Bonus #7

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With the last peg hammered into the ground I finally get to stand back and admire my work.

   My very own tent. Of course, within range of the space provided for the Matka class to reside in, but the making of our own tent was a symbol of acceptance by both your own resolve, and that of the Clan. It was a public display of deciding to stay and be a part of the community.

   I had woven each thread into its place, water proofed it, and set it up all on my own. A self-sufficient female, ready to serve the people who relied on her.

   Six months’ worth of hard work and I finally have a place to call home.

  “It’s perfect”, Bess chimes as she grabs onto my arm. “Blends in perfectly with the pines, but I’m not sure why you made it so big.”

   “I plane on making room for the street children. They need somewhere to live, someone to care for them”, I beam proudly at my achievements.

   Her smile falters, “They might not trust you quiet yet. They’ve had it pretty rough.”

   “All in good time. For now, all I want is for them to know they can come”, I nod. “It’ll take time.”

   “Perhaps you will need a starter”, calls Devlon from behind as he and Breanna come down the way.

   Bre all big smiles and twin braids.

   “We brought you a baby Lady Cyb!”, the little girl cheers and Devlom gives her a slightly scolding look. “Oopsies, sorry, it was supposed to be a surprise.”

   “You what?”, I ask worriedly as the bundled blanket in the crook of Devlon’s arm starts to wiggle and squeak. Curious I try to stand on my tip toes to see over his shoulder. Greeted by the roundest little face with curly tuffs of black hair.

   “Caden”, I breath in delight and shock as I look back up to the male holding the babe.

   “I said you could have him if you decided to stay. He will be in much better care with you then with anyone else”, he nods.

   “Oh, thank you Devlon! Thank you”, I gasp and make grabby hands for the wee wiggling babe.

   The little boy squirmed in his arms and made and easy shift into my waiting hands. A content little chirp as his head laid up on my shoulder. My hand settling gently over his back as I give his spine a few gentle brushes. He coos and delight. Rummaging his face into my shoulder.

   “Welcome home lil one”, I murmur and kiss his little head. “You’re going to a mighty handful, but you’re going to be worth every second.”

   “Don’t smother the poor boy”, Devlon warns.

   “I know. I promise to chuck him into the pits without mercy when he comes of age to start his training”, I huff and cuddle my baby.

   “Are you sure about that?”, he questions.

   “No”, I grumble. “But I’ll do my best.”

   “I’m sure you will”, Devlon sighs.

   “Lady Cybele, I wanna see inside. I wanna see inside”, Breanna chimes as she tugs on my skirts.

   “Manners Bre”, Dev warns.

   “Please”, she adds with big round eyes.

   “Alright, Alright”, I smile and gently take her hand with my other arm holding Caden in the other. Oh, how easily I could get used to this feeling.

   “Are you not coming?”, I offer to Devlon who’s wings shift slightly in the golden glow of the late summer sun. The world slowly growing colder.

   “Unfortunately, I have a meeting with our allied camps tonight and have little time. Perhaps tomorrow, but could you possibly look after Bre for the night? I don’t like the idea of her being alone at night”, he mentions.

   “Of course,” I smile and carries her soft fingers.

   “Yes!”, she cheers. “Sleepover.”

   “You will conduct yourself properly Breanna”, Devlon warns with that commander’s tone.

   “Yes Sir”, she quirps and nods.

   He nods back with satisfaction, “Try not to spoil them too much.”

   “Of course, not”, I smile and let Bre drag me into my new tent from her excitement. I could have sworn I saw his lips curl into a smile before the beating of his wings carried him off.


   The evening went along nicely with Bre helping me make bedding for the little babe, and setting up the tapestries over the floor to keep the heat of the fire enclosed inside the boarders of the tent. A simple ward to keep the fire’s flame within the pit, but the heat only to reach the walls.

  It was a simple lodging for now. I had a separate little nook there my cot and Caden’s bed would be by my side. It could be blocked off and opened to the main piece of the tent with brushing back a simple curtain. Out in the main area I laid out a few beds, pillows, and extra blankets around the fire where meals would be made. Off to the side a large tin basin to take baths that could also have a drawback curtain for privacy. Even though most of them will be boy who have lived bathing in freezing rivers, or not at all.

   “It’s a very cozy home Lady Cyb, I’m sure many of the street kids will love a warm place to stay, but many have a lot of pride. They might not want it”, she warns and I nod in understanding.

   “Trust takes time and proven through action. I don’t expect any of them to come unless they feel safe enough to do so, but would you encourage them?”, I ask.

   “Certainly, you’re super nice and scared away those bad men. You’re a good fae. I think my friends need a Maja”, Bre smiles as she helps pile the vegetables into the pot for soup.

   Maja, the word used by Illyrian babes as their first word. The way most would say Mama. A tender and soft way to call out to a mother. Not as in the formal title of camp Matka.

   I smile at the compliment.

   “And you of course are always welcome to come visit if you ever find your little shed to be too lonely for you. There will always be a place for you Breanna”, I tell her.

   “Thank you Lady Cyb”, she nods with a happy smile.

   “You can just call me Cyb”, I offer and pat her head. She wrinkles her little face and smooth’s out her now messy hair.

   “If that’s what you like. You’re Lord Devlon’s lady. You say what you want to be called and I call you that”, she insists and my brow raises.

   “Lord Devlon’s lady?”, I ask with maybe a bit too stern a tone.

   “Y- Yes”, she stammers and fidgets from the worry that she had misspoken. “Isn’t that why you’ve come to stay with us? You’re a High Lord Rhysand’s gift to Lord Devlon, and learning our ways before marrying?”

   I should by now be used to people thinking of me as property, but the ease of it coming out of such a young child bothered me. Was it so simple to these people, that this is automatically what they think? That the only reason a single female, a friend of the High Lord, would be here to be married off.

  “You aren’t here to marry Lord Devlon?”, Bre asks.

   “No sweetheart”, I sigh to calm myself. It wasn’t her fault. “No, I’m not here to be marry Devlon.”

   “Oh”, she says sadly. “Too bad, I guess. I really wanted you to be his Reina.”

   “Reina?”, I question.

   “It’s our word for Queen”, Bre tries to clarify. “You’d be a good one. You treat everybody so nice but kick butt when you got to. And Devlon really likes you.”

   “And who told you that?”, I ask curiously.

   “I dunno”, she shrugs and gathers a bit more carrots to cut up. “Everybody talken about you in camp, and Lord Devlon talk about you a lot.”

   “Does he now?”, I laugh softly.

   “Yeah, all that time after you got back from being stuck in the mountains and Master was really sick, he’d call for you a lot when you weren’t there. I try to ask Matka Nasir if I should go get you, but she always sayen no. And one night that General guy came by and them was talking about how to keep you safe. Devlon wanted to set claim so that no other males in camp bother you, or ones in other camps try to take you away. That General didn’t like that and tried to throw a table at him.”

   I nearly started laughing even as my blood boiled. Of course, Cassian would be the one to take me into consideration and try to beat some sense into the male.

   This could be a problem. If rumor gets to my father that his daughter is being married off to an Illyrian lesser fae it would tarnish his name, and my reputation as a chaste female. I would have to confront Devlon on the matter soon if it is going to be stopped.

   “What else has he been saying about me?”, I ask and Bre goes to answer but before she could answer a warning blow of a horn is sounded before the start of an upheaval outside.

   “Raiders!”, Breanna gasps as her skin drains of all color.

   I wouldn’t have much time, but I gathered up Ceden in a warm bundle, threw a dark coat over Bre and snuffed out the fire. Taking them and pressing the babe into the young girl’s hands. She cradles his with ease as she slips under the cot.

   “Stay here as long as possible. If the fighting gets close, head for the forest and hide. I will be right back”, I order.

   “Where are you going?”, she asks.

   “To help”, I answer and untie the belt at the waist of my skirt. Draping it over the floor and stepping out of the tent in just pants.

   When I had reached where the fighting was starting to get bloody, I had to dodge and shield as daggers and the killing power of the Illyrians was easily being used. I was happy to find that my own shield gift was able to reflect such magic, even in it’s raw form.

   The only problems where that I did not have enough training in using my own power, and that the Windhaven camp was getting pushed back far too close to the civilians to my liking.

   “Captain Hagen!”, I call when I recognize one of the higher-ranking soldiers.

   “Lady Cybele, what in the mother’s name! You shouldn’t be here!”, he shouts as he blocks a blade coming down on him before stabbing his opponent threw the chest swiftly.

   “I can fight!”, I protest. “But if we don’t hold these lines better there won’t be much left to fight for!”

   “I am well aware, but I must insist you get back to the camp!”, he yells over another clash of metal.

   “We need to get Devlon back here!”, I insist. Ignoring his pleads. “Send a Winnower for him!”

    “We are capable of defending our home!”, he bites back. Even as the lines are once again broken.

   So, I took a breath a breath, and prayed that the rumors Breanna told me where true. They might be a good enough reason to for him to listen to me.

   “We don’t have time for your ego!”, I bellow. Grabbing onto the collar of his fighting leathers and yanked him down to be eye to eye. “You will call back your Lord and the General from their meeting or so help me Mother above I will have you whipped for insubordination!”

   A snarl ripped out of his from the threat, but he looked at me and paused. I did not break his stare. I did not yield until he let out an irritated growl after weighing his options.

   “Culdron boil me”, he snaps before ordering the nearest winnower to go and call back their war lord.

   “Keep them back. I’ll try to keep them out of the camp as long as I can until Devlon gets back”, I nod and rush back to the camp. Gutting a few raiding soldiers along the way.

   I only stopped once I was at the center of the camp.

   “Lady Cyb! Help!”, Breanna cried as she carried Caden to me with a raider trying to grab her. By now it had become second nature to form attack first, and with my children in danger I threw my sword like a spear and it pierced the attacker threw the chest as Bre kneels at my feet crying and panting. I take Caden in my arms and pull the weeping girl close.

   “It’s okay baby”, I coo and close my eyes. “Maja has you. Maja will keep you safe.”

   With that I let go. Relaxing into the royally well of power as it swelled and bubbled up to the surface.

   A golden shield of light flaring and encompassing the entirety of the camp. Leave most of the warriors outside the camp lines, and the civilians inside. The few strangling raiders easily cut down, but without training or familiarity with my abilities, it was too easy to let myself slip away.


   The ideots. How could my men possibly not be prepared to handle a raiding party without my presence? Where my thoughts as Cassian and I are winnowed back to camp right in the middle of negotiations.

   On getting there and seeing the utter chaos and the shield of blazing yellow light that now guarded my camp from invasion. Seeing it brought ice into my heart.

   Cybele, my Cybele is more equipped and smarter enough to protect my people then my own warriors.

   It brought me a mixture of pride and disgrace.

   Gathering the utter madness of it all and getting my soldiers in line was quick and simple enough, and the raiders where swiftly dealt with. Even sending a few retreating to sob off to their own lord about how they had failed.

   Sheathing Hadres at my side I walked through the grim and blood spilt on my territory towards where Cassian now stood in front of the swirling and storming shield of light. A look of worry on his face as he went to touch the surface and in return it crackled and snapped at his hand like a venomous snake.

   “Mother’s tits”, he gasped out and yanked his hand away. “She won’t - She won’t let me in.”

   He looked at me as if expectantly as the wall begins to quiver and bubble. Much like killing power right before it get’s out of control.

   “She can’t control it”, I realize in horror as it all begins to collapse and without thinking of the consequences I lunge forward and put my hand on the wall and shut my eyes tight before reaching into her.

   Cybele, it’s me. It’s Devlon, let me in, I beg her.

  No, is her sobbing reply. They’ll take them. They’re going to take away my babies!

   No one is taking them from you. I promise, I won’t let anyone take them from you. I will protect you Cyb, always, but you need to put down your shield, I tell her.

   . . . I don’t – I don’t know how, she admits. I don’t know how.

   “It’s alright, just let me in and I’ll help you”, I say out loud just to be sure I get the words right. “Just let me in.”

   The walls around her mind melt like butter for me and I reach in deeper. Pulling myself over and around her. Braiding and coiling my magic around hers until it was balanced enough that I could loosen it’s grip on her. Let it slow back down into her depths before cutting her free.

   The shield around the camp sputtered and burst into soft twinkling embers of faery lights before flickering out into mist.
Opening my eyes, I let out a breath as I slithered myself out from her mind.

   Glancing at Cassian’s face there was nothing but realization written over his face. He had speculated all these months, and now after this, there was no denying it. He knew now what I am to her. He would go off to tell Rhysand, and he would try to convince her to leave, and it took every bit of self-control I had not to slit his throat for it then and there.

   It was made easier to forget about him when I felt her slipping.

   I was moving before he could say anything about it. I had to find her. I needed to keep her here, or she might not make it back to us.

   I found her laying in the muck with Breanna shaking and crying beside her. Matka Bess standing there in shock as she cradled a screaming Caden.

   “Master, she just fell”, Bre whimpers as I crouch beside her and waste no time in picking her up into my arms.

   “Matka, with me”, I order and head for the house. Pulling the small female’s form as close to my chest as I could. Tethering myself to her.

   She was the one to keep me in this world. She cradled me in the shivering rain of the mountains. She fed me her own blood, the taste of that delectable warmth hasn’t left my mouth since. And I’d be dammed to the endless abyss if I let her slip away now.

   Squirming in my arms her eyes peek open at me with a deep frown, “Dev?”

   “I’m here”, I answer her and squeeze her ever so gently. “I’m here.”

   She nods absently before exhaustion claimed her.


  I refused to leave her beside. Even when the Matka explained that she was recovering well, even when the sun came up over the hills, even when my camp was in shambles. I would not move from her side until her eyes where open and she was out of danger.

   It wasn’t until nearly noon when her breath caught, and a delicate sigh escapes her lips. I could have sworn my heart stopped at the sound and all worries brushed out of my mind when her hazel eyes met my own.

   “Cybele”, I sigh in relief and she smiles back for a moment before her eyes widen and she sits up.

   Only to fall back down with a distressed groan while clutching her head, “Ow.”

   “Careful, don’t exert yourself”, I warn and kneel beside her bed from my spot looking out a window.

   “Caden. Breanna. Where are they?”, is of course her first concern.

   “The children are safe. Caden is sleeping soundly in my spare room and Bre is by the fire down stairs”, I reassure her and she relaxes.

    “What happened?”, she asks while rubbing at her temples.

    “There was a raid and you decided it would be a good time to practice using your powers to the extreme”, I answer dryly and she winces.

   “Did I hurt anyone?”, she asks worriedly.

   “No one from our camp, but you were very close to losing control. It could have been a lot worse Cybele”, I hiss and she shrinks away. Not wanting to frighten her I try and take a breath. Glancing down at the blankets of the bed to have something, anything else to focus on other than her. “I could train you to use it.”

   “No”, she protests.

   “Cybele it’s best - ”, I try again.

   “No. I . . . I’ve already hurt someone using it before, and I only used it now because Bre and Caden where in trouble. I could have hurt everyone I cared about”, her eyes slipping tears.

    “If you learn to control it you wont have to worry about that”, I offer.
   “I can’t. I think. . .”, her color draining. “I think I used it all up.”

   “It will come back”, I asure her. “If you were really spent, with that much power usage, you’d have died.”

    “How did you stop me?”, she asks trying to change the subject.

   “I used my own power to stifle your own. It seemed to work well. . . Do you remember any of this?”, I ask and she shakes her head.

   “The last thing I remember is cradling Bre and Caden. Then blank”, she explains.

   Of course, she wouldn’t remember. A part of me was thankful, but the other despaired.

   “You should get some rest”, I tell her and go to get up but her hand grabs my own. 

   “Wait”, she murmurs. “There’s something I need to ask you.”

   Everything inside me stopped.
   “Is it true that there are rumors that I am to be your Riena?”, is the question.

    “I have heard something of the sort I suppose”, I nod.

    “And you haven’t denied it?”, the look of horror on her face made my stomach turn lead.

   “It’s safer for the males to think that. That way they’ll leave you be and not give you any unwanted attention”, I try to explain to her.

   “Devlon, if my father hears anything of the sort, that’s it. It’s over for me. He’ll come and take me away, lock me up in a tower and throw away the key until my wedding day”, she clutches at my hand tighter. I hadn’t even thought of it that way. I hadn’t realized those rumors could be what takes her from me. “Please, I don’t want my life to be over.”

   I hold her hand a bit tighter.

   “I will see what can be done about it”, I nod firmly and she falls back into the pillows. “Now please, rest Cybele. You need sleep. I will come in a bit with some food for you.”

   She nods as her eyes become heavy once more. Letting my guard down for a moment. If only to brush the backs of my knuckles over her powder soft cheeks. A content cooing slipping from her as she leans into that small touch before falling asleep.

   I don’t leave the room until I’ve counted several of her chest rises and falls before I was content in leaving her be. Cassian was waiting for me leaning against the wall.

   “You want to tell me something there Devlon?”, he picks at my ability to tolerate him.

   “No”, I answer and take a step to leave but he blocks my way. “This isn’t the time or place to discuss this Cassian.”

   “Bullshit”, he hisses. “You think I’m just going to let what I saw slip away?”

   “Yes, and you will”, I remark and shove him out of my way to head down the stairs.

   “This is risky. Having her so close”, he jabs again. Testing me.

   “I am aware”, I nod.

   “Then do the smart thing, send her back home”, he commands.

   “No”, I hiss. “She wants to stay. I need her to stay.”

   “This isn’t going to get any easier”, he warns.

   “I know”, I growl and hit my fists against my side to keep me grounded.

   “Then why risk it?”

   “Wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you risk being driven into maddness just for a moment with the one who is your perfect equal? To make sure she is happy even if you know full well she would never except you because fate has other planes?”, I ask and he pauses to actually use his head for once.

   “I don’t know”, he admits.

   “I would”, I answer firmly. “I’d rather suffer this pain in knowing that she is real, and that she can never really be mine and spending a fraction of time with her then never knowing her at all. Not even Rhysand will be able to take her from me. Not unless she asks for it. Not unless she wants to leave. She’s frightened about her abilities, frightened that she’ll be stolen and locked away by her father. Are you really going to be the one to make those fears come true?”

   “Sometimes I really hate you”, he snarls.

   “The feeling is mutual”, I mutter and go to the fire place. “Go. Go tell your High Lord like the good loyal dog you are, but if either of you tell her I swear there will be a price to pay. Let her live the life she wants. Just for a little while. For once let her decide what her life will be.”

   “Fine, but all of this is going to come back and bite you in the ass one day”, he snarks and goes to leave.

    “I know”, I sigh and look back up the stairs where I could sense past wall plaster and beams of wood to see her resting. Safe for now. “I know.”

Culdron boil me 

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