Authours Note

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Dear Readers,

   You might have notices this story had once been up a while ago. Let's just say I got first story jitters, paniced, and made the mistake of deleting my work.
  I will try to write the first two chapters as closely to the ones I had writen.
   Please be pashient with me on this story. I am very new at this, and want to use fanfiction as a practice story to the other idea I have for this page.
   I hope you can enjoy the comforting characters and courts of our Prythian. Keep in mind I own NONE of the characters, except Melona and any other OC's that come along. I will do my best to keep true to the stories our High Lady Sarah J. Maas has set. While still exploring and filling in my own gaps when needed.
   I am also very dyslexic (had to look up the spelling for that one), and I am terrible at grammer and such. So be kind, but don't be afraid of giving consteuctive critisizums.
   Hope you all enjoy.

Lady Thyme

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