Even if he wont admit it, despite our quarrels over the years, we were both loosing a friend today.

   I nod as he leaves and head for my trunk. Packing only a few mementos and dressing.


  Breanna and the Matka waited just outside my tent.

   “Get back in the tent Cybele”, Nasir orders as she and the other females step forward with boxes in hand. “You are not leaving these mountains looking like a sapling. Married or not, you leave here as a Matka and Reina.”

    They all press me gently back into the tent and help me out of the simple wool skirt and sweater of a working female. Then helped me into a fine navy-blue velvet dress lined with tiny glass beads around the hem and sleeve cuffs. Symbols of strength and courage that would normally be inked onto warrior’s skin swirled over the back and collar bones.

   I almost started to weep at how beautiful it was and the love they put into the designs.

   Nasir smiles kindly and whipped away the tears from my cheeks. “Courage dear child. Courage to bare the weight of kingdoms. To bare the responsibility of motherhood you have concurred. These battles will be no different.” 

   I nod as Bess comes over with charcoal for my eyes and lashes, and stain for my cheeks and lips. Using soft brush strokes to add depth and luster to my features before standing back with satisfaction.

   At the end each and every female gave me a loving hug and whispered their good byes.

   “Take care of yourself child”, Nasir says tenderly as she holds me.

   “I will”, I promise her as she pulls away to hold out a laurel crown braided from juniper branches and wild mountain lavender. Crowning me in my healing herds that I had become known for using. A symbol of healing strength, and bad luck to all who tries to cut me down.

   I lift my chin slightly in pride at it. At all that I have accomplished. Being a healer, mother, and helper to all these fae.

   Bre stands out next. Trying to put on a brave face, but crumbles a bit in the safety in my arms.

   “Must you go Maja?”, she clings a bit tighter.

   “I must darling. I’m sorry, but it’s time we all have to let go”, I sigh and smooth the top of her head.

   “I don’t want to”, she fusses.

   “I know, but we all have a part to play. It’s time I played mine”, I pat her back and she nods.

   “I’ll take care of them all. I promise”, she says pulling away. Wiping away her tears to be my big brave girl.

   “I don’t doubt it”, I nod with approval as a smaller blur of wings and leather cling to the foggy grey blue of my dress.

   “Maja, please don’t go. You need to stay. I haven’t done the rite yet, and Cad isn’t back yet. You need to see us win”, Lugh tugs at my skirts and I bend down to enclose him with my arms. Kissing his feathery hair.

   “I know baby, but this is important”, I try to explain.

   “Aren’t we important?”, he argues.

   “Yes, you are more important to me then all the stars in the sky”, I answer before kneeling to be at his level. Tears prickling his eyes from the muck plastered over his cheeks. “That’s why Maja has to go. If I don’t a very bad male could get so angry and try to come and hurt you and your brothers and sisters.”

   “If he did I’d kick his ass”, he grumbles bitterly.

   “I don’t want you to have to do that. You have other battles you will someday have to fight in Lugh, you need to get big and strong like Caden before that happens. Maja is going to make sure that you are safe”, I try again.

   “But we’re family. We always fight together. Always”, he says firmly. So resilient.

   “Not this time sweet boy. Not this time. I need you to stay and protect your brothers and sisters while Caden and I are away. Caden is going to need a second in command when he gets back. Can you do that for me Lugh?”, I ask tenderly and he nods stubbornly.

   “I can do that”, he answers and I kiss his forehead one last time.

   I direct him into Bre’s arms who holds her little brother firmly against her so he couldn’t dart away.

   All of us leaving the protection of the tent and out into the world.

   My brother’s lover stood with his soldiers at the threshold of the camp. Looking very stiff and nervous at the crowd that had gathered. Rhysand and Devlon standing there to watch the transaction.

   Each step was heavier then the next and if it hadn’t been for Devlon’s hand grasping mine as I passed I might have broke down into tears again. His callused hand held my own so gentle but firmly that I had to look back at him.

   The guards had taken a step forward at the sudden action. Hands on the hilts of their swords, but with a raise of my hand they backed down.

   Wordlessly we stood holding hands. We never had to say a thing to understand the other.

  This was his good bye.

   Using both hands he untied the leather strings that bound his sword to his belt. Taking the strands he wrapped around my thin waist almost three times before tying it firmly at my side.

   “I hope you never have to use it, but I pray Hadres will keep you safe”, he murmurs lowly enough that only I and Rhysand could hear him.

   His sword. Devlon was giving me his sword.

   The only thank you I could give was to place my hand to his cheek and hold him. His eyes shutting firmly for a moment as if the touch burned before settling into it. A soft rumbling sound leaving his chest before I could no longer bare it and pulled away. Stepping back into the midst of the Dawn Court soldiers.

   As they all nodded to each other the finality hit me again and I looked to Devlon in a panic.

   This was it. My last time I would ever see him. All these years of working together and I had never once had the bravery to tell him.

   “Devlon, I - ”, I had to take a breath at the wild fire that sparked in his eyes, but the world was pulled from under me.

   That last breath of that crisp mountain air fell on the wisteria garden of the Dawn Court.


   My appearance was certainly nothing of what my father would have remembered of me. There was nothing of that sweet girl that had gone away dressed in fine silks and smelled of rye power. Nothing like this savage looking Reina covered with glyphs of brutal pledges of strength made of glass beads that shimmered in the evening sun of the open court room ceiling.

   The cool eyes of my father seated on his rose gold throne widen with disbelief at the sight of my wild hair crowned in juniper and lavender. Tyren beside him shifted almost uncomfortably and tried to seek my father’s gaze for some sort of explanation. None was given as I am brought forth before the court.

   Despite the judgments I held myself firm and unconcerned as the mountains.

   “Mel?”, Thesan breathed as he rounded the corner. I haven’t been called by that name for twenty years, and almost was unrecognizable until I saw his face and smiled. Only Thesan with all his mannors of grace could have broken the stale air that had gathered in the room. He breezed over the floor with ease to gather me up in a hug. Smiling I gladly excepted his welcome home and hugged him back with ease.

   “I’ve missed you”, he grins and pulls back to look at me. “Love the dress. Look at the detail.”

   “I missed you too big brother, and I thought you might like it. You should see the sort of things Illyrians can make given enough time. Some of their glass and metal work is incredible. And the quality of the fabrics they make is surprisingly fine, and comfortable.”

   “Twenty years and the first thing you two talk about is dresses?”, my brother’s lover grumbles and looks to the ceiling.

   “What was that dear Captain?”, Thesan purrs.

   “Nothing m’lord”, the Captain half smirks when Thesan winks in his direction. I swat at Thes’ arm for being such a mean tease.

   “I will have my children conduct themselves orderly in my Courtroom”, father insisted and we both laugh before standing straight before him. “Our Darling of Dawning has returned to us dressed like a savage lesser fae. I want her brought to her chambers, dressed appropriately, and kept there until further notice.”

   “Savage?”, I frown with distaste.

   “It was against my better judgment to let you go off to live with Rhysand like you asked. Now I can see I was right in my assumption”, he turns to his guards. “Make sure she is locked away securely. I don’t want her getting any ideas of running away.”

     “I am not going to run”, I hiss and back away as the guards come to my side. “I’ve lived the life I needed too. I’m ready to bare my burden.”

   My father pauses.

   “And call a Priestess. I want her checked for any sort of blemishes”; he adds before dismissing us.

   “Blemishes?”, I gasp in horror. “Twenty years of not seeing me and this is the sort of words you use to welcome back your own daughter!”

   The guards go to grab me and with twenty years of Illyrian instinct drilled into me I had one on the ground and the other’s throat at the pointy end of Hadres.

   “Wow wow wow wow”, Thesan hushes with both hands in the air. “Mel, calm down. They weren’t going to hurt you.”

    I snarl as he comes but don’t move against him when he helps me level the blade.

   “Common, why don’t we go for a walk in the garden on the way. I’ll have tea and biscuits brought up. You can tell me all about your adventures”, Thesan offers hopefully. Despite my anger I sheath Devlon’s sword at my side and nod in agreement. Letting my brother who scowls at our father as we leave.

   What a welcome home indeed.

(Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for being so patient with me. I felt like I should give a bit of Mel’s backstory, and I had a huge case of writer’s block on the Mel/Eris story line.

I am happy to say that the next update will be back to our regularly schedualed program. Thank you for your patience.

Lady Thyme)

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