Chapter 15

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The next day I had made my way down to the Library when I woke to find Eris was no longer beside me. Only to find the room vacant. The papers on his desk all neatly piled and folded. Envelopes sealed and signed with the family crest and his signature. One of these letters lay in the centre of the desk. Sitting there all on it’s lonesome with a crisp golden apple on top it.

    Curiously I slip into the much loved leather chair placed before the desk. Resting my back on one arm, and draping my legs over the other as I slip the paper into my hands to unfold it. Placing the still cool apple in my lap.

Dear Melona,

   I have been called away to the city by my father. I wish I had the stomach to bring you along, especially after what happened last night,  but alas I don’t. This is not because I think you weak or incapable of handing what I must deal with. It is because my father will be a constant factor. Weather this is simply because I dislike the thought of him being near you, or some deep seeded instinct of the beasts we once where as a male to protect it’s female, I don’t care. You can scold me all you like for it later, but I do not feel bad about this decision. When I return I will share all that has happened when I was gone.

   In my absents I was hoping that you could take up the role in distributing pay to the farmers and their work hands. Everything is in order. All that is required is that you deliver the money. If that is too much then send out the guards to do it. (They deserve a good work out after their incompetence last night. I have made it clear to them that if they allow any harm to come to you that they will beg for death in the end.)

   Still, it would make you more favourable to the local peoples. As well as get you familiar with the workings and culture of my court.

   This decision is yours. Do as you see fit.


Eris Vanserra

   That snake.

    Oh sure, go on and do dangerous stuff while you give me financial and social duties to preform. Why do males get to have all the fun?

    Just out of spite I picked up that pen and scribbled down in big letters. SNAKE.

    Only to have the slip of paper disappear. . .

   Ut – oh.

   Only moments later the paper is back in my lap with a small note beside the letters.

   Oh yes, I am most certainly a snake. Now be a good little dear, eat your apple, and get to work.

   I huff and the paper and write fine.

   As the paper disappears I can almost see that smug look of triumph on his lips. Gritting my teeth I look at the lovely soft yellow skin of the apple. Taking a bite while it made that wonderful cracking sound where it was tightly packed with sweet flesh and juice.


   I did do as I was told, and not that I was ever going to tell Eris, but I liked that he had given me a chance to do something on my own. Even if it feels like he’s testing me out to see how good of a Lady I could be. Even if he had left me to most likely do more important things.

   I suppose since I am new at this it wasn’t so bad. Many of the farmers where at first hesitant to take the fund, but after some insisting and seeing the amount they where happy to take it. Some who looked in dire need began to cry and thanked me as if I had handed them a life time of gold. Maybe to some I had.

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