Chapter 26

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(Dear Readers,
   I realize I have not published in a few day. Work this week had been utter Hell. I didn't get a lot of time to write, but I hope this will do for now. Sorry if there are losts of spelling error. I might not get a chance to update for a while again. Thank you so much for your patience and support. I appreciate it ❤

Lady Thyme)


To wake with the morning sun warming your skin, and being utterly consumed by the sent of  cinnamon was some kind of blessing I could not entirely put into proper words. It felt like waking to perfection.

   When I shift with my waking breath his arm curls ever so lightly tighter around my waist. Pressing my back into his wonderfully sculpted chest. The warmth and strength in that touch letting all worry slip away.

    “Eris?”, I call softly. Struggling against the heaviness  of sleep in my eyes, in my bones.

   I receive a grumbling huff and his nose in my hair. Rummaging around for some sort of treat like a hog looking for mushrooms. His thumb running lazy touches into my thick linen top.

   Oh how much I wanted to just lay here for the rest of eternity. Lay here with my soon to be husband and enjoy the silent presence of each other.

     But nothing so wonderful could possibly last forever.

   Somebody off to the side of the bed coughs to clear out their throat. Both Eris and I going very still and taught. Both of us now fully awake and look over to find Serephina in a chair pulled up to the side of the bed. Her smile a mixture of soft  amusement and a mothers scolding.

   “Nothing happened”, where the words that tumbled out of Eris’ mouth as he sits up. Sounding like a youngling getting caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

   “I know”, she smiles with a nod and I let out a loose relieved breath. “This isn’t the first time I’ve found you in bed with a female Eris, and if something really did happen, well, normally the aftermath is very obvious.”

   I watch Eris cheeks turn a shade of deep red and bows his head a little in shame. I just sit up myself and try to rub the sleep from my eyes.

   “Why have you come Mother?”, Eris asks softly. Not daring to be demanding.

   “Well, I do remember making planes with dear Melona to get started on the meat of the wedding that is but about a month away”, she smiles. “I’m sure you two can wait until then to be left in peace to your. . . bedding.”

   “Mother”, Eris gasps in slight mortified horror that she would be encouraging such things.

   “I would very much enjoy grandchildren before I die Eris”, she smiles pleasantly.

   “No”, he hisses firmly which startles both her and I. “No. I am not having children until Beron is long dead.”

   The amount of anger and determination in his voice was painful. He was so scared. Scared that Beron would take his children away as he had himself from his mother. Scared of another child being subjected to the horrors he had been.

   Serephina doesn’t say anything more on the matter as she nods.

   “I’ll be right out in a moment. Just let me get changed”, I offer to help move things along.

   “I have had your breakfast brought up and a dress for today. I hope that is alright”, she hums.

   “Yes, thank you”, I beam as she stands and makes for the door. Much slower and tired then she had looked moments before Eris’ outburst.

   Who I turned to once she had left. He was already looking down at me with sad eyes.

   “I’m sorry”, he murmurs. “I can’t . . . I wont - ”

   I take his cheeks into my hands and press a kiss to his lips. “I understand”, I hum over the softness of his lips.

   “I am sorry if I spoke out of term, if you are not of the same opinion”, he sighs softly and I smile.

   “You haven’t. I agree that I don’t want our children to have any influence from that cruel male. We still have time to see what we want Eris. All of the thousands of years ahead. We have time.”

   He kisses me again. Lips delicately brushing over my own.

   “We should get ready for the day”, I hum and he grumbles in distaste.

    “Promise me that you will provide a distraction now and then”, he pouts when we part.

   I laugh softly and brush back his curls from his eyes. The amount of adoration in then as look looks at me is breath taking. I could drown in that emotion, and it would be the perfect death.

   “And how would you like me to do that?”, I hum while he draws lazy fingers down my spine.

   “I’ll send you notes”, he smiles when my back arches slightly at the touch.

    “I think I can do that”, I nod softly.

   “Good girl”, he purrs and kisses my chin before slipping away and getting out of bed. Leaving me cold and alone on the bed. It is my turn to pout.

   He only chuckles softly and offers a hand to help me up and out of the bed. Sparking the fresh wood in the fireplace into crackling warmth while leading me over to the chairs. A breakfast of cinnamon toast, eggs, and rhubarb jams still wafting in tendrils of smoke.

   “Now this I can get used to doing”, he smiles as I am seated up in my chair and pulling the warm blankets around me.

   “I think so too”, I smile and start spreading the jam over my toast. “What sort of evil planes does your father plane on making you work on today?”

   “Paperwork mostly. A report on gathering trades and how we wish to disperse them for the better quantity of pay. Killias seems to think that ice is gold and I have to constantly remind his that his isn’t the only cold Courts”, he shakes his head and sits in the chair across from my own as I pass him the small jar of jam.

   “This Court is crispy. Those mountains between the two Courts. Do they belong to these lands?”, I ask.

   “Only outskirts but, they do provide a considerable about of ice for us. Yes, not enough, but we are not destitute as Summer is. Their High Lord hoards it like a firedrake with jewels. Not that they don’t already have enough wealth to quench five drakes”, he snorts and pours his tea as I munch on my toast.

   “. . . I was thinking of a pumpkin orange and gold wedding”, I hum thoughtfully.

   “Darling, have you not seen my hair? Are you sure you want to take a chance with orange?”, he raises a brow.

   “Well then how about burgundy? I know it’s a shade of red, but we can mix it with a dark slate blue for you”, I offer.

   “Mix it with gold and beige or soft brown”, he nods and takes in a mouthful of egg.

   “Perfect”, I grin.

   “Anything particular for the evening dinner that you want? What about the cake?”, I ask next as I look over at the balcony overlooking some colourful oaks dancing in the breeze.

   “I really like roasted duck, but I know you don’t like meats all that much yet”, he hums.

   “I’ll make up for it with potato’s”, I smile softly. Watching him from across the small dinning table and sip on some tea.

   “And the cake has to have caramel in it”, he hums with a small smile.

   I laugh softly at the childish grin in his eyes.

   “Caramel there shall be”, I agree and we continue on with our meal and planning as we continue eating and dressing for the day.

   I have some trouble with trying to do up the back buttons of my top, but Eris comes up behind me and skirts my hair over my shoulder. Taking his time with each simple gold studded button. His hands gripping my waist firmly as he brings me into his body. Gently kissing the tops of my shoulders.

   “You’re so beautiful”, he purrs and my cheeks heat softly as I try to not make small keening sounds for him. “My Golden Lady.”

    I look at the two of us standing in the mirror. Somehow seeing him standing behind me helped me see him in a different light. The morning light in his red hair and ruddy eyes made him look softer.

   “That title seems so grand”, I sigh softly and lean back into him as he watches in the reflection as well.

   “You’ll grow into it”, he smiles and kisses my cheek. “I should get going. We both have a long day ahead of us.”

   “I suppose”, I grumble. Turning to hug and kiss him one last time before departing.


   Serephina’s room is piled so high with fabrics of all sorts that you could barely make out any furniture. Nothing but the sea of whites, creams, golds, and red of the surrounding fabrics.   

   “I wanted to make sure you had a good selection”, was her simple answer to the shocked and concerned look plastered on my face.

   “You have certainly provided that”, I laugh nervously. “I have a sort of idea on what I would like. May I draw it out?”

   “Of course”, she nods and has the seamstresses bring me paper and pencils.  

   So we all sat around for hours designing the dress. Making it simple but elegant while keeping in mind the sort of décor that this Court is known for. Harvest, luxury, wealth, warms, and vibrancy. 

   “You’re going to be the Cornucopia of the Autumn Court”, Sera beams softly as she draws a delicate finger over the design of the wheat stocks to be embroidered into the bust of the dress. The dancing leaves of oak in gold in the skirts.

   “What sort of theme did you have for your wedding?”, I ask her curiously.

   “. . . The Sun. I wanted so badly to be a new beginning for this Court. Maybe I set my standards too high”, she sighs with defeat. “I hope you can succeed where I have failed.”

    “I don’t think you’ve failed at all”, I hold her hand gently in my own. She only nods and smiles as she leads me up onto a step stool so they could start their work.

    Only when I started to get fidgety did a slip on paper and a pen appear in my hands.

   Save me from my boredom. Is all that is written. I let out a soft laugh before replying.

   I cannot move. I’m being fitted for the dress. I sprawl and it vanishes as I finish. 

   Does that mean you are just standing there in your undergarments?

   Seriously? Out of all things to ask, that’s what you’re going with? Not, how’s the fitting going? What colours have you chosen? But NO, all you want to know is if I’m next to naked. You’re such a male.

    Indeed I am, and I have the parts to prove it.

   Eris, why are you like this?

   I like knowing that you’re now standing there all flustered and bothered.

   Indeed, I was now standing there with the seamstresses busily working around me, and his mother watching on as my cheeks grow pink and I get all fidgety.

   Snake, I huff back.

   Vixen, I can almost hear that sultry sweet purr of his in my ear.

   “Is everything alright dear?”, Sera asks. No doughtily seeing my body shifting with new energy.

   “Is that Eris bothering you?”, she smiles innocently.

   “Goodness, you have no idea”, I grumble and take a few deep breaths. 

   “He can be quiet the mischief maker”, she laughs fondly.

“What was he like? As a youngling?”, I ask hopefully.

   Her smile falters, but slowly reaches back into her eyes once more as she thinks on it. Looking at the mounds of fabric and out into the autumn morning.

   “I’ve never seen such a happy little Faeling. He was so warm, so kind, and soft and round. Curious about everything he’d see. Even before he could use words he would point at things. He would point at birds and bugs, and all manor of things, and he’d babble away as if demanding to know exactly how it worked.

   But oh he would have himself a little attitude. He could not be told what to do that boy. Stubborn as anything unless you knew how to convince and negotiate. If you could reason with him then of course he would do his best to be agreeable. 

   He was always very comfortable around other people, a little performer. He loved the attention and praise from others. He was wary of people he didn’t know, but had much more empathy towards others then most would believe.

   He could not stand to see people sad.

   I remember once I had been taking him to his lessons with Zathrian. He was the only one that Eris would ever listen to, but we had found him in a state of bereavement and Eris, without any hesitation, he went up to the East Wind and hugged him. Telling that everything would be okay. It was such a sweet and heart breaking moment. 

   As he grew he became so much more adventures. So much more wild and fiery that it became concerning. It got to the point where he ran off a few times. Caused his father so much grief.

   I think that’s when things took a turn for the worse”, she sighs heavily. “My husband does not like being challenged or humiliated.”

     “I think he is still all those things. Maybe even more so. Just in a different way. In a quieter way”, I smile.

   She only nods.

   “Has he taken you to the lake yet?”, she asks with a glint in her eyes.

   “Yes”, I smile as the lingering feeling of our first kiss spreads in my lips.

   “I seem to recall one time I had my sisters over for the evening and of course Eris became quiet the handful when he was out of things to read. So we’d spend hours there. I recall one time he had come up out of the water while holding the back of the head of a massive water python. Not a speak of fear as he dragged that creature, twice his size up onto the rocks to show us. He was just so proud of himself. Even if it scared the living Hell out of us all”, she laughs softly and I have to hold back a snort.

   “. . . But by far my favorite experience I had ever had with my son was when he demanded to be call Embry Wood”, her smile grew into something joyous and prideful.

   “Embry Wood?”, I ask with a soft smile.

   “When he was a youngling I had always read to him. It would be the only thing to settle him. We would read for hours together as he’s fall asleep in my arms. His love of reading has never relented. I still find him in our library in the dark corners trying not to be found.

   But he never loved any book more so then the one about the young land lord who turned into a chivalrous thief. Taking from the greedy rich and giving to those less fortunate. He loved that book. I purchased the original for him on his thirteenth birthday. He aspired to be just like his hero, and he was very good at it.

   We couldn’t find him for over two years. Considering his age and how well our spies work, it was quiet impressive he lasted so long.  He knew the soldiers, and functions of this Court better then his own father.

   Oh the havoc he created. Beron was about ready to skin him alive, most likely kill him for the wholes he punched into our treasuries.

   My son had become a hero to many. He had become a leader to his own band of merry men. They worked to better lesser fae lives. He worked with them. He was something good. . .”, she pauses in her story as something dark crept over her features but she quickly smoothed it away.

   “If I could pray for one thing in my life, one thing, is that there is still some Embry Wood left in him”, she whispers and looks at her hands.

   I wish I could offer up more, but not in front of the seamstresses. Serephina had only given me information that the rest of the Court probably already knew. I couldn’t betray Eris’ well sculpted mask he wears to protect himself. Even from his mother.

   So I just smiled at that fiery red who had changed many fae’s lives out of what was left of the goodness in his heart. Before his father worked to cut it out and replace it with ice and stone. I stood there as the seamstresses worked to cloak me in vibrant Champaign and golds. Thinking of the story that my future husband had lived.


   Sneaking up on Eris Vanserra took a certain kind of skill that few had. Of which I do not possess.

   So, when I had attempted it. I had made it as far as to be only a few feet away when he spins in his chair. Capturing my wrists and pulling me on top of his lap with a smug grin as I let out a startled yelp.

   “Better luck next time Vixen”, he purrs and kisses my chin. His grip on me settling into gentle touches. Tight enough to keep me as close as possible, but leaving room for me to reject his touch if I needed to.

   “You just pretend to not hear me”, I huff and flick his nose. Which he chuckles at and snaps his teeth playfully at my fingers. 

   “Maybe so”, he smirks and places his forehead to my own. “I’ve missed you.”

   “It’s only been a few hours”, I laugh softly.

   “And each moment was torturous”, he grumbles and breaths me in.

   “I’ve missed you too”, I sigh with a smile caressing my lips.

   We sit like that in each other’s embrace in the quiet of an empty counsel gathering room. Just enjoying the touch and sounds of the other. Only breaking when we hear foot steps barreling down the hall.

   Eris quickly setting me down on my feet. Standing himself to block me from view of the door as it swings open. His one hand firmly gripping my wrist, as the other twirls a small flame between his fingers.

   The door opening to revel Beron standing in the doorway. Followed closely behind by my father and Thesan.

   “Mel!”, Thesan gasps in relief and does not hesitate to shove Eris aside in order to hug me tightly.

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