Chapter 18

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    I know Eris told me that this meeting needed to be a private one, but there are only two days before Lammas and I want to be spending it with him. Especially after these past few days since he’s gotten back and been reclusive because of what he did, but I don’t care anymore. At this point I’d grab him by his pointy ear and drag him down to Embry kicking and screaming if I had to, but the closer I get to the meeting room, the more the visitor’s voice becomes familiar.


   I knew that voice almost as well as I knew Thesan’s.  Almost as well as my own Father’s voice. Rhys was the one who had found me after my mother had been killed in front of me. He and his war band had looked after me for months before they were able to find my father.

    At first I had been utterly terrified of the massive winged male who looked like a beautiful nightmare, but with time, and stars on his finger tips, I had learned to trust him.

   He became like a second brother to me, and since the wound of loosing his own sister was still fresh and bleeding, I think I helped fill the gap. He almost didn’t give me back to my father because of it, but after I promised him that no matter what we had become family, he was convinced. Cassian also had to beat some sense into him, but he eventually did hand me back over.

   Sometimes I wish he hadn’t, but we all have a role to play.

    “Is he one of yours?”, Eris hisses at the tall winged male standing before his desk.

    “Why in Prythian would he be mine?”, Rhys hums. “My spies know better then to get caught.”

   “You think too highly of your kinds abilities”, Eris growls.

    “You’re one to talk. Besides, if I ever really wanted anyone truly dead I would have sent Azriel, and my target would never be my dear Melona.”

   “Why not? Isn’t that what you would want. To make me suffer in watching the closest female I’ve ever had in my life being hunted for sport, or killed”, Eris points out and I start to remember the anguish between these two families. The hatred Rhysand must have for Eris because of what happened to Morrigan. These two in a room without supervision is going to end badly. I wish Rhys had told me what really happened to Mor. I wish Eris would too.

   “Melona is a rare treasure isn’t she?”, Rhys purrs suggestively. Most likely just to play with Eris. “Such a free spirited little lady. So kind and gentle, but stubborn as a Illyrian. Isn’t that right dear Melona?!”

   Dammit Rhys! I grumble at him. Hoping that he can see the vulgar gestures I’m making at him through my mind. I get my answer when I feel his mind brush against mine like a lazy black cat.

   “Why’d you go and blow my cover jerk face”, I huff as I push the door open from where I was peeking in. Eris standing from his chair in surprize as Rhys turns to me with that grin of his.

   I glare at him and he just chuckles and opens his arms for me as I come up and barrel into him like a bull. He catches me easily and holds me tightly against him. That soft citrus and sea sent lingered against my nose. 

    “It’s good to see you Rhys”, I smile up at his violet eyes.

    “Wonderful to see you as well”, he smiles back and kisses my forehead. Eris snarls softly at the gesture. “I only wish it where under better circumstances.”

    That’s when I noticed that these two weren’t alone in the room. There was another male tied to a chair between them. Thick black hair tied back was falling out and sticking at odd ends. Dried blood around his crocked nose and split lips. Purple around his eyes and cheeks. His slate grey eyes filled with hatred.

    “Who’s this?”, I ask worriedly looking around Rhys to where Eris now stood.

   “He’s the one who attacked us a week ago”, he seethes back with just as much hatred back at the male. “I’ve been trying to get information out of him these past few days. Nothing’s worked so I called in the only one who could get anything out of this ideot.”

   “You really want to owe me more then you already do Vanserra?”, Rhys wrinkled his nose.

    “Rhys”, I murmur. “Please. Not for him, for me.”

    Looking down at me he watches me for a few silent moment then to Eris.

   Are you sure you want me to do this. You know better then anyone I might not find anything good. He tells me gently in my mind.

    I want to know who is trying to kill me. I need to know where my battles will be coming from. I answers.

    Sighing he nods and looks towards the male tied in the chair. The male freezing for a moment before thrashing. Rhysand hisses as I realize that the male has some sort of training with dealing with mind readers, but Rhys sinks his claws in deeper and the male goes limp with a scream behind his gag.

    Pulling out Rhys shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose.

    “Hybern. He’s from Hybern, and he’s here only for Melona”, Rhys hisses with rage in his eyes.

    I take a step away from the male from the place that took my mother. Normally I am not one to judge or hold prejudges for any sort of people, but Hybern? There was something sick and festering on that island that somehow leaches it’s way into the fae that live there.

    “It’s the first clear shot he’s had since. . . since the war. More specifically the night he had the Lady of Dawning murdered. He was sent to kill both of you. He succeeded with your mother, but after the war you were too heavily guarded. Here, there are so many breeches in security because no one can decide what side they are on”, Rhys explains while watching the moaning and shivering male in the chair.

   “Why does he want to still kill me?”, I ask with hot angry tears in my eyes. “The war is over.”

    “Something about a secret plan that the King has. . . and a Seers prophecy about a golden shield would stop him somehow?”, Rhys shakes his head. “That part of his mind is too chaotic and barred too deep for me to reach. There is something seriously wrong with this male’s mind. It’s sick.”

    “Is he the only one?”, Eris asks coming around the table to my side. Taking my hand gentle in his and I don’t hesitate to burry my face in his chest. To grip at his jacket and hide as he brushes my hair.

    Rhysand pauses to watch the two of us like that. To watch me seek Eris out for comfort and for his enemy to give it so freely. For a second I could have sworn jealous flared in his eyes.

   “Not now, he came alone, but more could come later if Hybern demands it”, Rhys answers coldly.

    “Go ahead and turn his brain to mush if you like. I have no further questions for him”, Eris mutters and holds me a bit tighter in his arms.

    Rhysand looks to me for permission and I nod. He didn’t even have to look at the male for the his brain to drip out like raw meat soup. I had seen him do this so many times. To groups of people by the hundreds, but it never stops being unsettling.

   “Am I dismissed then?”, Rhys snarks.

   “You are”, Eris nods as if approving a servants work and Rhys didn’t move but that twitch in his jaw made me realize he was toeing the line between composure and punching Eris in the face.

    So shyly I untangle myself from Eris and hugged the Illyrian to keep him rooted. Rhys closes his eyes for a moment and gives me a tight squeeze.

    If he hurts you, even in the slightest, you call for me. I will always answer. You will always be safe with me and my inner circle. He murmurs into my mind delicate wrapping himself around my walls.

    “I know”, I say back and squeeze him one last time. “Send the others my love, and tell Cassian he still owes me fifty bucks.”

    “I will”, he chuckles and gives my hair one last kiss. “Be safe little one.”

   I nod as he pulls away to look Eris straight on. “You hurt her. I will kill you with my bare hands Vanserra.”

   “If I do, I’ll let you”, is Eris reply and it catches Rhys so off guard that he actually flickered as he winnowed away.

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