Chapter 3

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   The first thing I remeber as the world comes back beneith us is the smell. Crisp cool air, and that soft multch sent of decaying leaves. It smelled like sleeping. Like the whole world had fallen into a deep and peaceful sleep with it's windows open to be able to curl under thick blankets. The layer of reds, golds, and oranges on the ground being the blankets for the sleeping tunnels benieth our feet.

   It's wonderful.

   My admiring of the silent forest as it drops the brightly coloured leaves to the floor is broken by the knickering of horses. A group of six guards on their backs coming into the open. The Autumn Court, like the Spring, enjoys the social statement that doing less work brings. They like looking important rather then being practicle considering most Fae can travel faster on foot then any animal.

   The leader comes up to stand next to the carriage as Tyren smiles up at the young man. His soft blue eyes meeting the stoney grey.

   "The young lord is away on buisness for his Majesty, and has sent us in his stead to acompany you to the palace", the guard says as if reading a boring book.

   "Of course. I'm sure it is ergent if he hasn't come. We apreshiate the assistance", Tyren offers but is only given a curt nod as the guard leaves without even looking in my direction  Weather it was out of respect for my status or because he felt woman infurior, I can't tell. It still made my stomach turn uneasily. Especially when the guards from my own court seemed more like they were encountering a raiding party then fellow guards.

   "You'll find here that people either sugar coat their tounges, or are blunter then a kitchen knife when speaking. It's the only way to do so in a Court where information is what keeps you from any sort of trouble", Tyren warns as he faces me when the carriage starts to move.

   "Thank you for coming with me", I sigh deeply.

   "As much as I advised your father against this, and even though he did not listen, don't think for a moment I am about to let the only thing I have close to a neice go off to battle without someone with her", his smile is sad and defeated. "As confident as I am with your abilities in taking care of yourself, even I don't like coming to this court without someone."

   "Is it really that bad here?", I ask with a cringe.

   He nods. "If you are not careful it can mean your life. . . or worse. I wish I had had more time to prepare you."

   "You've given the best you can, and I'm sure you will give me more in the time we still have", I try tonreasure him. He doesn't look all that hopefull.

   "I am glade there is a lot of your mother in you. You may stand a chance."

   "You all are acting as if I'm heading to my death."

   "You very well could be. Do not think that because you are royal that what happened to Lucian's lover wont happen to you if the High Lord calls for it."

   My throat is suddenly very dry at the stories of that event. The brutality and gore of what happens has been a horror told to roudy teens these past years. With much sucsess I might add.

   "Do you think Eris will like me?", I ask quietly. "Even if that is all?"

   ". . . I wish I could answer, but Eris is somewhat of a mystery to everyone. The young man has been forced into habbits of lies and crulty because of his father. Weather he does what he does out of nessesity, or pleasure, I don't know", Tyren breaths deeply. "But one thing is for sure. Eris has many times risked his life to guard his mother from Beron's wrath more then on one occasion. It's the only hope I have that the son of Autumn might still have a sliver of a soul."

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