Chapter 8

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(Sorry this one is a bit smaller)


The evening passed by quietly with soft chatting between the two of us. It’s calm and not with a lot of expectations from either of us, but both of us nearly leapt from the chairs when the servants declared that our meal was ready.  

   Both of us sat at the table as the food is brought out. Roasted duck and soft bread for him while I was given a lovely assortment of baked potato, carrots, squash lathered in sweet dressing and herbs. Each of us given hot apple cider in our crystal glasses.

   “You’re people enjoy vegetables more then dead things, am I right?”, he hums.

   “At least someone has done their reading. You’re father doesn’t like my food choices”, I huff but happily smile at the thoughtfulness of him having my dish prepared without meats.  

   “My father doesn’t like anything about anyone. Don’t take it personally”, he growls but shakes his head and begins as I say my prayers before joining.

   “Have you been to the temple yet?”, he asks.

    “This is the first time I’ve been out of the tunnels since getting here”, I admit.

    “Would you like to go? There is a small temple near the town I look over. It isn’t anything grand. Father detests the Mother more then I do, but his counselors have held him against completely uprooting them because the people would most likely rite over that deeply engraved of tradition.”

   “I’d be leading the rite”, I mutter into my apple cider.

   “Of course you would”, he chuckles to himself.

   “Again, if it isn’t too much trouble I would really like to go”, I smile.

   “I can arrange for you to go”, he nods.

   Going to fork in some more food I drop it when my body stiffens. Something is wrong.

   “Eris”, I mutter as my stomach clenches as I stand from my chair. Eyes turning blurry as my head spins.

    Next thing I remember is being on the floor with Eris holding me up from behind with his figure in my mouth. Touching the back of my tongue is enough to start up my gag reflex. Sending the contents of my stomach spewed on the floor. The bitter taste of acid in my mouth before the dark claims me.


   After that I recall fading in and out of sleep and waking. I remember dreams of giant serpents and amber eyes. I remember hearing Eris screaming at someone. Promising a fait worse then death. I wanted to tell him that I was okay, that he didn’t have to be scared, but sleep was too thick.

   Then the dark fades away and I’m back in my body. Every inch of me sore and slick with sweat. Laying in a bed I had seen before. Thick green wool blankets tucked around me.

   “Eris?”, I ask but regret speaking at all at how dry my throat is.

   “Eris, she’s awake”, her Ladyship gasps in relief. His form rushing to her side as she sits by the side of the bed.

   “I’m here”, he answers both of us. His tone flat and raw.

   “What – What happened?”, I whine.

   “You were poisoned”, he answers.

   “Poisoned?”, I whimper groggily. “But I haven’t done anything wrong.”

   “It wasn’t meant for you”, Eris comes to stand next to my head propped up on the pillows. Those cold amber eyes looking down at me. “It was meant for me.”

      A half truth.

   “You saved me”, I smile but he doesn’t return it.

    “. . . Mother, I think you should get back. I will look after her until she is able to walk again”, Eris says sternly that the older woman didn’t argue with her son. She gives my hand a soft squeeze and kiss before leaving me and him alone.

   “This is why I didn’t want to risk attachment”, he hisses at me. “We aren’t even married and I’ve already almost lost you to the politics of my court.”

   “Eris, this isn’t your fault”, I murmur and try to reach for his hand. I think he only let me touch him out of guilt and pity.

   “Yes it is. He. . . My father did this to show me how easily you can be taken from me if I don’t stay in line. One wrong move he can have you murdered, or worse”, he rambles. “I can’t – I wont live with that kind of possibility. To be happy then have it all taken from me.”

   “Eris, please listen to me. This isn’t your fault at all. Weather I survive this or not is on me. Not you. I should have known better. I should have checked, and been more aware of my situation”, I tell him while squeezing his hand to keep him anchored in the now. “If I die in this court. If you don’t have the ability to help me, then I will never blame you for the pain I am put through. I promise you that. I will never blame you for what other’s do to me.”

  “How am I supposed to protect you if I can’t even protect myself?”, he snarls at the curtains beside us. Trying not to look at me with hot tears brimming in his eyes.

   “We protect each other”, I offer a smile. “I owe you one, Eris Vanserra.”

   He laughs bitterly and shakes his head at the ceiling.

   “I should have just let you die. It would have been so much easier if you had just slipped away then”, he struggles to keep his breath even.

   “Life is rarely that kind, but that’s why we have each other now”, I hum and pull his hand to my lips. My chapped lips gently pressed over his clasped fingers, and for a moment the world paused.

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