Bonus #3

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"I don't want to go in", quivered the young woman clinging to my pant leg. Both of us covered in sopping muck from the heavy rain this morning. I was brushed and places I didn't think I had, but this was important.

"Let's go talk to him. He might be able to do something to stop those males from trying to hurt you again", I smooth out her hair and whip away the tears streaking her face.

So young. Too young to have been in this situation. Barely even into her womanhood, and judging to the fact that her wings haven't even been cut yet, she hadn't even had her first bleeding.

She was just a child, and those two males are luck I didn't kill them.

"Breanna, everything is going to be alright. I wont let them hurt you. I wont let anyone hurt you. You're safe with me. I promise", I give her shaking body a gently squeeze to keep her grounded.

She whimpers and barriers her face into my side.

I help her past the tent flap of Devlon's meeting place. He stood there with the two males.

"That's her! That's the crazed B!tch that stole our Master's slave girl!", one accused and I pulled my cloak over the girl to shield her from them.

I bore my teeth at the offenders and snarled "You two where trying to rape her! I did not steel her. She sought my help and I protected her from the pathetic excuse of males you two are!"

"And she insults us! She's a nuisance", the other spat.

"Oh you haven't even begun to see how much of a nuisance I can be", I laugh harshly. Darting my gaze at Devlon who had taken a step towards me. He only paused when I gave a warning growl to keep his distance.

He lifted his palms to me and ever so slowly. Silent as if to get close to a doe he crouched down and gently pulled the fabric of the cloak back to see the wide green eyes of a little girl.

"Hello there little one", he says softer then I thought possible for someone of his size. "What is your name?"

"Breanna, sir", she chirps.

"I am Devlon", he says as he watches her carefully. Eyes glancing up to me. Almost as if he were either seeking my approval of his behavior or half expected me to swat at him.

"I know", Bre answers with a nod.

"Why are you so frightened?", he asks next and she grips my skirt a bit tighter. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"It's okay Breanna. He's here to help", I try to reassure her. Baring my eyes down on him to make sure he did just that or suffer my wrath.

"They try and hurt me", she trembles out.

"The brat tells lies!", the males behind him protest.

"If either of you speak over her again I will personally cut out your tongues", Devlon warned calmly as he placed his attention back on the girl.


"My Master is very old and gets very cold. I go out to get him fire wood and those two keep the littles in order. They block the way to the wood shed. They tease and say nasty things at me. I try to ignore them and do my work like asked of me, but they no like that. They grab my wings and pull me to forest. Try to take off my clothes, but nice Lady come and scared them off", she does her best to explain it to him as tears well in her eyes, and my own from the rage pounding blood in my ear.

A cold dark look rumbled in the fire of those hazel eyes, but with one blink and it was gone. Devlon slowly stood and turned to the two males. "Leave my tent while you still can. Go back to the house you care for. I will be speaking to your Master when I am done."

They dare not listen and hastily make their way out of the tent.

Devlon turns to one of his own servants, "Find the girl clean clothes and some stew.

Breanna, go sit by the fire and try to calm down. You've had a trying day and should rest."

The little girl looks to me for help in which way she should go. She looked so lost and scared there at my side.

"Go, I'll come see you in a few moments. Let me speak with Devlon", I coo to her and she cautiously makes her way to the fire at the center of the tent.

"Is what she said true?", he asks after she was settled nicely with new warm clothes and a bowl of stew.

"Yes. I heard her screaming and ran to help. I saw those two try to-", I have to bite my tongue at the memory. "I should have killed them when I had the chance. No one should have to endure that fear. Female or male, especially not a child."

"They will be dealt with. I know you think my people backwards beasts, but we still consider children a blessing, and I do not stand for child molesting", he snarls but turns his head to catch himself.

"Glade to see you stand for something", I huff and fold my arms over my chest.

"What is that supposed to mean?", he growls lowly.

I just shrug and look back at Breanna.

"You will go back to the Matka tent and wait for me. I will take Breanna back to her Master", he leaves no room for negotiation.

"I can take her back", I protest anyway.

"You have already caused more trouble then what you are worth. Do not press your luck on this matter", he states firmly. "If you are going to be trained by my people, by me, you are going to have to except that you are not superior to us. You will take orders from me as all in the camp do to their lord. Here, as the female you are now, I am your superior. You do not have to like it, but you will obey me."

I tighten my jaw because I had so much to say, but I knew there would be no use. I would have to pick and choose my battles with this stubborn Illyrian male. Right now, he was on my side when it came to Breanna safety. Why jeopardize that.

So I took a breath to settle my rage. Looking down at my filthy boots and nodded despite the burning in my eyes. Swiping away the stray tears as I try to quietly collect myself.

Only to be interrupted by callused finger tips grabbing my chin. Not hard enough to hurt, but firm enough to make me think twice about pulling away.

My own hazel eyes meeting him bold ones. He held the strength of the sun in those eyes. Burning and consuming all that I was. I'd never in all my life felt so naked before anyone.

"No harm will come to here. You do not need to worry", he hums and brushes a tear from my cheek only to streak it over my muddied skin. "Go clean and rest, I will come see you after she is safely home."

And dam me to Hell, I listened.


The rain didn't seem to let up so I took my time in boiling the water to warm the cold in my bones. Having set my dirty clothes aside to wash later once the weather becomes a bit fairer. Dry clothes hanging by the small fire at the center of my temp as I soak in juniper green and berries bobbing in my hot bath water too sooth my body and soul.

I was just starting to finishes off with washing when Devlon came stomping in. Leaving me to chuck whatever was in my hand at the males face. Which just so happened to be my bar of soap. A look of startled realization of his blunder when said bar collided into his face.

"Get out you ideot!", I yell at him as I slide deeper into the water.

He turns but does not leave. Only spreads his wings out to let the rain water drop off them.

"It's been over an hour. I didn't think you'd have taken this long", he admits far more calmly then I would have liked.

"I like soaking", I huff as my hair floats around my shoulders and chin.

"Indeed", he chuckles almost amused. "Don't mind me. I will keep my back to you until you are dressed."

All content thoughts of lounging in my bath leave me as I watch the membranes of his wings shift and tighten as they move. Remembering that even if his ears where rounded. Even if he was not High Fae, his hearing was that of any predator, easily able to paint any picture he liked of me.

Grumbling I slip quickly from my basin, dry and slip into the warm clothes. Fleece lined leggings, with thick wool soaks and sweater.

"I am decent", I barely was able to utter to words before he turned. As if knowing exactly when I would finish with the last stroke of wool against my waist.

"Breanna was delivered safely back to her Master", he informed me.

"How was she?", I ask sitting down amongst the furs that lined the wood floor of the semi permanent residence. The planks lifting the tent a bit above the ground to avoid the rain waters that streamed and gurgled underneath.

"Shaken, but she was a brave girl. Soldiered on through it all. The Master will take care of those two males, and the girl will be unharmed", he does his best to reassure as he takes his seat beside me.

"May I go see her?", I ask.

"You don't trust me do you?", he accuses.

"No", I answer with a glance at the fire. "I don't trust you anymore then I trust these mountains to either let me live or die."

"Then why come?", he asks.

"I've already told you", I huff.

"What? That you simply wanted to learn? You could have gone to any Court, any lesser fae species for that. That you want to learn to protect your faelings when you have an even bigger target on your back as a High Lords prized breeding mare, sure, a little more believable. Still the Peregryn are capable warriors that would suit your physical structure more easily. You say you have learned from them, but it's not enough for you, is it?", he peels me apart with fang and claw. "You're running away, aren't you."

". . .And so what if I am?", I mutter and pull a blanket from the floor to keep out the cold from my bones.

"What are you running from?", he asks. Trying to pry the true out of me. "Are you hoping too become a scandal and become worthless to your father's treaties?"

"That is none of your business", I snap and glare at him.

"It dam well is because I will be the one who has to clean up that mess", he growls back through his teeth before softening. "I've already had to deal with that ugly mess to many times to my liking."

"I'm not the Morrigan. I am not fire and gold. I'm not bold like she. I'm just me", I grit out and pull the blanket tighter. "I'm no Darling. I'm no sweet queen of bees and honey. I was born during a war. I was born old and tired, I was born homeless, and I just don't know any other way to be."

He is quiet for a long time. Watching me by firelight.

"I cannot teach you how to fight unless I know what you are fighting", he says so quiet and tender that it startled me a bit.

I looked back at him. The hard planes of his sun kissed skin, and copper eyes that flared like hot metal. His long rivers of black hair pulled back by a crude strip of worn leather. Wings tucked in tightly.

Such brutally beauty, and so roughly forged. It was a simple joy to find that small bit smoothness in him.

Devlon doesn't say anything else as he stands to leave. My heart sinking as I watch him go.

So I offered a broken piece of myself.

"Someone I loved tried to hurt me", I admit and he paused to look back at me. "Much in the same way those males tried to hurt Breanna today."

His jaw and fists tightened. His eyes glared in a wild rage for but a moment before he nods.

"I don't ever want to be hurt like that again. For once in my life I want to feel safe", I say to him.

"Meet me at my house tomorrow. The High Lord's General will be coming to check on your well being", he states while locking away what I had said for later thought. ". . . And I am certain Breanna could use the affection of a female who understands her fear. She resides at the old merchants house. See to her as you wish."

And with that he left.

Embers and Ashes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora