Chapter 4

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The time passed rather quickly as I went around the rooms that were to be my personal sanchuary until wedding Eris. Three rooms in total. A large main area room filled with lush cushioned couches and cozy fire place that had set ablaze as I had entered with the palace handmaid. Pomona I believe her name is.

Next is the bedroom piled high with plump pillows and thick silken comfoters with leaf and birds made of thread. After that the bathingtoom with a big enough tub to fit at least three.

"Pomona, is it?", I ask as I sit on top of the bed.

"Yes, mistress", she answers mildly.

She is lesser Fae with rough skin that looks of soil. Willow branches bare and yellowed braided back in replace of hair, and who's eyes where a shy green.

Flittering around on wings of stain glass like a damzzle fly as she unpacks my many dresses and other iteams of clothing. It was all I was allowed to bring since it was demanded I leave behind my past court to be filled in with my time in this one.

"You don't need to call me that. You may call me Melona", I offer kindly.

"I beg your pardon miss", she brows her head nerviously. "It is forbidden for me to address royalty so informally."

"Are they really that strickt about that sort of thing here?", my nose crinkles. She answers with another silent nod.

"May I call you Pomona?", I ask.

"You may call me anything you wish mistress", she nods.

"Pomona, it means 'apple maiden' doesn't it?", I smile.

"Indeed. My parents used to own the apple orchards over the hills. . . They are gone now. The good Lord was pleased with the grove of trees and purchaced it", the tone in her voice told me that 'purchaced' was to be translated as 'stolden'.

"You miss it?", I smile sadly.

"Of course, who doesn't miss their home when away from it?", she sighs but realizes she has looked up at me. Shaking her head as she glances back down at the ground. "Forgive me, you have much to think of already. I shouldn't be speaking of such things."

"No, it's okay", I try to sooth her. "I am the one who asked in the first place. Now, do you have any suggestions as to what I should wear to dinner?"

"His young lordship wears an aweful lot of blues. Cobalt seems to be his favoured", she offers as if the information was a penny being placed in my hands.

"Humm, I've never really liked blue myself. What about a nice eggplant or plum?", I ask. "I'm tired of being forced to wear lilac all the time because it is soft. This seems my chance to try new colours", I hope off the bed to come stand next to her and the wardrob.

"Whatever you wish", she hums and steps aside as if I were about to strike her.

Glancing over at her she looks away and I couldn't help but feel aweful that she was so afraid of me. Of unintentionally insulting me and awaiting a punishment from any direction.

"Could you be a dear and draw me up a bath. I want to make as good an impression as I can for my first family dinner", I ask and she scampers off like I had ordered her to get a doctor.

What have I gotten myself into?


After a nice hot bath filled with milk honey and spiced soaps I was clean and happy as Pomona helps curl and pin my hair up with amythist dotted hair pins. Putting a bit of rouge on my cheeks and stain on my lips.

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